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1 | EGY The coming of age (anacleteria) of Ptolemy VI.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_27.13'1-4,* ~28.12'8; Suda_P'3041; { Walbank_p324.} |
2 | ROM Claudius and Gracchus are elected censors, and help the consuls to overcome opposition to conscription at Rome.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_43.14'1-15'8;* +FastCap_p66; { CAH_8'194; DPRR.} |
3 | ILL << Perseus invades Illyria.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_43.18'1-19'12;* ~Oros_4.20'38; { CAH_8'315.} |
4 | Perseus attempts to persuade Genthius the Illyrian king to join him in the war against Rome.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_28.8'1-11;* ~Diod_30.9'1-2; +Liv_43.19'13-20'4; Plut:Aem_9'6-7; DioCass_fr.66'1; +Zonar_9'22.(p337) |
5 | GRE Perseus fails to capture Stratus.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_28.9'1-8;* +Liv_43.21'1-23'8. |
6 | MAC Philippus crosses to Greece and takes command of the army in Thessaly.
@ +Liv_44.1'1-12. |
7 | PEL The assembly of the Achaean League votes to send an army to fight against Perseus in Thessaly.
@ ~Polyb_28.12'1-9; { CAH_8'314; Green_276.} |
8 | EGY The armies of Antiochus and Ptolemy advance to meet each other.
* Read 1Maccabees' account @ Daniel_8'9; 1Macc_1'16-17;* ~Diod_30.15'1-16'11; Joseph:AJ_12'242; Just_34.2'7; { CAH_8'344; Walbank_p324.} |
9 | ROM ++ The character of Sex. Aelius Paetus.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Rep_1'30, :Brut_78;* Justin:Dig_1.2.2'38<q" Pomponius>; { Paetus, the consul of 198 B.C., was warmly praised by Ennius.} |
10 | ?? Scipio Nasica jokingly rebukes Ennius after being refused entry to his house, near the sanctuary of Tutilina at Rome.
@ Cic:DeOr_2'276; Varro:Ling_5'163. |
11 | {July -R = April} The death of the poet Ennius.
* Read Cicero's account @ #Cic:Brut_78, +:Sen_14;* Suet:Gram_2; !Hieron:Chron_1838; Schol:Bob_178;L { CAH_8'444; OCD³.} |
11a | AEG ?? Document: THI_61.D, a list of victors in the Asclepieia games at Cos. |
12 | PAL << Lysimachus the brother of Menelaus is killed in a riot at Jerusalem.
@ 2Macc_4'39-50; { After the murder of Onias, and before Antiochus' second invasion of Egypt.} |
13 | EXT ?? Demetrius of Bactria conquers part of India.
@ Strab_11'516;(11.1) { See CAH_8'399; there were probably two Bactrian kings called Demetrius, who have been confused by our sources.} |
14 | EXT << Demetrius, king of Bactria, is defeated and killed by Eucratides.
@ Just_41.6'4; { CAH_8'401-402; OCD³?165.} |
15 | MAC Philippus penetrates into Macedonia.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_28.13'1; ~Diod_30.10'1; +Liv_44.2'1-5'13;* Flor_1.28'5; Appian:Mac_14;(28) Ampel_16'4; +Zonar_9'22;(p337) { CAH_8'314; OCD³.} |
15a | EGY {17 Pharmuthi -E = May} Document: IsisHymn_5, invocations to the goddess Isis written down by Hor. |
16 | Antiochus defeats the Egyptians near Pelusium.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Daniel_11'24-26; 1Macc_1'18-19; ~Diod_30.14'1;* Porph:Fr_49; Malal_206; { CAH_8'344; Green_430.} |
17 | Ptolemy VI attempts to escape to Samothrace.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_28.21'1-5;* Diod_30.17'1. |
18 | Antiochus captures Pelusium.
* Read Diodorus' account @ ~Polyb_28.18'1; ~Diod_30.14'1, 18'1-2;* Joseph:AJ_12'243; { Green_430.} |
19 | ROM {23 Sept. -R = June} The tribune P.Rutilius brings the censors to trial.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:Rep_6'2; #Liv_43.16'1-15;* ValMax_6.5'3; [Vict]:VirIll_57'3. |
20 | MAC Philippus advances to Dium.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_28.10'1; ~Diod_30.10'2-11'2; +Liv_44.6'1-7'12;* Flor_1.28'6; Appian:Mac_15;(29) { CAH_8'315.} |
21 | The Romans capture Heracleium.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_28.11'1, 13'1-14,* 16'1-17'15; +Liv_44.8'1-9'11; Appian:Mac_17;(31) +Zonar_9'22.(p337) |
22 | EGY Antiochus addresses envoys from Athens, Miletus, Clazomenae, and the Achaeans, in order to justify his invasion of Egypt.
@ ~Polyb_28.19'1-20'13. |
23 | Ptolemy VI joins Antiochus, who promises to support him against his brother, and sets up a rival seat of government at Memphis.
* Read Zonaras' account @ Burstein_106'16-17;B Daniel_11'27; ~Liv_44.19'8; Athen_3.124'e; Porph:Fr_49; [Euseb]:Chron_161;(↓) Suda_H'462; Zonar_9'25;* (p359) { CAH_8'344; Green_430.} |
24 | Antiochus besieges Alexandria.
@ ~Liv_44.19'9; { Walbank_p358.} |
25 | CRE The army of Cydonia massacres the inhabitants of Apollonia.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_28.14'1-15'3;* ~Diod_30.13'1; { Walbank_p348.} |
26 | ROM An embassy from Rhodes tries to maintain friendly relations with Rome.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_28.2'1-8; +Liv_44.14'1-16'7;* DioCass_fr.66'2; +Zonar_9'22;(p339) { CAH_8'314.} |
27 | MAC The Romans attack Cassandreia.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Diod_30.12'1; +Liv_44.10'1-12'8;* Appian:Mac_16.(30) |
28 | The Romans withdraw from Demetrias, after alleged contacts between the Macedonians and Cydas, an officer of Eumenes.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_29.6'1, 7'8; +Liv_44.13'1-14.* |
29 | EGY Antiochus withdraws from Alexandria.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_28.22'1-23'5;* Liv_45.11'1; Joseph:AJ_12'243-244; { Green_430.} |
29a | MES {Abu -B = August/Sept.} The citizens of Babylon celebrate the news of Antiochus' victories in Egypt.
@ AstrDiar_168A.obv'A14-15; { the word meluḫḫa here apparently refers to Egypt.} |
30 | PAL Antiochus robs the temple at Jerusalem.
* Read Daniel's account @ Daniel_8'23-25,* 9'26, 11'28; +1Macc_1'20-28; Diod_34.1'3; Joseph:BJ_1'32, 7'44, +:AJ_12'246-247, '357, '359, :Ap_2'80-102; Porph:Fr_50, 51; [Euseb]:Chron_127;(↓) Sulpit_2'18; { Green_512.} |
31 | ROM {13 December -R = September} The censors review the equites again, and punish P.Rutilius.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_44.16'8-11;* Plut:TGrac_14'4. |
32 | Paullus is assigned Macedonia as his province immediately after his election as consul.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:Div_1'103; +Liv_44.17'1-18'5;* CIL_11.1829; Vell_1.9'3; ValMax_1.5'3; Plut:Aem_6'8-7'1, 10'1-8, :Mor_197'F-198'A; Just_33.1'6; { CAH_8'315.} |
33 | ILL Genthius joins the war as an ally of Perseus against Rome.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_29.3'1-4'7,* 9'13; ~Liv_44.23'1-10, 27'8-12; ValMax_3.3'2; Plut:Aem_13'1-2; Flor_1.29'1; Appian:Ill_9; DioCass_fr.66'1; { CAH_8'315.} |
34 | ASI Alleged negotiations between Perseus and Eumenes.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_29.4'8-9'13;* ~Liv_44.24'1-25'12, 27'13; Appian:Mac_18'1;(32) DioCass_fr.66'1; { CAH_8'533.} |
34a | EGY {3 epag. -E = 1 October} The Buchis bull is moved to Hermonthis, because Thebes is occupied by foreign troops.
@ AET_9.2'C. |
35 | Reconciliation between Ptolemy VI and his brother Ptolemy VIII.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_29.23'4; Liv_45.11'2-8;* Just_34.2'8; ~[Euseb]:Chron_161;(↓) { CAH_8'344; Hölbl_p146; Bennett.} |
35a | PEL == Document: Syll_649, a statue of Philippus at Olympia. |
36 | ROM == The Lex Voconia restricts women's rights of inheritance.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_2.1'107-110,* :Balb_21, :Rep_3'17, :Fin_2'55, +:Sen_14; ~[Liv]:Per_41; Gaius:Inst_2'226,L '274;L Gell_20.1'23; DioCass_56.10'2; August:DeCiv_3'21;(↓) { OCD³.} |
37 | == The censor Claudius passes a law to prevent the serving of delicacies such as dormice at banquets.
@ Plin:HN_36'4. |
38 | == The censor Gracchus enrols freedmen into one of the urban tribes.
@ Cic:DeOr_1'38; { CAH_8'169; DPRR.} |
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