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1 | GRE << Demetrius' licentious behaviour during his winter stay at Athens, especially with the courtesans Lamia and Leaena; Democles commits suicide to escape the attentions of Demetrius.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ ~Plut:Demetr_24'1-5, 26'5<q" Philippid>, :Ant_91'3-5; ClemAl:Protr_4'48;(↓) Athen_13.577'c-f;* { Green_50; Errington_p48.} |
1a | {22 Gamelion -G = Jan./Feb.} Document: Syll_335, an Athenian decree in honour of Pheidias, a doctor. |
1b | << Document: Syll_336, an Athenian decree in honour of Euchares. |
2 | BOS ?? Eumelus increases the power of the kingdom of the Cimmerian Bosporus.
@ +Diod_20.25'1-3. |
3 | << Eumelus dies after falling under the wheels of a carriage.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.25'3-4,* 26'2, 100'7; { OCD³.} |
4 | ASI << Earthquakes in Ionia.
@ +MarmPar_B'24. |
5 | AEG << The beginning of the construction of the Colossus of Rhodes, designed by Chares.
@ AnthPal_6.171; ~Plin:HN_34'41; Lucian:JTrag_11; { ~CAH_7.1'57; ~Hölbl_p22.} |
6 | << Ptolemy makes a dedication to the temple of Athena at Lindus.
@ Burstein_46.C'39.B |
7 | EGY << The "floruit" of Theodorus "the atheist".
@ +Hieron:Chron_1713. |
8 | EPI ?? Pyrrhus praises Polyperchon as a general.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Pyrrh_8'7,* :Mor_184'C. |
9 | MAC ++ Polyperchon's drunken dancing in his old age.
@ Athen_4.155'c<q" Duris_12>; { ~ OCD³; Green_28.} |
10 | PEL Demetrius captures Sicyon, and moves the city to a different site.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.102'1-4;* Strab_8'382;(6.25) Plut:Demetr_25'3; Paus_2.7'1; Polyaen_4.7'3. |
11 | ITA Cleonymus of Sparta arrives with an army to support Tarentum, and takes two hundred maidens as hostages from Metapontum.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.104'1-4;* Strab_6'280;(3.4) Athen_13.605'e; { CAH_7.2'458.} |
12 | CIS The Romans trap and kill two thousand armed men in a cave in Umbria.
@ +Liv_10.1'4-6. |
13 | EXT Seleucus agrees peace terms with Sandracottus, and receives in return 500 elephants.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_15'724;* (2.9) Plut:Alex_62'4; Appian:Syr_55;(↓) Athen_1.18'e; ~Just_15.4'21; ~Oros_3.23'46; { CAH_7.1'496; Errington_p38?305.} |
14 | PEL Demetrius captures Corinth, and then Bura, Scyrus, Orchomenus, and other cities in the Peloponnese.
* Read Diodorus' account @ SEG_25.149'9-11; THI_14; +Diod_20.103'1-7;* Plut:Demetr_25'1; Polyaen_4.7'8; Trog:Prol_15; { CAH_7.1'58; Green_33.} |
15 | Nicodemus of Messene transfers his support from Cassander to Demetrius.
@ Plut:Dem_13'4; { Nicodemus was accused of opportunism - probably during Demetrius' sweeping successes in the Peloponnese.} |
16 | With the help of Herodorus the trumpeter, Demetrius captures Argos, where he marries Deidameia, the sister of Pyrrhus.
* Read Plutarch's account @ (?) THI_76; Plut:Pyrrh_4'3,* :Demetr_25'2; Athen_10.415'a; { CAH_7.1'106.} |
17 | EPI Cleonymus captures Corcyra.
@ +Diod_20.104'4. |
18 | ETR == The Romans found colonies at Sora and Alba.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_10.1'1-2;* Vell_1.14'6; { CAH_7.2'376; OCD³.} |
19 | == The inhabitants of Arpinum and Trebula are granted Roman citizenship.
@ +Liv_10.1'3; { CAH_7.2'376.} |
20 | ASI ?? Document: RC_3-4 (Syll_344), letters from Antigonus to Teos concerning plans for a synoecism with Lebedus. { CAH_7.1'307.} |
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| 15.01.25
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