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1 | {9 Gamelion -G = February} Document: IG_2³.881, an Athenian decree in honour of Euthius, the archon of the previous year. |
1a | ?? Document: Syll_373, a statue of Hadeia, the sister-in-law of Lysimachus, at Oropus. |
2 | THR ?? Onesicritus recites his histories to Lysimachus.
@ Plut:Alex_46'4; DiogLaert_6'84. |
3 | ?? Menedemus is sent as an ambassador to Lysimachus.
@ DiogLaert_2'140. |
4 | ?? Sotades attacks both Lysimachus and Ptolemy Philadelphus.
@ Athen_14.620'f. |
5 | ASI ?? Lysimachus builds or refounds cities at Nicaea, Alexandria and Smyrna.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_12'565,(4.7) 13'593,* (1.26) '597,(1.33) '607,(1.52) 14'646.(1.37) |
6 | PON ?? Lysimachus destroys the city of Astacus.
@ Strab_12'563.(4.2) |
7 | ASI ?? Lysimachus attempts to tax salt which is collected at Tagasae.
@ Athen_3.73'd<q" Phylarch_65>. |
8 | THR ?? Lysimachus banishes all philosophers from his kingdom.
@ Athen_13.610'e. |
8a | ?? Document: OGIS_15, a dedication by Arsinoe in Samothrace. |
9 | Lysimachus punishes Telesphorus for an insult against Arsinoe.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Sen:Dial_5.17'2-4; Plut:Mor_534'E; Athen_14.616'c-d.* |
10 | ?? Lysimachus carefully fortifies his camp after being forced to stop in an exposed position.
@ Frontin:Str_1.5'11. |
11 | ?? Lysimachus discovers a new herb with a pungent smell.
@ Plin:HN_25'72.L |
12 | ?? Sayings of Bithys, Pasiades, and Philippides, addressed to Lysimachus.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Mor_183'E, 338'A-B,* 508'C, 517'B, 633'B;(Q2.1) Athen_6.246'e. |
13 | ++ Territory controlled by Lysimachus.
* Read Livy's account @ Liv_33.40'6;* Strab_7'319.(6.1) |
14 | ASI {February} Lysimachus is defeated and killed by Seleucus at the battle of Corupedium, after which Arsinoe escapes from Ephesus.
* Read Appian's account @ HierCard_10; Polyb_18.51'4; Nepos_21.3'2; Liv_34.58'5; Strab_13'623;(4.1) Plin:HN_8'143; Memn_5'7; Plut:Mor_970'C; Phlegon:Fr_9; Appian:Syr_62, 64;* Paus_1.10'5; Polyaen_8.57'1; Lucian:Macr_11; ~Just_17.2'1-3; Trog:Prol_17; +[Euseb]:Chron_233-235;(↓) Oros_3.23'60-62; { CAH_7.1'113; Errington_p62.} |
15 | ROM {5 March -R} The triumph of Fabricius, over the Samnites, Lucanians, and Bruttii.
@ #FastTr_p97. |
16 | EPI << Pyrrhus regains control of Corcyra, with help from Tarentum.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Paus_1.12'1;* Just_25.4'8; { CAH_7.2'458, '462.} |
17 | SIC << Phintias moves the inhabitants of Gela to a new city called Phintias, but his cruelty causes his subjects to revolt against him.
@ ~Diod_22.2'2-4; { OCD³.} |
17a | GRE << Document: Syll_365, honours awarded by the Athenian people to the agonothete Glaucon. |
18 | CAP Diodorus the general of Seleucus is heavily defeated.
@ ~Trog:Prol_17. |
19 | ASI Seleucus captures Sardis.
@ Polyaen_4.9'4. |
20 | PON The inhabitants of Heracleia arrest Heracleides, their previous governor, but Seleucus threatens to attack them.
@ ~Memn_6'1-7'4. |
20a | GRE Areus, king of Sparta, leads a raid against the Aetolians, but is defeated.
@ Just_24.1'2-7; { Errington_p84.} |
21 | THR ?? Cambaules leads a band of Gauls in a raid into Thrace.
@ Paus_10.19'5; { At some unspecified time before the Gauls' invasion of Greece in 279 B.C.} |
22 | ITA The Tarentines attack Thurii.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_6'263;* (1.13) ~Appian:Sam_7'2;(15) { CAH_7.2'457.} |
23 | The Tarentines reject and insult a Roman embassy.
* Read Dionysius' account @ Polyb_1.6'5; DionHal_19.4'2-5'5;* ~[Liv]:Per_12; ValMax_2.2'5; Flor_1.13'5; Appian:Sam_7'3-6;(16) DioCass_fr.39'6-9; Julian:Mis_355'C-D; Eutrop_2.11'1; +Oros_4.1'2; ~Zonar_8'2;(p297) { CAH_7.2'457.} |
24 | AEG The inhabitants of Lemnos erect temples in honour of Seleucus and Antiochus.
@ ~Athen_6.254'f-255'a. |
24a | ASI Document: SEG_59.1406A, a decree of Aegae in Aeolis, granting divine honours to Seleucus and Antiochus. |
25 | Document: RC_9, a letter from Seleucus to Sopater, concerning the city of Athymbria. |
26 | SYR << Seleucus enters into a treaty of friendship with Ptolemy (II ?).
@ Paus_1.7'3. |
27 | ?? Seleucus returns to the Greeks the statues etc. which were removed by the Persians.
* Read Gellius' account @ ValMax_2.10e'1; Plin:HN_34'70<x>; Paus_1.16'3, 3.16'8, 8.46'3; Gell_7.17'2.* |
28 | ?? Seleucus founds numerous cities throughout his kingdom, including Beroea, Cyrrhus, Dura, Ecbatana, Edessa, Hierapolis, Nicephorium, Nicopolis, Nisibis, Pella, Rhagae, Seleuceia-on-Calycadnus, and Thyateira.
* Read Appian's account @ OGIS_211; Apollod:Fr_286; IsidChar_2;(↓) Strab_11'524,(13.6) 14'670;(5.4) Plin:HN_6'43; Appian:Syr_57;* Sherk:AH_131;B Aelian:NA_12'2; Liban:Or_11'100-103<t=B Austin_58>; Hieron:Chron_1715; AmmMarc_14.8'2, '5-6; Malal_203-204; Tzetz:Chil_7'168-180.(118) |
29 | PER ?? Seiles massacres 3000 Persian rebels.
@ Polyaen_7.39'1. |
30 | EXT ?? Seleucus unsuccessfully attempts to transplant Indian perfume trees.
@ Plin:HN_16'135.L |
31 | ?? Seleucus plans a canal between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea.
@ Plin:HN_6'31. |
32 | ?? The explorations of Demodamas, along the river Jaxartes and in India.
@ Plin:HN_6'49, '63. |
33 | SYR ?? Seleucus maintains a herd of elephants near Apameia.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_16'752;* (2.10) Aelian:NA_9'58. |
34 | ++ General remarks on the reign of Seleucus.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Plut:Mor_790'A; Arrian:Anab_7.22'5; Athen_6.244'f;* Malal_198. |
35 | THR {month6 -B = August/September} Ptolemy Ceraunus assassinates Seleucus and makes himself king of Macedonia.
* Read Appian's account @ BabylChron_9'R1-7, #BM.35603'O8-10; Polyb_2.41'1; Nepos_21.3'4; Strab_13'623;(4.1) Memn_8'1-3; Appian:Syr_62-63,* 64-65;(↓) Paus_1.16'2; Just_17.2'4-5; Trog:Prol_17; +[Euseb]:Chron_235, 243, 249; Hieron:Chron_1735, 1737; Oros_3.23'63-68; { CAH_7.1'113; Errington_p62.} |
36 | The funeral of Seleucus.
* Read Appian's account @ Appian:Syr_63;* (↓) Malal_204. |
37 | ROM The Roman senate declares war on Tarentum.
@ DionHal_19.6'1-3. |
38 | ITA Aemilius leaves Samnium and moves against Tarentum.
* Read Zonaras' account @ Ennius:Ann_180; DionHal_19.7'2; ~[Liv]:Per_12; Appian:Sam_7'7;(17) +Oros_4.1'3-4; ~Zonar_8'2;* (p299) { CAH_7.2'457.} |
39 | The Tarentines call on Pyrrhus to protect them against the Romans; Pyrrhus is encouraged to go by an oracle from Delphi.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Polyb_1.6'5-6, 8.24'1; Cic:Div_2'116; Diod_21.21'1-15; ~DionHal_19.8'1-3; ~Plut:Pyrrh_13'3-14'14;* Flor_1.13'6; Appian:Sam_7'8;(17) Paus_1.12'1-2; MinFel:Oct_26'6; DioCass_fr.39'10, 40'3-6; Just_17.3'22-18.1'2; [Vict]:VirIll_35'1-3; August:DeCiv_3'17;(↓↓) ~Oros_4.1'5; ~Zonar_8'2,(p301-5) { CAH_7.2'666; Green_228.} |
40 | MAC Ptolemy Ceraunus attempts to win the support of other kings.
* Read Justin's account @ ~Just_17.2'9-10;* Trog:Prol_17. |
41 | EPI Pyrrhus makes an alliance with Ptolemy Ceraunus and gets help from Macedonia for his expedition to Italy.
* Read Justin's account @ ~Just_17.2'11-15;* Trog:Prol_17; { CAH_7.2'462-463.} |
41a | LYC {Audnaeus -M = Sept./Oct.} Document: SEG_63.1270, a decree of Termessus in Pamphylia, in honour of a Ptolemaic official. |
42 | EGY Ptolemy II frees Jewish slaves.
* Read Aristeas' account @ Aristeas_12-27;* Joseph:AJ_12'17-33; ChronPasc_425'A; +Hieron:Chron_1736; August:DeCiv_18'42, '45.(↓) |
43 | GRE ?? Sayings of Gnathaena, an Athenian hetaera, addressed to Andronicus, Callistion, Chaerephon, Dexithea, Diphilus, Hippomachus, Mania, Pausanias, Stratocles, and others.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_13.578'e, 579'e-581'c,* 583'a, 'e-f, 584'b-585'b; { Gnathaena was a contemporary of the poet Diphilus, and lived to be an old woman (see Ath_13.580'c).} |
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