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1 | CYR << Ecdemus and Demophanes expel Berenice and turn Cyrenaica into an independent federal state.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_10.22'3;* Plut:Phil_1'4; { Hölbl_p46.} |
2 | AEG ?? The animals of Chios fall in love with Glauce the citharode.
* Read Aelian's account @ Plin:HN_10'51;L Plut:Mor_972'F; Aelian:NA_1'6, 5'29, 8'11<+v>, :VH_9'39;* { Ael:NA.8.11<v> makes this Glauce a contemporary of Ptolemy II; she is also mentioned by Hedylus, a poet of the same period.} |
3 | GRE ++ General comments on the career of the tragedian Philiscus of Corcyra.
@ Suda_Ph'358. |
4 | SYR ?? Ptolemy rewards the doctor Cleombrotus for saving the life of Antiochus.
@ Plin:HN_7'123, 29'5.L |
5 | EGY ?? Document: BD_103, regulations concerning police and judicial procedures. |
6 | ?? Document: OGIS_53, a dedication to various gods at Coptus by the dioecetes Apollonius. |
6a | << Document: AET_9.1'I, a record of building work in the temples of Memphis. |
7 | ?? The philosopher Hegesias is silenced by Ptolemy, because his lectures are too morbid.
@ Cic:Tusc_1'83; ValMax_8.9e'3. |
8 | ?? Ptolemy ridicules the far-fetched grammatical explanations of Sosibius of Laconia.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_11.493'e-494'b;* Suda_S'859. |
11 | ?? Ptolemy launches a ship with 30 banks of oars.
@ Plin:HN_7'208. |
12 | ?? An elephant falls in love with Menander, a soldier in Ptolemy's army.
@ Plin:HN_8'14. |
13 | ?? A dolphin forms a friendship with a boy from Alexandria.
@ Aelian:NA_6'15. |
14 | ?? Ptolemy dedicates a temple to his concubine Belistiche.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_13.576'e-f<q"* PtolEuerg_4>; Plut:Mor_753'E;(9) ClemAl:Protr_4'42.(↓) |
15 | ?? Ptolemy erects statues in honour of Cleino, his wine-pourer.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_10.425'e-f,* 13.576'f. |
16 | ?? The architect Timochares begins construction of a temple of Arsinoe at Alexandria.
@ Plin:HN_34'148, 37'108. |
17 | ?? Ptolemy transports the obelisk of Necthebis down the Nile and erects it at Alexandria.
@ Plin:HN_36'67-68. |
18 | ?? Ptolemy erects many statues of Arsinoe, who is depicted holding a rhyton in her left hand.
@ Athen_11.497'b-c. |
18a | ?? Document: AET_5.13, a statue of Arsinoe with a bilingual inscription. |
19 | LYC ?? Ptolemy rebuilds Patara in Lycia, and calls it Arsinoe.
@ Strab_14'666.(3.6) |
20 | PON ?? Ptolemy pays for a new temple of Heracles at Heracleia.
@ Memn_17'1. |
22 | EXT ?? Hunters capture a giant snake in Ethiopia, and present it to Ptolemy.
@ Diod_3.36'3-37'8; Aelian:NA_16'39. |
24 | ?? Pythagoras, an officer of Ptolemy, extracts a huge piece of rock-crystal from an Arabian island.
@ Plin:HN_37'24; { Pythagoras is mentioned as a Ptolemaic commander later this year - see BD_27.} |
25 | ?? Ptolemy sends Dionysius as ambassador to the court of the king of India.
@ Plin:HN_6'58. |
26 | EGY << A crocodile predicts the death of Ptolemy.
@ Aelian:NA_8'4. |
27 | ++ Ptolemy keeps a pet elephant.
@ Aelian:NA_9'58, 11'25. |
28 | ++ The prosperous reign of Ptolemy, who is a great patron of the arts.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_1.3'a-b,* 12.536'e<q" Phylarch_40>; Plut:Mor_341'A; Ampel_35'3; Aelian:VH_4'15; Porph:Fr_42. |
29 | {January 29} The death of Ptolemy II, and accession of Ptolemy III.
@ +AstrCan_3; OGIS_54; Strab_17'795;(1.11) Joseph:AJ_12'11; ClemAl:Strom_1'21;(↓↓) ~[Euseb]:Chron_127,(↓) 161, 169;(↓) ChronPasc_425'A, 429'A; +Hieron:Chron_1771; Malal_196; ExcBarb_35B; ChronSynt_91; { CAH_7.1'503; Bennett.} |
29a | MES {6 Nisan -B = 9 April} Seleucus, Antiochus and Apame, the children of Antiochus and Laodice, attend a ceremony in Babylon.
@ AstrDiar_245A.obv'11-13. |
30 | {June} A festival is held at an estate near Babylon, which had been given by Antiochus to his wife Laodice.
@ BabylChron_16'O2-13, MMA.86.11.299'3-16; AstrDiar_245A.obv'3-5. |
30a | AEG << Document: Syll_443, a decree of Chios in honour of the Aetolians. |
30b | THR ?? Document: Austin_171,B a treaty between Lysimacheia and Antiochus. { The king was probably either Antiochus I or Antiochus II.} |
30c | GRE ?? Document: Syll_444.A & 445, decrees of Delphi and the Amphictyons in honour of Callicles of Athens. |
31 | ?? The philosopher Lycon rejects an invitation to visit Antiochus.
@ DiogLaert_5'67. |
32 | THR ?? Antiochus besieges Cypsela.
@ Polyaen_4.16'1; { Errington_p120?250.} |
33 | EXT ?? Antiochus encourages exploration of the Indian Ocean.
@ Plin:HN_2'167. |
34 | ASI ?? Antiochus grants rights of citizenship to the Greeks(?) in Ionia.
@ Joseph:AJ_12'125. |
34b | CYP ?? Antiochus removes the images of some gods from Cyprus, and places them in Antioch.
@ Liban:Or_11'110-113.B |
35 | SYR ++ Antiochus maintains a herd of elephants.
@ Plin:HN_8'11, '12. |
36 | ++ Antiochus treats Herodotus, a reciter of mimes, and Archelaus, a dancer, with great honour.
@ Athen_1.19'c. |
37 | ++ Antiochus is regularly drunk, and entrusts the government of his kingdom to his favourites, Aristus and Themison.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_7.289'f-290'a,* 10.438'c-d<q" Phylarch_6>; Aelian:VH_2'41. |
38 | {month5 -B = August} The death of Antiochus II, and accession of Seleucus II.
* Read Appian's account @ BabylChron_10'R5-6, #BM.35603'O11-15; AstrDiar_245A.rev'5-6; ValMax_9.14e'1; Plin:HN_7'53; Appian:Syr_65,* 66; Polyaen_8.50'1; Trog:Prol_26; Porph:Fr_43; ![Euseb]:Chron_251, 263; +Hieron:Chron_1771; Sulpit_2'19; Malal_205; ExcBarb_46A; { CAH_7.1'420; Errington_p120.} |
39 | Berenice and her son are murdered at Antioch.
* Read Polyaenus' account @ ValMax_9.10e'1; ~Appian:Syr_65; Polyaen_8.50'1;* ~Just_27.1'1-5, '7; Porph:Fr_43; Suda_Ph'828; { ~CAH_7.1'420; OCD³.} |
39a | Document: SEG_42.994, a letter from Tlepolemus to the inhabitants of Cildara, commending them for their support of Berenice and her son. |
40 | EGY Ptolemy leaves Egypt for Syria; his wife Berenice dedicates a lock of her hair for his safe return.
@ Callim:Fr_110'40-78; Catull_66'9-78; Hygin:Astr_2.24'1-3. |
41 | SYR Ptolemy invades Syria.
* Read Justin's account @ ~OGIS_54; FGrH_160<t= BD_27>; Daniel_11'7; Polyb_5.58'11; ~Appian:Syr_65; ~Just_27.1'6-10;* Porph:Fr_43. |
42 | AEG Antigonus defeats the Egyptian fleet near Andros.
* Read Trogus' account @ (?) PHaun_6'8-9; Plut:Pel_2'4-5; ~Trog:Prol_27;* { CAH_7.1'248.} |
43 | ASI Laodice plots against Sophron, the governor of Ephesus, but he is protected by his lover Danae.
@ Athen_13.593'b-d<q" Phylarch_24>; { This probably happened at about the same time as Ptolemy gained possession of Ephesus, for which see Hölbl_p50.} |
44 | MES {Nov./Dec.} Ptolemy reaches Mesopotamia, and his army besieges the palace in Babylon.
* Read Appian's account @ BabylChron_11; ~OGIS_54; THI_257; PHaun_6'14; ~Appian:Syr_65;* Polyaen_8.50'1; Porph:Fr_43; { CAH_7.1'420; Green_697; the fighting in Babylon continued until at least February of the following year.} |
45 | ROM The census of Roman citizens is completed; a total of 241,212 citizens are counted.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_19;* !Hieron:Chron_1773. |
46 | Ti.Coruncanius is appointed dictator, to hold the elections for new consuls.
@ +FastCap_p56. |
47 | >> Claudia is convicted of treason for remarks about her brother.
* Read Gellius' account @ ~[Liv]:Per_19; ValMax_8.1d'4; Suet:Tib_2'3; +Gell_10.6'1-4.* |
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