
155 B.C. Olympiad 156.2

Consuls: P. Cornelius P.f. Scipio Nasica (II), M. Claudius M.f. Marcellus (II)
Athenian archon: Mnesitheus

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1 ASI The senate sends legates to investigate the dispute between Prusias and Attalus.
~Polyb_33.1'1-2; { Walbank_p542.}
2 ROM The senate votes against releasing the Achaean exiles.
3 EGY {Loius -M = March} Document: Austin_289, the will published by Ptolemy VIII.
Festus:Brev_13'2; { Green_443.}
3a ?? Document: OGIS_114.A, the dedication of a chapel at Kom Ombo, by a group of soldiers.
4 GRE ?? Panaetius goes to Athens to study philosophy.
5 ROM The Athenians send the philosophers Carneades, Diogenes, and Critolaus to appeal against the decision of the Sicyonians.
* Read Plutarch's account
Apollod:Fr_57; Cic:DeOr_2'155, '157, 3'68, +:Acad_2'137, :Tusc_4'5; Plin:HN_7'112-113; Quint_12.1'35; Plut:CatMai_22'1-23'1; Paus_7.11'5; Gell_6.14'8-10, 17.21'48; Aelian:VH_3'17; Macrob:Sat_1.5'14-16;L  { CAH_8'472-473; OCD³.}
6 PEL The Achaeans send another embassy, led by Telecles and Anaxidamus, to Rome.
~Polyb_33.3'1-2; { Walbank_p545.}
7 ASI Prusias advances as far as Pergamon.
* Read Polybius' account
Polyb_32.15'1-14; Diod_31.35'1; Appian:Mith_3; Suda_P'2914; { CAH_8'366.}
7a PON {Daesius -M} Document: IOSPE_3.103, recording a treaty between the city of Chersonesus and Pharnaces of Pontus. { Assuming that the date is calculated by the Seleucid Era.}
7b ?? The foundation of Pharnacia.
Strab_12'548;(3.17)  { For the date of Pharnaces' death, see OCD³ and Walbank_p318.}
8 SYR << Orophernes, the brother of Ariarathes, plots against Demetrius.
Just_35.1'1-4; { Soon after Orophernes' expulsion from Cappadocia, when he had taken refuge in Syria.}
9 EGY << The floruit of Aristarchus the grammarian.
* Read St.Jerome's account
Strab_13'609;(1.55)  ChronPasc_441'B; +Hieron:Chron_1861; AmmMarc_22.16'16; Suda_A'3892.
10 GRE << Pythocles of Athens and others revive the art of sculpture.
11 ROM << Polybius the historian persuades the Romans not to demand troops from Locri during the Dalmatian War.
12 ILL Scipio Nasica captures Delminium; the end of the Dalmatian War.
* Read Frontinus' account
~[Liv]:Per_47; Strab_7'315;(5.5)  Frontin:Str_3.6'2; Ampel_19'11; [Vict]:VirIll_44'4; Zonar_9'25;(p365)  { OCD³.}
13 ASI << Document: RC_61 (OGIS_315.6), a letter from Attalus II to Attis describing a meeting of his advisers.
14 EXT ++ The extent of the kingdom of Eucratides.
* Read Strabo's account
Strab_11'516,(11.2)  15'686;(1.3)  Aelian:NA_15'8.
15 ?? The death of Eucratides, king of Bactria.
Just_41.6'5; { CAH_8'403; OCD³=145.}
16 ASI The fleet of Prusias is destroyed in a storm.
17 The Romans send out decemviri to restrain Prusias.
~Polyb_33.7'1-4; { Walbank_p549.}
18 ROM ?? Cato marries Salonia, the daughter of his secretary.
* Read Plutarch's account
Seneca:Contr_7.6'17;L  Plut:CatMai_24'1-8, 33'1-3; { Cato's son by Salonia was born in 154 B.C.}
19 >> The triumph of Marcellus, over the Apuani.
20 >> Scipio refuses to celebrate a triumph, despite the approval of the senate.
* Read Fasti's account
+FastTr_p105; Ampel_19'11; [Vict]:VirIll_44'5.
21 >> A fig-tree grows on the altar of Jupiter on the Capitol.
22 ETR >> Document: CIL_1.623, an inscription at Luna in honour of M.Claudius Marcellus.

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