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1 | AEG The Rhodians send out ships to attack Demetrius' supply bases, and Menedemus captures a ship sent by Phila to Demetrius.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.93'1-7;* ~Plut:Demetr_22'1-2. |
2 | Demetrius prevents the destruction of a picture by Protogenes.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plin:HN_7'126, 35'102, '104-105; ~Plut:Demetr_22'3-7,* :Mor_183'A-B; Fronto:Ep_1'p134; Gell_15.31'1-5; Suda_P'2963. |
3 | ITA Peace between the Romans and the Samnites: end of the Second Samnite War.
* Read Livy's account @ +Diod_20.101'5; +Liv_9.45'1-4;* { CAH_7.2'375; Green_688.} |
4 | AEG Demetrius fails to bribe Athenagoras, one of the Rhodian commanders, but he attacks and makes a breach in the city walls.
* Read Diodorus' account @ FGrH_533'2; +Diod_20.94'1-95'5.* |
5 | Supplies from Ptolemy, Cassander, and Lysimachus reach Rhodes.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.96'1-3;* Paus_1.6'6. |
6 | A violent counter-attack by the Rhodians forces Demetrius to pull back his siege machines.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.96'3-97'7;* Vitr_10.16'7. |
7 | ROM { 15 July -R } The censor Q.Fabius holds a parade of the equites.
* Read Livy's account @ #Liv_9.46'15;* ValMax_2.2'9; [Vict]:VirIll_32'3; { CAH_7.2'663.} |
8 | GRE Demetrius captures the island of Salamis.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Paus_1.35'2;* Polyaen_4.11'1; { Green_50.} |
9 | AEG The Athenians arrange a short truce between Demetrius and the Rhodians, which is followed by another unsuccessful attack by Demetrius, during which the Rhodian magistrate Damoteles is killed.
@ +Diod_20.98'1-3. |
10 | Demetrius agrees to end the siege of Rhodes, through the mediation of the Aetolians.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.99'1-100'2;* Plut:Demetr_22'8; Trog:Prol_15; { CAH_7.1'56; Errington_p49.} |
11 | Demetrius leaves behind his siege engines for the Rhodians to keep.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Vitr_10.16'8; ~Plut:Demetr_20'9,* :Mor_183'B. |
12 | ETR Sempronius subdues the Aequi.
* Read Livy's account @ +Diod_20.101'5; +Liv_9.45'5-17;* { CAH_7.2'376.} |
13 | SIC << Agathocles massacres the inhabitants of Leontini.
@ Polyaen_5.3'2; { Shortly after Deinocrates' desertion to Agathocles.} |
14 | Agathocles attacks the Lipara islands.
* Read Diodorus' account @ FGrH_564'4<q" Callias>; +Diod_20.101'1-4;* { CAH_7.1'405.} |
15 | EXT << Fighting between Seleucus and the Indian king Sandracottus.
* Read Appian's account @ Appian:Syr_55;* (↓) ~Just_15.4'12, '20; ~Oros_3.23'46; { CAH_7.1'210.} |
16 | GRE Demetrius crosses to Greece and captures Chalcis.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +MarmPar_B'24; +Diod_20.100'5-6;* Plut:Demetr_23'3. |
17 | ETR The Romans make an alliance with the Marsi, Paeligni, Marrucini, and Frentani.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.101'5;* +Liv_9.45'18; Strab_5'241;(4.2) { CAH_7.2'376.} |
18 | AEG The Rhodians honour Ptolemy as a god, and give him the title "Soter".
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_20.100'3-4;* Paus_1.8'6; { Green_33, 403.} |
19 | GRE ?? Demochares arranges an alliance between the Athenians and the Boeotians, but is subsequently forced to go into exile.
@ Plut:Mor_851'E; { OCD³.} |
19a | ?? Document: Syll_328 & 329, two Athenian decrees referring to the war against Cassander. |
20 | << Olympiodorus recaptures the Peiraeus from the Macedonians.
@ Paus_1.26'3; { CAH_7.1'232; ~ OCD³.} |
21 | Demetrius drives Cassander's army out of Attica and pursues it as far as Heracleia.
@ ~Plut:Demetr_23'1-3; { Green_50.} |
22 | ROM {24 Sept. -R} Sempronius celebrates a triumph over the Aequi.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_9.45'18;* #FastTr_p96. |
23 | GRE The Athenians grant further honours to Demetrius.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ CratesHist_2; Frontin:Str_4.1'10; ~Plut:Demetr_23'4-5; Athen_6.252'f-253'f,* 254'a, 255'c; { Frontinus applies to Demetrius a saying which Plutarchus says was addressed to his brother Philippus.} |
24 | ROM == Cn.Flavius, the son of a freedman, holds office as curule aedile but is opposed by the nobility, who try to prevent him from dedicating a temple to Concordia.
* Read Livy's account @ Gell_7.9'1-6<q" LPiso>; Cic:DeOr_1'186, :Att_6.11'8, '18; +Liv_9.46'1-13;* ValMax_2.5'2, 9.3'3; Plin:HN_33'17-20; Justin:Dig_1.2.2'7, '36<q" Pomponius>; Macrob:Sat_1.15'9;L { CAH_7.2'306-377.} |
25 | == The censors Q.Fabius and P.Decius distribute the urban plebs amongst four tribes.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_9.46'14-15;* +FastCap_p48; ValMax_2.2'9; Plut:Pomp_13'11; Ampel_18'6; [Vict]:VirIll_13'11; { CAH_7.2'397.} |
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| 15.01.25
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