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1 | GRE << Cassander refounds Thebes, but Crates refuses to take part in the resettlement.
* Read Diodorus' account @ PsCallisth_1'47; +MarmPar_B'14; Polyb_38.3'1; +Diod_19.53'1-3,* 54'1-3, 61'2; Prop_2.6'5-6; Strab_9'403;(2.5) Plut:Demetr_40'6, :Mor_814'B; Paus_7.6'9, 9.3'6, 7'1-4; Aelian:VH_3'6; { CAH_7.1'292=316; Errington_p31; Anson_xi.} |
1a | The Thebans demand repayment of an old loan made to the Thessalians.
@ Quint_5.10'111-118. |
1b | EGY {Hathyr -E = Jan./Feb.} Document: AET_7.8'B, a demotic marriage contract. |
2 | MES Seleucus is visited by Antigonus at Babylon.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_19.55'1-3;* Appian:Syr_53; { Errington_p29.} |
3 | ++ Seleucus wins the support of his subjects by his conduct as satrap of Babylonia.
@ +Diod_19.91'2. |
4 | EGY Seleucus takes refuge with Ptolemy, in anticipation of an attack by Antigonus.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_19.55'4-56'1,* 86'4; Appian:Syr_53; Paus_1.6'4; Liban:Or_11'77-78,B '80-82;B { CAH_7.1'46; Errington_p29.} |
4a | PEL Cassander invades the Peloponnese, and wins over Argos and most of Messenia.
@ +Diod_19.54'3-4; { Anson_xi.} |
5 | ITA Q.Aulius, the Roman magister equitum, is killed in fighting near Saticula.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_9.22'1-10;* +FastCap_p46. |
6 | EGY Seleucus attempts to organize a coalition against Antigonus in the west.
@ +Diod_19.56'1-4. |
7 | MAC << Cassander founds the city of Thessalonice.
* Read Strabo's account @ ~FGrH_155.2'4; Strab_7.fr'1,* (7.12) '24;(7.12) Julian:Or_3.107'D; Malal_190; Suda_Th'260; { CAH_7.1'494; Errington_p28; Anson_xi.} |
8 | GRE << The "floruit" of Menedemus.
@ +Hieron:Chron_1701. |
9 | ASI << The birth of the philosopher Arcesilaus.
@ ~DiogLaert_4'44; { OCD³; Green_606.} |
10 | PON ++ Dionysius Metathemenos as a pupil of Heracleides.
* Read Diogenes' account @ DiogLaert_5'92-93,* 7'166; Suda_P'449. |
11 | ?? The death of the philosopher Heracleides Ponticus.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Phld:Acad_9-10; DiogLaert_5'90-91;* Suda_H'461; { OCD³.} |
12 | SYR Antigonus rejects an ultimatum from Ptolemy, Seleucus, and Cassander.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_19.57'1-5;* Appian:Syr_53;(↓) Just_15.1'1-5; Oros_3.23'33-35; { CAH_7.1'494; Errington_p29; Anson_xi=314.} |
13 | PHO >> Antigonus builds a new navy in Phoenicia.
@ +Diod_19.58'1-6; { Errington_p29=315/4; Green_23=314.} |
14 | PAL Antigonus expels Ptolemy's garrisons from Joppa and Gaza.
* Read Diodorus' account @ (?) Syll_409'7-9; +Diod_19.59'1-3;* Appian:Syr_53;(↓) { ~CAH_7.1'46; Anson_xi=314; for possible Athenian support of Antigonus, see T.L.Shear, "Kallias of Sphettos", p.9.} |
15 | PEL Aristodemus is sent by Antigonus to the Peloponnese, and gives help to Polyperchon.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_19.60'1, 63'1-3;* { Errington_p19=315/4; Anson_xi=314.} |
16 | ASI Ptolemaeus, the general of Antigonus, frees Chalcedon from a siege by Zipoetes of Bithynia.
@ +Diod_19.60'2-4; Plut:Mor_302'E-303'A.(49) |
17 | ETR The Samnites capture Plistica, and the Romans capture Saticula.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_19.72'3-4;* +Liv_9.22'11; { CAH_7.2'372.} |
18 | PEL Cassander invades the Peloponnese.
@ +Diod_19.63'4-64'1. |
19 | SIC Agathocles attacks Messene.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_19.65'1-6;* Polyaen_5.15'1; { CAH_7.1'390.} |
20 | PHO Antigonus declares Cassander a public enemy, and promises freedom to the Greek states; then he starts to besiege Tyre.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_19.61'1-5,* 66'3; { CAH_7.1'47; Errington_p30-31=314; Anson_xi=314.} |
21 | ETR Roman colonists are massacred at Sora, which defects to the Samnites.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_19.72'3;* +Liv_9.23'2; { CAH_7.2'662.} |
22 | PEL Alexander is persuaded to change sides by Cassander.
@ +Diod_19.64'2-5; { Errington_p32=313; Anson_xii=313.} |
23 | ETR The Samnites defeat the Romans at Lautulae.
* Read Diodorus' account @ +Diod_19.72'5-8;* +Liv_9.23'1-6; { CAH_7.2'372.} |
24 | The dictator Q.Fabius defeats the Samnites near Sora.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_9.23'7-17;* Frontin:Str_1.11'21. |
25 | ETR Fabius punishes the soldiers who were defeated by the Samnites.
@ Frontin:Str_4.1'35. |
26 | EGY Ptolemy sends out Myrmidon, Polycleitus, Menelaus, and Seleucus to attack Antigonus in different areas.
@ +Diod_19.62'1-9. |
27 | CIL Polycleitus defeats Theodotus, the admiral of Antigonus, near Aphrodisias.
@ +Diod_19.64'5-8; { Anson_xii=313.} |
28 | ETR The land round Ardea in Latium is laid waste by the Samnites.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_5'232,* (3.5) '249;(4.11) { CAH_7.2'372.} |
29 | AEG ?? A remark of Aeschines about a speech of Demosthenes: "What if you had heard the beast himself?".
* Read Plutarch's account @ ValMax_8.10e'1; Plin:HN_7'110; Quint_11.3'7; Plinius:Ep_2.3'10; Plut:Mor_840'D-E.* |
30 | ?? Aeschines introduces the study of rhetoric at Rhodes.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Vit:Aeschin_6; Quint_12.10'19; Plut:Mor_840'D-E;* Suda_Ai'348. |
31 | ++ A description of a statue of Aeschines.
@ AnthPal_2'13-16. |
32 | << The death of Aeschines, at Samos.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Mor_840'E;* Suda_Ai'347; { CAH_7.1'494; OCD³=c.322.} |
33 | PEL ?? Chares learns the art of sculpture as a pupil of Lysippus.
@ [Cic]:RhetHer_4'9. |
34 | ?? Lysippus acknowledges the "Doryphoros" of Polycleitus as his model in sculpture.
@ Cic:Brut_296. |
35 | ++ General comments on the art and character of Lysippus.
@ Petron:Sat_88; Plin:HN_34'37, '61-65; Lucian:JTrag_9; { ~CAH_6'659; OCD³.} |
36 | ?? Lysistratus the brother of Lysippus develops a technique of taking plaster casts from living faces and from statues.
@ Plin:HN_35'153. |
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| 05.10.24
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