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1 | EGY {23 Choiach -E = January} Document: SelPap_1.101, a letter from Esthladas to his parents which mentions a revolt against Ptolemy . |
2 | ROM Perperna rushes to Asia.
* Read Eutropius' account @ Eutrop_4.20'2;* +Oros_5.10'4. |
3 | AS1 Perperna defeats Aristonicus.
* Read Livy's account @ +[Liv]:Per_59;* Just_36.4'9; +Eutrop_4.20'2; +Oros_5.10'4; { CAH_8'380; OCD³.} |
4 | Perperna captures Stratoniceia: end of the war against Aristonicus.
* Read Velleius' account @ Vell_2.4'1;* ValMax_3.4'5; Flor_1.35'6; Appian:Mith_62; Just_36.4'9; Trog:Prol_36; +Eutrop_4.20'2; +Oros_5.10'5; { CAH_8'380; Green_530.} |
5 | Blossius commits suicide.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Amic_37;* ~Plut:TGrac_20'7; { After the defeat of Aristonicus.} |
5a | EPI << Document: SEG_36.555, a dedication by three men returning from the war against Aristonicus. |
5b | ROM The censors Q.Pompeius and Q.Metellus complete the census.
@ ~[Liv]:Per_59; { CAH_9'780.} |
6 | After the death of Lentulus, Ap.Claudius (the younger) is elected suffect consul.
@ +FastCap_p72<x>; +CIL_6.1283. |
6a | GRE << Crates becomes head of the Academy, following the death of Carneades son of Polemarchus.
* Read Apollodorus' account @ ~Apollod:Fr_54,* 55, 56; +Phld:Acad_25-26;B Lucian:Macr_20; { When Epicles was Athenian archon.} |
6b | AS1 << Document: OGIS_144, a statue of Cleopatra III at Delos, apparently dedicated by Memphites. |
7 | CYP Ptolemy VIII murders his eldest son.
@ ~Just_38.8'12. |
8 | Ptolemy VIII murders his son Memphites.
* Read Justin's account @ ~Diod_34.14'1; ~[Liv]:Per_59; ValMax_9.2e'5; ~Just_38.8'13-15;* +Oros_5.10'7; { ~CAH_9'313; Green_540.} |
9 | MES Antiochus VII, accompanied by Hyrcanus of Judaea, defeats Phraates in three battles.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:AJ_13'249-252<q"* NicDam_92>; ~Just_38.10'1-6; { CAH_8'371?131; OCD³.} |
10 | THR The Thracians attack Sestus.
@ OGIS_339'17-26,B '55-59<t=B Austin_252>. |
11 | BAC ?? The Scythians defeat and subjugate the Greeks in Bactria.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_11'511;* (8.2+4) Trog:Prol_41; { CAH_8'403, '414=c.100; OCD³=145-130; Green_335=c.140.} |
12 | AS1 Death of Perperna at Pergamon.
* Read Fasti's account @ +FastCap_p72<x>;* Just_36.4'11; +Eutrop_4.20'2; +Oros_5.10'5; { CAH_8'380; OCD³=129.} |
13 | CAP << Death of Ariarathes V.
* Read Justin's account @ ~Just_37.1'2,* 38.2'5; { CAH_9'141; OCD³.} |
13a | GRE {Boedromion -G = Sept./Oct.} Document: Syll_692, confirmation of the privileges awarded by the Amphictyons to the Dionysiac Artists. |
13b | EGY {10 Thoth -E = 2 October} Document: OGIS_132, a dedication to Pan by Soterichus. |
14 | ROM ++ Ap.Claudius prides himself on his skill at dancing.
@ Macrob:Sat_3.14'14.L |
15 | << After Ap.Claudius dies, the two vacant places on the agrarian commission are filled by Carbo and Fulvius Flaccus.
* Read Appian's account @ Cic:Rep_1'31; ~Appian:BCiv_1'18;* { OCD³.} |
16 | The division of land by the agrarian commission causes many legal disputes over ownership.
* Read Appian's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_59; ~Appian:BCiv_1'18;* { After the death of P.Crassus, but before the intervention of Scipio.} |
17 | << The death of P.Rupilius, allegedly caused by disappointment at his brother's failure to be elected consul.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Tusc_4'40, :Amic_73;* Plin:HN_7'122; { According to Cicero, this happened before the death of Scipio.} |
18 | Aristonicus is put to death in prison.
* Read Eutropius' account @ ~Eutrop_4.20'2;* Oros_5.10'5; { CAH_9'781; Green_716=129.} |
19 | MES Antiochus' troops are billetted in various cities for the winter.
* Read Justin's account @ Diod_34.17'2; ~Just_38.10'8;* { CAH_8'372.} |
20 | ROM == A praetor is killed by a bolt of lightning.
@ +Obseq_28. |
21 | == Omens, including four days of weeping by the statue of Apollo at Cumae.
@ +Obseq_28; August:DeCiv_3'11. |
22 | ?? The Lex Licinia, a sumptuary law, sets limits on the amounts to be spent on banquets.
* Read Gellius' account @ Gell_2.24'7-10<q"* Laevius>; Macrob:Sat_3.17'7-10;L { CAH_9'77 (131 or later); OCD³ (just after 143).} |
23 | ITA ?? Accius reads one of his tragedies to Pacuvius at Tarentum.
* Read Gellius' account @ Gell_13.2'1-6;* Hieron:Chron_1878. |
24 | ++ Pacuvius is distinguished as a painter as well as a poet.
@ Plin:HN_35'19; { ~ OCD³.} |
26 | EXT ?? The widespread conquests of Menander in India, reaching as far as Pataliputra.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_11'516,* (11.1) 15'698;* (1.27) Trog:Prol_41; { There is an Indian account of the attack on Pataliputra in the Yuga Purana.} |
27 | ?? Menander holds learned conversations with Nagasena, a Buddhist sage.
@ Milinda_1'1-44. |
27a | ?? Document: CKI_176, inscription on a reliquary from Gandhara, referring to king Minadra. { see S.Baum(2017), p. 64.} |
28 | << The cities of India honour Menander after his death.
@ Plut:Mor_821'D-E; { CAH_8'411; OCD³.} |
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| 15.01.25
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