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1 | ROM M.Junius Pennus passes a law banning all foreigners from Rome.
* Read Cicero's account @ Lucil_1017; +Cic:Brut_109,* :Off_3'47; Plin:HN_29'16;L { CAH_8'240; CAH_9'76.} |
2 | EGY << Document: BD_141, a letter from Osoroeris complaining about grave robbers. |
3 | {9 Pauni -E = June} Document: SelPap_1.83, the will of Dryton the Cretan. |
5 | ROM ++ The impoverished childhood of M.Scaurus.
@ [Vict]:VirIll_72'1-2. |
6 | SAR Orestes subdues the Sardinians.
* Read Livy's account @ +[Liv]:Per_60;* [Vict]:VirIll_72'3; { CAH_9'781; Green_716.} |
7 | C.Gracchus takes part in the fighting in Sardinia, as quaestor.
* Read Plutarch's account @ +Plut:CGrac_1'4-2'1,* 22'3. |
8 | SYR Alexander Zabinas defeats Demetrius near Damascus.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:AJ_13'268;* ~Just_39.1'7; ~[Euseb]:Chron_257;(↓) { Green_716; Hölbl_p200.} |
9 | PHO Tyre gains independence from the Seleucids; beginning of the Tyrian era.
@ ~Hieron:Chron_2295; { OCD_t.} |
9a | EXT ?? Valarsaces defeats the Macedonians, and strengthens the kingdom of Armenia.
@ Movses_2'4-8; |
9b | << After the death of Valarsaces, Arsaces (? Arshag) becomes king of Armenia.
@ Movses_2'8-9; { Valarsaces is said to have ruled for 22 years.} |
10 | ROM {11 November -R} The triumph of M'.Aquillius, over Aristonicus.
* Read Fasti's account @ Cic:DeOr_2'195; Sall:Hist_4.67'8; #FastTr_p105;* Vell_2.4'1; Appian:BCiv_1'22; { CAH_9'34; OCD_a.} |
11 | SIC Mt. Aetna erupts, and another eruption at sea leads to the formation of an island near Lipara.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_6'277;* (2.11) +Plin:HN_2'203; +Obseq_29; !Hieron:Chron_1892; +Oros_5.10'11. |
12 | == According to some, the fourth Ludi Saeculares were celebrated during this year.
@ +Censor:DN_17'11. |
13 | << Hypsaeus and Cn.Octavius have a ridiculous procedural dispute in a case heard by the praetor M.Crassus.
@ Cic:DeOr_1'166-167; { DPRR.} |
14 | AEG << Document: THI_23'A & 23'B, two inscriptions from Delos referring to protection given by "cousins" of Ptolemy Euergetes. |
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| 02.09.24
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