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1 | PEL ++ The policy of Demetrius towards the Greek states.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_2.41'10, 9.29'5-6;* Plut:Demetr_42'1-3, :Mor_233'E, 338'A, 511'A; DiogLaert_2'143. |
2 | ?? Demetrius is advised not to build a canal across the Corinthian Isthmus.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_1'54;* (3.11) Plin:HN_4'10. |
3 | ?? Demetrius complains to the Romans about the activities of Italian pirates.
@ Strab_5'232.(3.5) |
4 | << Demochares is sent as an ambassador to ask Lysimachus for financial suppoert.
@ Plut:Mor_851'E; { See T.L.Shear, "Kallias of Sphettos", p.81.} |
4a | ?? A bodyguard of Demetrius is killed after entering the oracle of Trophonius.
@ Paus_9.39'12. |
5 | ?? Cynaethus indulges in absurd flattery of Demetrius.
@ Lucian:PrIm_20. |
6 | SYR << Seleucus captures Demetrius.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Nepos_21.3'3; ~Plut:Demetr_48'5-50'5,* :Ant_93'1-3; Paus_1.16'1, 6.15'7, 16'2; (?) Polyaen_4.9'2, '3, '5; Just_16.2'6; +[Euseb]:Chron_247,(↓) 261;(↓) ChronSynt_91;(↓) { CAH_7.1'108; Errington_p58.} |
7 | Seleucus puts Demetrius under a strong armed guard.
@ ~Plut:Demetr_50'6-9. |
7a | GRE {30 Elaphebolion - G = April} Document: IG_2³.866 & 867, Athenian decrees in honour of two friends of king Lysimachus. |
7b | << Document: IG_2³.868, an Athenian decree in honour of Philocles, the king of Sidon. |
8 | ?? Crates persuades Metrocles to become his follower.
@ Teles_40-41; DiogLaert_6'94. |
9 | ?? The married life of Crates and Hipparchia.
* Read Diogenes' account @ AnthPal_7.413<q" AntipSid>; Apul:Flor_14; ClemAl:Strom_4'19;(↓) DiogLaert_6'88-89,* '96-98; Suda_A'1981, I'517, K'2341, Th'150. |
10 | ?? Sayings of Crates, addressed to Menedemus, Nicodromus, and others.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Teles_38; DiogLaert_2'131, 6'89-92.* |
11 | ++ General comments on the character and philosophy of Crates.
* Read Quintilian's account @ Quint_1.9'5;* Plut:Mor_466'E; Alciphr_3'44; Apul:Flor_22; DiogLaert_6'86; Julian:Or_6.201'B-C. |
12 | ?? The death of the Cynic philosopher Crates.
@ DiogLaert_6'92; { OCD³.} |
13 | EGY << The official entry of the god Sarapis into Alexandria.
* Read Tacitus' account @ Tac:Hist_4'83-84;* Plut:Mor_361'F-362'A, 984'A-B; Paus_1.18'4; ClemAl:Protr_4'42<q"(↓) Athenodor>; +Hieron:Chron_1731; Macrob:Sat_1.7'14-15;L Malal_192. |
14 | ASI << Document: OGIS_11 & RC_6, a decree of Priene in honour of Lysimachus, and a letter of Lysimachus in reply. |
15 | SYR Seleucus rejects Lysimachus' advice that Demetrius should be put to death.
@ ~Diod_21.20'1. |
16 | MAC Lysimachus expels Pyrrhus from Macedonia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Pyrrh_12'9-13'2;* Paus_1.10'2, 11'6; ~Just_23.4'9-11; [Euseb]:Chron_241,(↓) 245;(↓) !Hieron:Chron_1730; { CAH_7.1'111; CAH_7.2'462=284; Errington_p59.} |
17 | AEG Demetrius hands over control of his remaining possessions to Antigonus.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Demetr_51'1-4,* :Mor_183'C. |
17a | GRE With the help of Lysimachus, Xanthippus liberates Elateia from Antigonus.
@ Syll_361'C; { Tarn, Antigonos Gonatas, p118.} |
18 | IT+ The Romans are involved in fighting against the Lucanians and the inhabitants of Vulsinii.
@ ~[Liv]:Per_11. |
19 | ROM The inhabitants of Thurii give a statue and a golden crown to the tribune C.Aelius in recognition of his help in protecting them from the Lucanians.
@ Plin:HN_34'32; { CAH_7.2'450; Green_692.} |
20 | EGY ?? Philetas of Cos and Straton of Lampsacus act as tutors of Ptolemy II.
* Read Diogenes' account @ DiogLaert_5'58;* Suda_Ph'332, S'1186. |
21 | {December ?} Ptolemy II becomes co-regent with his father.
* Read Justin's account @ SelPap_1.31'11-12, 1.72'1; +AstrCan_3; Nepos_21.3'4; Plut:Mor_341'A; Appian:BCiv_1'103; Paus_1.6'8; Lucian:Macr_12; DiogLaert_5'78, '79; ~Just_16.2'7-9;* Trog:Prol_16; [Euseb]:Chron_127,(↓) ~161, 169;(↓) { CAH_7.1'413; Errington_p60; Bennett=284.} |
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