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1 | ROM Q.Varius passes the Lex Varia, which sets up a commission to punish those found guilty of aiding the Italians.
* Read Appian's account @ ValMax_8.6'4; Ascon_22;L ~Appian:BCiv_1'37;* { CAH_9'114; OCD_v.} | ||||||||||||||
2 | Bestia, Cotta, and Memmius are found guilty under the Lex Varia, and go into exile.
* Read Appian's account @ Cic:DeOr_3'11, ~:Brut_304-305; Sen:Dial_12.16'7; ~Appian:BCiv_1'37.* | ||||||||||||||
3 | Other trials under the Lex Varia, including the acquittal of M.Antonius and M.Scaurus.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Sest_101,* :Scaur_fr'e, :Tusc_2'57; Ascon_22,L 73;L (↓) Quint_5.12'10; [Vict]:VirIll_72'11; { OCD_caepio.} | ||||||||||||||
4 | CIS Q.Sertorius, as quaestor in Cisalpine Gaul, collects supplies for the Romans.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_1'77; Plut:Sert_4'1-5;* { DPRR.} | ||||||||||||||
5 | ETR << The Italians adopt a new constitution, and set their capital at Corfinium, which they rename Italica.
* Read Strabo's account @ ~Diod_37.2'4-7; Strab_5'241;* (4.2) Vell_2.16'4; { OCD_c.} | ||||||||||||||
6 | ROM The Romans send both consuls to fight against the Italians, and assign legates to each of them.
* Read Appian's account @ Cic:Font_43; +Appian:BCiv_1'40.* | ||||||||||||||
7 | ETR Cn.Pompeius is defeated by the Italians near Mount Falernus.
* Read Appian's account @ +Appian:BCiv_1'47;* ~Oros_5.18'10; { CAH_9'120.} | ||||||||||||||
8 | ITA The Samnites under Vettius Scato defeat L.Caesar.
* Read Livy's account @ +[Liv]:Per_73;* +Appian:BCiv_1'41; +Oros_5.18'11. | ||||||||||||||
9 | Marius Egnatius captures Venafrum.
@ +Appian:BCiv_1'41; { CAH_9'120.} | ||||||||||||||
10 | ETR C.Perperna is stripped of his command after being defeated by P.Presentaeus.
@ +Appian:BCiv_1'41. | ||||||||||||||
11 | ITA M.Lamponius defeats the Romans under Crassus and drives them back to Grumentum.
* Read Frontinus' account @ ~Diod_37.23'1; Frontin:Str_2.4'16;* +Appian:BCiv_1'41; { CAH_9'120.} | ||||||||||||||
12 | The Samnites under C.Papius capture Nola, along with Stabiae, Surrentum, Salernum, and other towns.
* Read Appian's account @ +[Liv]:Per_73; +Appian:BCiv_1'42;* { CAH_9'120.} | ||||||||||||||
13 | ITA L.Caesar is forced to withdraw from Acerrae, which is being besieged by C.Papius.
@ +Appian:BCiv_1'42; { CAH_9'121.} | ||||||||||||||
14 | ETR {June 11 -R} Vettius Scato defeats and kills P.Rutilius by the river Tolenus, but a counter-attack by C.Marius stops him advancing further.
* Read Appian's account @ Macrob:Sat_6.4'15<q"L Sisenna>; +[Liv]:Per_73; #Ovid:Fast_6'563-566; Vell_2.16'4; Flor_2.6'11-12; +Appian:BCiv_1'43;* DioCass_fr.98'1-2; +Obseq_55; Eutrop_5.3'2; +Oros_5.18'11-13; { CAH_9'121; OCD_v.} | ||||||||||||||
15 | Sulpicius defeats the Paeligni.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Brut_304;* +[Liv]:Per_73. | ||||||||||||||
16 | Q.Caepio is appointed to share the command against the Marsi with C.Marius.
* Read Livy's account @ +[Liv]:Per_73;* +Appian:BCiv_1'44. | ||||||||||||||
17 | Caepio is defeated and killed by Poppaedius.
* Read Appian's account @ CIL_1.708; +[Liv]:Per_73; Flor_2.6'11; +Appian:BCiv_1'44;* Eutrop_5.3'2; +Oros_5.18'14; { CAH_9'121; OCD_c.} | ||||||||||||||
18 | CHE ?? Mithridates fights against the Sarmatae and Bastarnae.
@ ~Plut:Mor_324'C; { This is dated, explicitly but probably incorrectly, to the time of the Marsic War.} | ||||||||||||||
19 | PON A Roman commission led by M'.Aquillius restores Nicomedes to the throne of Bithynia, and Ariobarzanes to the throne of Cappadocia.
* Read Appian's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_74; Memn_22'5; ~Appian:Mith_11,* 56;(↓) ~Just_38.3'4; { CAH_9'143; OCD_n.} | ||||||||||||||
20 | Mithridates orders the murder of Socrates, the brother of Nicomedes.
@ Just_38.5'8; { CAH_9'143.} | ||||||||||||||
21 | ITA L.Caesar is defeated by Marius Egnatius near Teanum.
@ +Appian:BCiv_1'45. | ||||||||||||||
22 | A Cretan makes an offer of betrayal to L.Caesar.
@ ~Diod_37.18'1. | ||||||||||||||
23 | L.Caesar defeats the Samnites; the news of this victory is received with relief at Rome.
* Read Livy's account @ +[Liv]:Per_73;* +Oros_5.18'14-15; { OCD_c.} | ||||||||||||||
24 | The Italians besiege Pinna, which remains loyal to Rome.
@ [Cic]:RhetHer_2'45; ~Diod_37.19'3-20'1. | ||||||||||||||
25 | The Samnites capture Aesernia.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_37.19'1-2; +[Liv]:Per_73;* Strab_5'238;(3.10) +Appian:BCiv_1'41; +Oros_5.18'14; { CAH_9'121; OCD_vettius.} | ||||||||||||||
26 | ETR C.Marius defeats the Marsi and kills over 6,000 of them.
* Read Appian's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_73; Plut:Mar_33'3; +Appian:BCiv_1'45-46;* +Oros_5.18'15; { CAH_9'121.} | ||||||||||||||
27 | The Picentes raid Roman territory, and put their prisoners to death.
* Read Dio's account @ ~Diod_37.16'1; DioCass_fr.98'3;* +Obseq_55. | ||||||||||||||
28 | NAR C.Caecilius defeats the Salluvii.
@ +[Liv]:Per_73. | ||||||||||||||
29 | ETR Pompeius defeats the Italians near Firmum.
* Read Appian's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_74; +Appian:BCiv_1'47;* +Oros_5.18'17; { CAH_9'122; OCD_p.} | ||||||||||||||
30 | Further indecisive fighting between C.Marius and the Marsi under Poppaedius; Marius refuses to be drawn into a full-scale battle.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Diod_37.15'1-3; ~[Liv]:Per_74; Plut:Mar_33'3-6.* | ||||||||||||||
31 | A.Plotius defeats the Umbrians.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_74;* +Oros_5.18'17. | ||||||||||||||
32 | L.Porcius defeats the Etruscans.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_74;* Flor_2.6'13; +Oros_5.18'17; { CAH_9'122.} | ||||||||||||||
33 | ROM The Lex Julia grants Roman citizenship to those Italians who have not joined in the revolt.
* Read Appian's account @ CIL_1.709; Cic:Balb_21; [Liv]:Per_80; Strab_5'241;(4.2) Vell_2.16'4; ~Appian:BCiv_1'49;* Gell_4.4'3; { CAH_9'123; OCD_caesar.} | ||||||||||||||
34 | Metellus Pius is elected praetor in preference to more senior candidates.
@ [Vict]:VirIll_63'3; { DPRR.} | ||||||||||||||
35 | == The tribune C.Carbo speaks out against the policies of M.Drusus.
@ Cic:Orat_213-214;L { DPRR.} | ||||||||||||||
36 | == L.Caesar restores the temple of Juno Sospita, in response to a dream reported by Caecilia.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:Div_1'4,* '99, 2'136; +Obseq_55. | ||||||||||||||
37 | == Cicero finds many orators to listen to at Rome, even after the outbreak of war, and learns about law from Q.Scaevola.
* Read Cicero's account @ ~Cic:Brut_305,* :Amic_1, :Phil_8'31; Plut:Cic_3'1. | ||||||||||||||
38 | ?? Scaurus pays an enormous sum to buy an eminent grammarian called Daphnis.
@ Plin:HN_7'128. | ||||||||||||||
39 | ?? A saying of Scaurus, about the philosopher Ariston.
@ Sen:Ep_29'6. | ||||||||||||||
40 | ++ The character of M.Aemilius Scaurus, who by his own efforts became one of the most powerful men in Roman politics.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Scaur_fr'f; Ascon_22-23;L (↓) Plin:HN_36'116; Plut:Mor_318'C;* { ~OCD_s 41
| ++ The historian Cn.Aufidius and the lawyer C.Drusus overcome blindness to achieve distinction in their fields.
| @ Cic:Tusc_5'112; ValMax_8.7'4; { Aufidius was quaestor in 119 B.C. and praetor in 107 B.C.; Drusus was probably the brother of M.Drusus, consul in 112 B.C.} 42
| ++ Laelia the daughter of C.Laelius is as eloquent as her father.
| @ Quint_1.1'6; { According to Cicero, DeOr_3'45, Laelia was still alive in 91 B.C..} 43
| ?? The scholar L.Aelius Stilo is given the surname Praeconinus, because his father was a herald.
| @ Plin:HN_33'29; { He was born about 150 B.C. - OCD.} 44
| ++ Aristodemus of Nysa is one of the teachers of Cn.Pompeius Magnus.
| @ Strab_14'650.(1.48) 45
| ROM Document: CIL_1.708, the epitaph of C.Sergius, killed in battle with Q.Caepio.
| 46
| AEG ?? Document: CIL_1.705, an inscription in honour of C.Julius Caesar at Delos.
| 47
| GRE ?? T.Albucius studies philosophy in exile, at Athens.
| |
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