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1 | ROM {1 February -R} The triumph of Q.Fabius, over the Ligurians.
* Read Fasti's account @ #FastTr_p101;* CIL_11.1828; Plut:Fab_2'1, 23'2, 29'1; [Vict]:VirIll_43'1. |
2 | {15 March -R} The triumph of M'.Pomponius, over the Sardinians.
@ #FastTr_p101. |
3 | PEL Lydiades is elected general of the Achaean League for the second time.
@ ~Plut:Arat_30'6; { CAH_7.1'506.} |
4 | GRE ?? The inhabitants of Pleuron move to a new site, as a result of Demetrius' attacks on Aetolia.
@ Strab_10'451.(2.4) |
4a | ?? Document: Syll_453, a dedication at Delphi by Nereis, daughter of Pyrrhus II. |
5 | EPI << Revolution in Epirus, after the deaths of Ptolemy and Olympias.
* Read Justin's account @ Paus_4.35'3, '5; Polyaen_8.52'1; ~Just_28.3'1-8;* Trog:Prol_28; { CAH_7.1'452; CAH_8'86.} |
6 | SAR The Roman consuls join together to suppress resistance in Sardinia.
@ +Zonar_8'18.(p29) |
7 | EGY {Epeiph -E = August/Sept.} Document: BD_87, a letter from Apollonius to Leon. |
7a | {18 Mesore - E = October} Document: BD_77A, a letter from Dionysodorus, asking for sluice-gates to be opened. |
8 | ROM >> The tribune Flaminius passes an agrarian law.
* Read Polybius' account @ +Polyb_2.21'7-9,* 23'1; Cic:Brut_57, :Acad_2'13, !:Sen_11; Liv_21.63'2; ValMax_5.4'5; { CAH_7.2'432-433; OCD³.} |
9 | >> Flaminius pursues anti-senatorial policies in his year as tribune.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:Leg_3'20;L Liv_21.63'2.* |
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| 15.01.25
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