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1 | ROM {5 February -R} Catilina forms another plot against the consuls, but fails to carry it through.
@ #Sall:Cat_18'6-9; { CAH_9'342.} |
2 | Cato returns to Rome, accompanied by the philosopher Athenodorus.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plin:HN_7'113; Plut:CatMin_10'1-3,* :Mor_777'A; DiogLaert_7'34; { Cato returned in time to be elected quaestor for 64 B.C.} |
3 | SPA Catilina's accomplice Piso is sent as quaestor to eastern Spain, where he dies.
* Read Sallust's account @ ~Sall:Cat_19'1-5;* CIL_1.749; Ascon_92,L (↓) 93;L Suet:Caes_9'3; DioCass_36.44'5; { CAH_9'342.} |
4 | ROM Manilius, the tribune of the previous year, is brought to trial and convicted.
@ +Ascon_60,L 65;L Schol:Bob_119;L { CAH_9'343; OCD_m.} |
5 | EXT Pompeius attacks Artoces, king of the Iberians, and forces him to surrender.
* Read Dio's account @ Strab_11'491,(1.6) '501;(3.5) Vell_2.40'1; ~Plut:Pomp_34'6-8; Flor_1.40'28; Appian:Mith_103; +DioCass_37.1'1-2'7;* Festus:Brev_16'3; Eutrop_6.14'1; ~Oros_6.4'8; { CAH_9'256.} |
6 | ROM C.Cornelius is again accused of treason, but he is defended by Cicero and acquitted.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Vat_5-6, :Brut_271;* ValMax_8.5'4; +Ascon_57,L 60-62,L 64,L 75,L 79,L (↓) 81,L 82;L Schol:Bob_144;L { CAH_9'343-344; OCD_corn.} |
7 | EXT Pompeius invades Colchis.
* Read Appian's account @ Strab_11'491;(1.6) Flor_1.40'28; ~Appian:Mith_103;* +DioCass_37.3'1-3. |
8 | CHE Mithridates subdues various tribes on his route round the Black Sea, including Heniochi, Achaei, Scythians and Maeotians.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_11'496;* (2.13) Plut:Pomp_35'1; ~Appian:Mith_102' |
10 | ROM {? July -R} Document: Cic:Att_1.1 & 1.2, two letters of Cicero to Atticus. |
11 | EXT Pompeius attacks Oroeses, king of the Albanians, and defeats him again.
* Read Dio's account @ Strab_11'502;(4.5) Vell_2.40'1; Frontin:Str_2.3'14; ~Plut:Pomp_35'1-6; +DioCass_37.3'4-4'4;* { CAH_9'257.} |
12 | Pompeius agrees a treaty with the Albanians, and other nations bordering on the Caspian Sea.
* Read Dio's account @ Strab_11'491,(1.6) '503;(5.1) Plin:HN_6'51; Plut:Pomp_34'6, 38'6, :Mor_324'A; Flor_1.40'28; +DioCass_37.5'1;* Just_42.3'4; Festus:Brev_16'3; Eutrop_6.14'1. |
13 | ROM {? September -R} Caesar as aedile spends large amounts of money in order to provide magnificent games.
* Read Suetonius' account @ Caes:BCiv_3.16'3; Plin:HN_33'53; ~Plut:Caes_5'9; Suet:Caes_10'1-2;* Appian:BCiv_2'1; DioCass_37.8'1-2; { CAH_9'344; OCD_c.} |
14 | Caesar restores Marius' monuments.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Vell_2.43'4; ~Plut:Caes_6'1-7;* Suet:Caes_11'1; { CAH_9'343.} |
15 | Catilina is eventually brought to trial by Clodius, but he is acquitted.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Att_1.2'1;* QCic:Pet_10;(3) +Cic:Sull_81, :HarResp_42, :Cael_10, 14, :Pis_95; Ascon_9,L +85-87,L 89,L 92;L Quint_5.2'4; { CAH_9'345; OCD_clod.} |
16 | ARM Pompeius rejects a request from the Parthian king Phraates for a treaty, and sends Afranius to occupy Gordyene.
* Read Dio's account @ Lucan_8'218-232; Plut:Pomp_33'8, ~36'1-2, :Mor_204'A; +DioCass_37.5'2-6'3;* Oros_6.4'9; { CAH_9'263.} |
17 | PON A savage tribe called the Heptacometae slaughter a detachment from Pompeius' army, on the way from Colchis to Pontus.
@ Strab_12'549.(3.18) |
18 | CHE Machares commits suicide, to escape the revenge of his father Mithridates.
@ ~Appian:Mith_102.(↓) |
19 | ROM Crassus, as censor, proposes that Egypt should be turned into a Roman province, but is opposed by his colleague Catulus, and by Cicero.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:LegAgr_2'44;* Strab_17'798;(1.13) Plut:Crass_13'1; Suet:Caes_11'1; Schol:Bob_91-93; { CAH_9'271; OCD_cras.} |
20 | The censors disagree over whether the Transpadanes should become Roman citizens, and resign without achieving anything.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:Off_3'88; Plut:Crass_13'1, 35'3; ~DioCass_37.9'3-4;* { CAH_9'345-346; OCD_cras.} |
21 | GRE ++ Atticus gains great popularity amongst the Athenians, during his long stay in their city.
@ Nepos:Att_2'3-3'3, 4'3. |
22 | Atticus leaves Athens and returns home to Rome.
@ +Nepos:Att_4'5. |
23 | ITA {8 December -R} The poet Horatius is born at Venusia.
* Read St.Jerome's account @ Hor:Epod_13'6, +:Od_3.21'2; #[Suet]:Hor_h; +Hieron:Chron_1952,* 2008; { OCD_h.} |
24 | ROM == Omens; a statue of Romulus and Remus is struck by lightning.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Cat_3'19-20,* :Div_1'19-20; ~DioCass_37.9'1-2; Obseq_61; August:DeCiv_2'27; { CAH_9'344.} |
25 | == The Lex Papia bars aliens from living in Rome.
* Read Dio's account @ Cic:Arch_10, :Balb_52, :Off_3'47; ValMax_3.4'5; ~DioCass_37.9'5;* Schol:Bob_175; { CAH_9'344-345; OCD_lex.} |
26 | == Murena, as praetor, seeks popularity by organising public shows.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Mur_37-38,* 41-42; Plin:HN_33'53; { DPRR.} |
27 | ?? Q.Mucius is accused of theft by L.Calenus, but he is defended by Cicero.
@ Ascon_86.L |
28 | ?? The creation of the Actio Serviana, a procedure in Roman law.
@ Gaius:Inst_4'35;L Justin:Dig_20.1.3'1, 21.2.66'1<q" Papinian>; Justin:Dig_10.2'29, 20.1'7<q" Paulus>; Justin:Dig_10.4.3'3, 20.1.10'1<q" Ulpian>; { CAH_9'562.} |
29 | AEG ?? Apollonius Molon allegedly commits outrages against women and children.
@ Joseph:Ap_2'270; { Apollonius visited Rome for the first time in 87 B.C.; he is last heard of in 74 B.C.} |
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| 07.09.24
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