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1 | ROM Lepidus is declared a public enemy, after a speech in the senate by Philippus.
* Read Florus' account @ Sall:Hist_1'65-67;L Flor_2.11'7;* +Hieron:Chron_1940; { CAH_9'209.} |
2 | The senate summons Lepidus back to Rome, and he marches towards the city.
* Read Livy's account @ Sall:Hist_1'60-63;L ~[Liv]:Per_90;* ~Plut:Pomp_16'4; Flor_2.11'5; ~Appian:BCiv_1'107; Oros_5.24'16; { OCD³.} |
3 | C.Caesar decides not to join Lepidus.
@ ~Suet:Caes_3'1. |
4 | << Cn.Dolabella celebrates a triumph, for his victories in Macedonia.
@ Cic:Pis_44; { CAH_9'790; DPRR.} |
5 | SPA Sertorius sets up a rival "senate" of his supporters in Spain.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Sert_22'5-8;* Appian:Hisp_101, :Mith_68, ~:BCiv_1'108; { ~ OCD³.} |
6 | << Sertorius wins the support of the Spanish leaders by his generosity, and sets up a school for their children at Osca.
@ ~Plut:Sert_14'1-5. |
7 | Sertorius is rescued and carried to safety by his bodyguards after an unsuccessful attack on a city.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_1'112, 2'70;L ~Plut:Sert_14'6.* |
8 | AEG << Cicero studies rhetoric under Apollonius Molon in Rhodes.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Planc_84, :Brut_151, ~'316; ValMax_2.2'3; Quint_12.6'7; Plut:Cic_4'4-5,* :Caes_3'1; Aelian:VH_12'25; [Vict]:VirIll_81'2; Schol:Bob_166.L |
9 | ROM Catulus defeats Lepidus in a battle near the Campus Martius, and forces him to retreat back to Etruria.
* Read Appian's account @ Sall:Hist_1.68, _3.34'9-10; ValMax_6.9'5; Flor_2.11'6-7; ~Appian:BCiv_1'107;* Ampel_19'7; Eutrop_6.5'1; ~Oros_5.22'16; { CAH_9'209; OCD³.} |
10 | Catulus provides a peaceful return to normal life at Rome after Lepidus' defeat, and new consuls are finally elected.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_1'75;L ValMax_2.8'7; ~Plut:Pomp_16'1-2;* Flor_2.11'8; Ampel_19'7; ~Oros_5.22'18. |
11 | CIS Cn.Pompeius is appointed to lead the government forces against Lepidus' supporters in Cisalpine Gaul.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Sull_34'9,* ~:Pomp_16'3; { CAH_9'209.} |
12 | M.Brutus surrenders to Pompeius, and is killed near Mutina.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_1'70;L ~[Liv]:Per_90; ValMax_6.2'8. Plut:Brut_4'1, '3, ~:Pomp_16'4-8,* 64'5; Appian:BCiv_2'111; ~Oros_5.22'17; { CAH_9'209; OCD³.} |
13 | Pompeius' soldiers slaughter the senators of Mediolanum.
@ Frontin:Str_1.9'3; { Frontinus does not indicate the date, but this seems a likely context.} |
14 | ETR Lepidus is defeated again, at Cosa.
* Read Lucan's account @ Sall:Hist_1'71;L Lucan_2'547,* 8'808; Plut:Pomp_31'12; Exsuper_39; ~Oros_5.22'16. |
15 | Scipio is killed when the government forces capture Alba.
@ ~Oros_5.22'17, 24'16; { CAH_9'209.} |
16 | SAR Lepidus escapes to Sardinia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_1'72-73;L ~[Liv]:Per_90; Plut:Pomp_16'9;* [Vict]:VirIll_77'3; Exsuper_39. |
17 | ROM Cicero returns to Rome.
* Read Cicero's account @ ~Cic:Brut_316,* '318; !Hieron:Chron_1938; { ~ OCD³.} |
18 | GAL << The proconsul L.Manlius and his legate L.Valerius are defeated in Aquitania.
@ Caes:BGall_3.20'1; { DPRR.} |
19 | SPA << Sertorius wears down Metellus by using guerrilla tactics.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Sert_12'5-13'6,* 18'1; ~Oros_5.23'5. |
20 | CAP << Tigranes invades Cappadocia with an overwhelming force.
@ Appian:Mith_67; { ~CAH_9'232; after the death of Sulla.} |
20b | EXT << After the death of Arshak, his son Artoces becomes king of the Iberians.
@ ChronGeorg_4; { Traditional date, according to C.Toumanoff.} |
20c | BOS << Document: SEG_55.855, recording the dedication of a wall at Olbia by a general of Mithridates. |
21 | MAC Appius Claudius and his legate Fonteius defend Macedonia against raids from the Thracian tribes living near Mt.Rhodope.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:Font_44; Sall:Hist_1'120-121;L ~[Liv]:Per_91;* Flor_1.39'6; Obseq_59; Festus:Brev_9'2; ~Eutrop_6.2'1; AmmMarc_27.4'10; ~Oros_5.23'17-19; { ~ OCD³; DPRR.} |
22 | ILL Cosconius defeats the Illyrians and captures Salonae.
* Read Eutropius' account @ Cic:Clu_97; Sall:Hist_2'38;L Eutrop_6.4'1;* ~Oros_5.23'1, '23; { DPRR; Cosconius captured Salonae after two years of fighting.} |
23 | Bulbus attempts to stir up unrest in Cosconius' army.
@ Cic:Clu_97. |
24 | SAR Triarius fights against Lepidus in Sardinia.
* Read Exsuperantius' account @ Ascon_19; Exsuper_40;* { DPRR.} |
25 | ROM ?? Lepidus decorates his house at Rome in magnificent style.
@ Plin:HN_35'12, 36'49, '109. |
26 | SAR Lepidus commits suicide, according to some because of the distress caused by his separation from his wife Appuleia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Cat_3'24; ~[Liv]:Per_90; Plin:HN_7'122, '186; ~Plut:Pomp_16'9;* Flor_2.11'7; ~Appian:BCiv_1'107; Exsuper_41. |
27 | CIL Servilius captures the stronghold at Olympus of the pirate Zenicetes, who commits suicide.
* Read Strabo's account @ Cic:Verr_2.5'79; Sall:Hist_1'116;L Strab_14'671;* (5.7) Oros_5.23'22; { CAH_9'232; DPRR.} |
28 | SPA Perperna takes the remainder of Lepidus' army to Spain, to fight alongside Sertorius.
* Read Appian's account @ Sall:Hist_2'15;L ~Plut:Sert_15'1-2; Suet:Caes_5'1; Appian:BCiv_1'107,* (↓) '108; Exsuper_42; Oros_5.24'16; { CAH_9'217; OCD³.} |
29 | Sertorius captures Contrebia and other towns.
* Read Livy's account @ Liv_fr'18;L ~[Liv]:Per_91;* { McGushin_1'180-181.} |
30 | SPA Sertorius retires to his winter camp at Castra Aelia.
@ Liv_fr'18.L |
31 | ROM Pompeius is appointed to share the command with Metellus in the war against Sertorius; L.Philippus says he is being sent "instead of the consuls".
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:LegMan_62, :Phil_11'18; Sall:Hist_2'16-20,L _2.82'4; ~[Liv]:Per_91; ValMax_8.15'8; Plut:Pomp_13'9, ~17'1'4;* Appian:Hisp_101, :BCiv_1'80,(↓) ~'108;(↓) DioCass_36.25'3, 27'4; [Vict]:VirIll_77'4; Eutrop_6.1'2; ~Oros_5.23'8; { CAH_9'210; OCD³.} |
32 | An omen for the wife of D.Laelius - two snakes appear in her bed.
@ +Obseq_58. |
33 | == M.Terpilius is regarded as contemptible for his behaviour while tribune of the plebs.
@ +Ascon_81.L |
34 | == The death of T.Quinticius Atta, a writer of Roman dramas.
@ +Hieron:Chron_1940. |
35 | == Cn.Dolabella is prosecuted by C.Caesar on a charge of extortion in Macedonia; he is defended by Hortensius, and is acquitted.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Cic:Brut_317; Vell_2.43'3; ValMax_8.9'3; Ascon_26,L 74;L Quint_12.6'1; Plut:Caes_4'1-2;* Suet:Caes_4'1, 55'1; [Vict]:VirIll_78'2; { CAH_9'210.} |
36 | == Hortensius speaks in defence of M. Canuleius.
@ ~Cic:Brut_317; { Soon after Cicero's return to Rome.} |
37 | == Q.Calidius is brought to trial and convicted, despite his friendship with Metellus.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_1'38, :Planc_69-70;* { DPRR.} |
38 | == Mamercus overrules the praetor Cn.Orestes to deprive Genucius, a "gallus", of his inheritance.
@ +ValMax_7.7'6. |
39 | Cicero quickly establishes a reputation as an orator, after his return to Rome.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Cic:Brut_316; Plut:Cic_5'1-4.* |
40 | PER << The accession of Sinatroces, as king of Parthia.
@ ~Lucian:Macr_15<q" IsidChar_3>; { OCD³; OHIH_p391.} |
41 | CIS == The birth of M.Minucius Felix of Veleiatium, who is said to have lived to be at least 150 years old.
@ ~Plin:HN_7'163; { He was recorded as 150 years old in the census of 74 A.D.} |
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