These two inscriptions have been published by C.P.Jones, "Cleopatra VII in Teos?", ( PDF ) and "Altars of Cleopatra VII and Ptolemy XV Caesarion at Teos" (Philia, 2020). He suggests that the two altars, which seem to form a pair, were erected during the preparations for war against Octavian, when M. Antonius stayed at Ephesos and then moved to Samos, and that the man who dedicated B had been given Roman citizenship by L. Munatius Plancus. In that case, 'Queen Kleopatra' in A is probably Cleopatra VII and 'King Ptolemaios' in B is probably Ptolemy XV Caesarion.
[A] Altar of Goddess Berenike and of Goddess Arsinoē and of Goddess Kleopatra and of Queen Kleopatra: dedicated by Kratēa daughter of Pytheos {or Pytheas}.
[B] Altar of God Ptolemaios and of God Ptolemaios and of King Ptolemaios: dedicated by Lucius Munatius [A]po[ll]onios.
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