The Passion of Saint Shushanik


A Note on the Translation

The present translation of the longer version of the Passion is based on Professor P. M. Muradyan's edition in Surb Shushaniki vkayabanutyune, bnagrer ev hetazotutyun [Saint Shushanik's Life, texts and research] (Yerevan: Gitutyun Publishing House of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, 1996), pp. 18-60. This edition is based on a collation of the readings in the following three manuscripts:

(a) Ms No. 941 of the Mesrop Mashtotsi anvan Matenadaran [Mesrop Mashtots' Manuscript Repository], Yerevan, pp. 231v-236v. This manuscript was copied in Jerusalem in 1689. I. Abuladze used this as well as the edition of 1853 (see below, B) as the basis of his edition, [xxii] Hakob Tsurtawetsi, The Life of Shushanik (Tiflis: 1938).

(b) Ms No. 178 of the Armenian collection in the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, pp. 301r-307v. This manuscript was copied in the twelfth century. Ms No. 236 of the Library of the Mekhitarist Fathers of Venice was copied from this manuscript and was later used as the basis for the first edition of the Passion in Soperk haykakank (Venice: 1853), vol. ix.

(c) Ms No. 1b of the Saint James Manuscript Library, Jerusalem, pp. 826-834. This manuscript was copied in Jerusalem in 1418.

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