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1 | ROM {January -R} Pompeius and Crassus are elected as consuls, after an interregnum.
* Read Dio's account @ +Plut:CatMin_42'1, :Crass_15'4; +Appian:BCiv_2'18; +DioCass_39.31'1-2.* |
2 | The other elections are disrupted by violence, during which Pompeius is splattered with blood; Vatinius is elected as praetor, while Cato is rejected.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ValMax_4.6'4; Sen:Dial_2.1'3, 12.13'5, :Ben_5.17'2, :Ep_118'4; +Plut:CatMin_42'1-7,* 50'3, +:Pomp_52'3, 53'3-4; Appian:BCiv_2'17;(↓) +DioCass_39.32'1-3; AmmMarc_28.4'21; { CAH_9'397.} |
2a | EGY {1 Tybi -E = January} Document: AET_9.7'A, recording the visit of a strategos to the temple of Djeser-set. |
3 | SYR << Gabinius advances towards Mesopotamia, in order to attack the Parthians.
* Read Dio's account @ Joseph:BJ_1'175, :AJ_14'98; Appian:Syr_51; DioCass_39.56'1-2;* Movses_2'16; { CAH_9'271.} |
4 | Pompeius sends a letter authorising Gabinius to assist Ptolemy's return to Egypt by force.
* Read Dio's account @ Lucan_8'448-449, '518-519, 9'1028-1029; Aelian:NA_12'6; +DioCass_39.55'3,* 56'3, 42.2'4, 5'3; { CAH_9'272.} |
5 | ROM Cato is put in prison after opposing the measures of the tribune Trebonius.
* Read Plutarch's account @ [Liv]:Per_105; Sen:Dial_2.1'3; +Plut:CatMin_43'2-6;* +DioCass_39.34'2-4. |
6 | The Lex Trebonia assigns the provinces of Spain and Syria to the current consuls.
* Read Dio's account @ [Liv]:Per_105; Vell_2.46'2, 48'1; +Plut:CatMin_43'1, '7, +:Pomp_52'4, :Crass_15'5-16'2, 35'2; Flor_2.13'12; +Appian:BCiv_2'18; +DioCass_39.33'1-35'5;* Eutrop_6.18'1; Oros_6.13'1; { CAH_9'398; OCD_t.} |
7 | Caesar's command in Gaul is extended for a further five years.
* Read Dio's account @ Caes:BGall_8.53'1; Cic:Phil_2'24; Vell_2.46'2; +Plut:CatMin_43'8-10, +:Pomp_52'4, :Crass_15'5; +Appian:BCiv_2'18; +DioCass_39.36'1-2;* { OCD_c; according to Dio, this happened later on the same day as the Lex Trebonia.} |
8 | {11 February -R} The senate passes a decree against bribery.
* Read Cicero's account @ #Cic:QFr_2.8'3;* +DioCass_39.37'1. |
8a | Crassus passes the Lex Licinia de Sodaliciis, a law banning illegal associations in elections.
@ Cic:Planc_36-48, :Fam_8.2'1; Schol:Bob_150,L +152, 160;L |
9 | Document: Cic:QFr_2.8, a letter from Cicero to his brother Quintus, describing his meetings with Pompeius and Crassus. |
10 | EGY Gabinius invades Egypt, defeats Archelaus and reinstates Ptolemy as king.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:Att_4.10'1, :Pis_48-50, :RabPost_19-21, 34, :Phil_2'48; Strab_12'558;(3.34) ValMax_9.1e'6; Joseph:BJ_1'175, :AJ_14'98-99; Plut:Ant_3'4-4'6; Appian:Syr_51; Athen_5.206'c-d; +DioCass_39.55'1-3,* 56'3-5, 58'1-3, 45.26'4; Schol:Bob_168;L { CAH_9'272; Bennett.} |
11 | Ptolemy kills his daughter Berenice.
@ Strab_17'796;(1.11) [Euseb]:Chron_167;(↓) { CAH_9'320.} |
12 | Gabinius leaves behind Roman soldiers in Egypt.
* Read Caesar's account @ Caes:BCiv_3.103'5,* 110'6; DioCass_42.5'4; { CAH_9'390.} |
13 | The Roman banker Rabirius Postumus is put in charge of the financial affairs of Egypt, as dioecetes.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:RabPost_22-40;* BD_52A; Suet:Claud_16'2; { CAH_9'272.} |
14 | ROM Document: Cic:Fam_5.12, a letter from Cicero to L.Lucceius. |
15 | {April -R} Document: Cic:Att_4.6 & 4.9-10, letters from Cicero to Atticus. |
16 | {April -R} Cato leaves the theatre during the Floralia, to avoid seeing naked women on stage.
@ ValMax_2.10'8; Sen:Ep_97'8; Mart_1.epist; { When C.Messius was aedile ( DPRR ).} |
17 | GER Two German tribes, the Usipetes and Tencteri, cross the Rhine and invade the territory of the Menapii.
* Read Caesar's account @ ~Caes:BGall_4.1'1-6'5;* Plut:Caes_22'1; DioCass_39.47'1. |
18 | The Germans agree to withdraw under the terms of a truce with Caesar.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_4.7'1-11'6;* DioCass_39.47'2. |
19 | ROM Cicero and some of the Syrians demand that Gabinius should be prosecuted for his invasion of Egypt.
@ +DioCass_39.59'1-60'1. |
20 | Piso returns from Macedonia to Rome.
@ Cic:Pis_53-55. |
21 | GER Some of the Germans break the truce; their elders visit Caesar to apologise and to ask for the renewal of the truce.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_4.12'1-13'6;* Plut:Caes_22'2-3; Appian:Gall_18'1, '3-4;(24a) DioCass_39.47'3-48'1. |
22 | Caesar attacks the German camp by surprise, and slaughters everyone inside it, including the women and children.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_4.14'1-15'5;* [Liv]:Per_105; Plut:CatMin_51'1, :Caes_22'5; Appian:Gall_1'12,(24b) 18'1;(24a) ~DioCass_39.48'2; Oros_6.8'23. |
23 | ROM {26 June -R} Document: Cic:Att_4.11, a letter from Cicero to Atticus. |
24 | PAL Gabinius defeats Alexander, the son of Aristobulus, in a battle near Mount Tabor.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'176-178,* :AJ_14'100-102; { CAH_9'273.} |
25 | ROM The consuls propose a law to curtail spending on luxury, but the law is successfully opposed by Hortensius.
@ +DioCass_39.37'2-4. |
26 | GER Caesar constructs a bridge over the Rhine, and briefly crosses over to the east of the river.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_4.16'1-19'4;* Diod_5.25'4; [Liv]:Per_105; Plut:Caes_22'6-23'1; Suet:Caes_25'2; Flor_1.45'15; Appian:Gall_1'12-13;(25b) ~DioCass_39.48'3-5; Eutrop_6.17'3; Hieron:Chron_1961; Oros_6.9'1; { CAH_9'400.} |
27 | SPA Metellus Nepos is unable to suppress a rebellion led by the Vaccaei.
@ +DioCass_39.54'1-2; { DPRR.} |
28 | PER Orodes defeats Mithridates, and establishes himself as king of Parthia.
* Read Justin's account @ Plut:Crass_21'7; Just_42.4'1-4;* { OCD_o; OHIH_p172<54/3?>.} |
29 | BRI C.Volusenus sails across to Britain, to gather information about the island for Caesar.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_4.20'1-22'6;* Diod_3.38'2-3; Quint_7.4'2; Suet:Caes_58'1. |
30 | ROM {August -R} Document: Cic:Pis, Cicero's speech condemning Piso's conduct in Macedonia.
@ Ascon_1-2,L 14;L { OCD_c.} |
31 | {August -R} Pompeius holds magnificent games to celebrate the opening of his theatre and the dedication of the temple of Venus Victrix.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:Off_2'57; +Ascon_1,L 16;L ValMax_2.4'6; Sen:Dial_10.13'6-7; Plin:HN_7'34, '158, 8'20-21, '53, '64, '70, 36'41, '115; Plut:Brut_14'2, :Pomp_40'9, +52'5; Tert:DeSpect_10; +DioCass_39.38'1-6;* ChronPasc_456'A; { CAH_9'400.} |
31a | T.Ampius Balbus fail to be elected as consul, despite the support of Pompeius.
@ Schol:Bob_156;L { DPRR.} |
32 | Document: Cic:Fam_7.1, a letter from Cicero to M.Marius. |
33 | BRI Julius Caesar lands in Britain, despite resistance from British forces as his army disembarks.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_4.23'1-27'7;* Strab_4'199;(5.2) ValMax_3.2'23b; Plut:Caes_16'5-7, 23'2-4; Tac:Dial_17'4-5; Suet:Caes_47'1; Flor_1.45'16-17; Appian:Gall_1'13,(25b) :BCiv_2'150; +DioCass_39.50'1-51'3; Julian:Caes_321'A; Oros_6.9'2; Nennius_19; Bede_1'2. |
34 | ARA Gabinius attacks the Nabataeans.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'178,* :AJ_14'103; { CAH_9'273.} |
35 | BRI Caesar's ships are damaged by a high tide on the coast of Britain.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_4.28'1-29'4;* Strab_4'200;(5.3) Flor_1.45'17; +DioCass_39.52'1; Oros_6.9'2; Nennius_19; Bede_1'2. |
36 | The British gather fresh forces to attack Caesar, but he overcomes them in battle.
* Read Caesar's account @ +Caes:BGall_4.30'1-35'3;* Appian:Gall_19'1;(25a) +DioCass_39.52'1-3; Bede_1'2. |
37 | {September} Caesar leaves Britain, after demanding hostages.
* Read Caesar's account @ Caes:BGall_4.36'1-4;* Strab_4'200;(5.3) +DioCass_39.52'3-53'2; Nennius_19; Bede_1'2; { Shortly before the autumn equinox.} |
38 | GAL Caesar makes a punitive raid against the Morini and Menapii.
@ +Caes:BGall_4.37'1-38'4. |
39 | ROM << Document: Lucr_, Lucretius' poem "De Rerum Natura".
@ Hieron:Chron_1923. |
40 | {October} The death of the poet Lucretius.
* Read Suetonius' account @ #[Suet]:Verg_6;* Hieron:Chron_1923; { OCD_l<55 or 51>; this is said to have been on the same day as Vergilius' fifteenth birthday.} |
41 | CIS Vergilius moves from Cremona to Mediolanum.
* Read Suetonius' account @ +[Suet]:Verg_6-7;* Hieron:Chron_1964. |
42 | ROM The senate decrees a public thanksgiving of twenty days for Caesar's victories, despite the opposition of Cato.
* Read Plutarch's account @ +Caes:BGall_4.38'5; Plut:CatMin_51'1-5,* :Caes_22'4, :Crass_37'3; Appian:Gall_18'2;(24a) { CAH_9'400.} |
43 | Document: Cic:DeOr_, Cicero's treatise on rhetoric, "De Oratore".
@ Cic:Att_4.13'2; { OCD_c.} |
43a | ?? Crassus is accused by Plotius of an improper relationship with the Vestal virgin Licinia.
@ Plut:Crass_1'2. |
43b | ?? Crassus and Hortensius are named as heirs of L.Minucius Basilus, but his will is alleged to have been forged.
@ Cic:Off_3'73-75; ValMax_9.4'1. |
43c | ?? A retort of Crassus, after being mocked by Domitius about the death of his pet fish.
@ Aelian:NA_8'4; Plut:Mor_89'A, 811'A, 976'A. |
43d | ?? Sarcastic comments of Cicero about Crassus.
@ Plut:Cic_25'2-4. |
44 | Crassus estimates his wealth before leaving Rome; the total is 7,100 talents.
@ Plut:Crass_2'2. |
45 | {November -R} Crassus musters an army despite the opposition of the tribunes, and leaves Rome for the east.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:Att_4.13'2, :Fam_1.9'20, :Div_1'29-30; Caes:BGall_6.1'2; Vell_2.46'3; Lucan_3'126-127; Plin:HN_15'83;L Plut:Cic_26'1, :Crass_16'3-6, +:Pomp_52'5; Flor_1.46'1-3; Appian:BCiv_2'18; +DioCass_39.39'1-7;* { CAH_9'400.} |
46 | {November -R} Document: Cic:Att_4.13, a letter from Cicero to Atticus. |
47 | Document: Cic:QFr_2.9, a letter from Cicero to his brother Quintus. |
48 | == Pompeius passes a law about the selection of juries.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Pis_94,* :Phil_1'20; Ascon_17;L { CAH_9'398.} |
49 | == The senators support a proposal made by Pompeius, as consul, about extortion.
@ Cic:RabPost_13. |
50 | == Helvius Mancia, in the trial of L.Libo before the censors, bitterly criticises Pompeius' earlier ruthlessness.
@ ValMax_6.2'8; { The censors for this year were M.Valerius Messalla and P.Servilius Vatia Isauricus (MMR_2'147).} |
51 | == Document: Catull_11 & 29 & 55 & 113, four poems by Catullus. |
52 | ?? Aristodemus of Nysa gives lessons on grammar to the sons of Pompeius.
@ Strab_14'650;(1.48) { Pompeius' sons were born in about 79 and 67 B.C.} |
53 | << Cato gives his wife Marcia to his friend Hortensius.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Strab_11'515;(9.1) Lucan_2'329-33, '339, '344-345; Quint_3.5'11, '13, 10.5'13; Plut:CatMin_25'1-13;* Appian:BCiv_2'99;(↓) Tert:Apol_39'12; { The date is uncertain, but it was probably after Cato's return from Cyprus.} |
54 | SAR == An alleged plot against Bostar by M.Scaurus, as propraetor in Sardinia.
@ Cic:Scaur_fr'h-i, 'o, 5-13; Ascon_18; { DPRR.} |
55 | ARM << Artavasdes becomes king of Armenia, after the death of Tigranes.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_11'532;* (14.15) Lucian:Macr_15; Movses_2'22-23. |
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