
166 B.C. Olympiad 153.3

Consuls: C. Sulpicius C.f. Gallus, M. Claudius M.f. Marcellus
Athenian archon: Epaenetus

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1 AEG Document: RC_52 (OGIS_763), a letter from Eumenes II to the Ionian League.
2 ROM {4 April -R = ?February} Document: Ter:And, Terentius' comedy "Andria", which is first performed at the Megalensia.
* Read Suetonius' account
[Suet]:Ter_2; Hieron:Chron_1859; #Hyp:Ter_And; { OCD³; Green_710.}
3 PAL << Eleazar is put to death for refusing to eat unclean meat.
* Read 2Maccabees' account
~2Macc_6'18-31; 4Macc_5'1-7'23; Malal_206; Suda_A'2693.
4 << Seven brothers and their mother are put to death for refusing to eat unclean meat.
* Read 4Maccabees' account
~2Macc_7'1-42; 4Macc_1'8-10, 8'1-18'24; Sulpit_2'20.
5 Mattathias disrupts the pagan sacrifices at Modin: beginning of the Maccabaean revolt.
* Read 1Maccabees' account
@  (?) Daniel_11'34-35; ~1Macc_2'1-28; Joseph:BJ_1'36, :AJ_12'268-272, '279, :Ap_2'134; Porph:Fr_52, 54; [Euseb]:Chron_123-125,(↓)  127-129;(↓)  !Hieron:Chron_1848; Sulpit_2'20; ChronSynt_95;(↓)  { Green_517.}
6 ROM The Rhodians send an embassy, led by Aristoteles, but the senate again refuses to agree to an alliance.
~Polyb_30.23'1-24'2; { Walbank_p32-33.}
6b GRE << The death of Telecles, an Academic philosopher.
+Apollod:Fr_47; Phld:Acad_N.B 
6c THR << Document: SEG_35.823, a treaty between Rome and Maroneia.
7 AEG ?? Document: Austin_143,B  a decree of the Dionysiac artists in honour of Craton son of Zotichus.
7a ASI ?? Document: THI_202, a decree of Apameia in Phrygia, in honour of a gymnasiarch.
8 AEG Ti.Gracchus delivers a speech in Greek at Rhodes.
Cic:Brut_79; { Probably on his way out to Syria.}
9 PAL {18 Hecatombaion -A? = July/August} The Samaritans disown their kinship with the Jews.
* Read Josephus' account
#Joseph:AJ_12'257-264; !Hieron:Chron_1848.
10 CIS The consuls campaign against the Gauls and Ligurians.
* Read Livy's account
[Liv]:Per_46; +Obseq_12.
11 PAL Mattathias escapes with others into the wilderness, and instructs his followers to fight on the sabbath day, when necessary.
* Read 1Maccabees' account
~1Macc_2'29-41; 2Macc_6'11; Joseph:BJ_1'37, :AJ_12'272-277; Porph:Fr_57; Sulpit_2'20.
12 Eumenes defeats the Galatians.
* Read Diodorus' account
RC_54'5-8; SEG_57.1150.A'14-15, B'3; Diod_31.14'1; { CAH_8'333; Green_710.}
13 SYR Antiochus holds a magnificent festival and games at Daphne.
* Read Polybius' account
~Polyb_30.25'1-26'9; Diod_31.16'1-3; Athen_10.439'b-d; { CAH_8'345; Green_438.}
14 MES Document: OGIS_253, a dedication to Antiochus as founder of Babylon.
15 PAL Mattathias and his supporters carry out attacks on hellenizing Jews.
* Read 1Maccabees' account
~1Macc_2'42-48; ~2Macc_8'1-7; Joseph:AJ_12'278.
16 ROM Octavius is elected consul after a hard-fought contest.
Cic:Off_1'138; +Obseq_12; { CAH_8'178.}
17 SYR Ti.Gracchus arrives to assess the situation in Syria, and is entertained by Antiochus.
* Read Polybius' account
~Polyb_30.27'1-4; Diod_31.17'1; { CAH_8'345; Green_438.}
18 ROM {1 Intercal. -R = ?December} The triumph of Marcellus, over the Contrubrii, Ligurians, and Eleates.
19 AEG Document: Sherk_26B  (Syll_656), a decree in honour of envoys sent from Teos to Rome to oppose the claims of Cotys on the territory of Abdera.

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