
Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum: 645


Greek text:   DAW_44.6.186 ,   DAW_44.6.187
Date:     c. 172 B.C.
Format:   see key to translations

[A] Decree of the Boeotians.   It is resolved by the people, as proposed by Emmonos son of Xenneas: Eudamos son of Nikon and his descendants shall be proxenoi of the league of Boeotians, and they shall have the right to own land buildings, and freedom from taxes and security and inviolability in war and in peacetime, both by land and by sea, and all the other rights in the same way as other proxenoi.

[B] Decree of the Byzantines.   It was resolved by the council and the people: since the envoys who were sent to [king] Antiochos have come before the council and said that Eudamos of Seleukeia, the son of Nikon, who is residing with king Antiochos, is both publicly [well-disposed] towards the people and privately provides help to those of the citizens who meet him, and for the future he announces that he will take care of the interests of the city; therefore it is resolved by the people to praise Eudamos for this, and he shall be a proxenos of the city; he and his descendants shall be granted the right to sail in and [to sail out] of the city, both in war and in peacetime, inviolably and without [formality];] and they shall have access to the council and the people, [second only] to sacred matters; the 'fifteen' [and the advocates] of the council shall put up his [inscribed stele in the] temple [of Apollo].

[C] Decree of the Byzantines.   It was resolved by the council and the people: since Phaeinos, when he came before the council, said that Eudamos of Seleukeia, the son of Nikon, has previously been well-disposed towards the people and provided help both publicly to the city and privately to those of the citizens who met him, as the embassies sent to the king bear witness to him; and for the future he announces that he will eagerly offer himself to do what is advantageous to the city; therefore it is resolved by the people to praise Eudamos for this, and that he shall be a citizen according to the law; he shall be able to be enrolled in whichever 'hundred' he chooses; and the 'fifteen' and the advocates of the council shall put up his inscribed stele in the temple of Apollo.

[D] Decree of the Kalchedonians.   It was resolved by the council and the people: since Eudamos of Seleukeia, the son of Nikon, who is a friend of the king and well-disposed towards him, provides help to our city; therefore it is resolved by the people to praise Eudamos and to crown him with a golden crown on account of his goodwill towards the people; the agonothete shall announce the award of the crown at the Dionysia in he theatre; he shall be granted citizenship and taxation equal to the citizens and access to the council and the people, after sacred matters; so that he may become a proxenos, the agonothetes in office during the second period of six months shall make an announcement to the council, according to the law; and the envoys who are chosen to speak to him shall also urge him to provide help to the people on he matters concerning which they are sent as envoys to king Antiochos, making it clear that if it receives this help, the people will show its gratitude to him in a way that is worthy of his benefactions.

[E] Decree of the Kyzikenes.   It was resolved by the council and the people, as proposed by Herogenes son of Pythomnestos: since Eudamos of Seleukeia, the son of Nikon, has shown goodwill and zeal towards the people and those of the citizens who meet him; therefore it is resolved by the people to praise him on account of this goodwill and zeal towards the people; he shall be a proxenos of the Kyzikenes, and he shall be granted the right of travelling to Kyzikos, by land and by sea, inviolably and without formality, both in war and in peacetime, and priority in receiving justice, and freedom from taxes on what he imports or exports according to the law, and privileged seating at all the games. The astynomoi shall ensure that his name is written on the stele of proxenoi.

inscription 646

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