Dio Cassius ( 56.25.4 ) commented on the ambivalent attitude of Augustus towards astrology. He willingly publicised his own horoscope, which he received from the astrologer Theagenes. But in 33 B.C., when civil war was imminent, his colleague Agrippa expelled 'the astrologers and the charlatans' from the city of Rome ( DioCass_49.43.5 ). This decree of Delphi shows that Roman astrologers enjoyed a good reputation abroad.
It was resolved by the city of Delphi; since A.... [. . . of Rome], an astrologer, is a good man, who while residing [in our city gave] many [demonstrations] of his expertise, in the gymnasium, [for which he was] highly [respected]; therefore, so that the city may be seen [to honour good] men, it is resolved by the city of Delphi [to praise A.... . . .]of Rome, an astrologer, and that there shall be granted [to him and his descendants: freedom from taxes], proxeny, priority in consulting the oracle, inviolability, priority in receiving justice, [privileged seating at all the] games that the city holds, and [all] the other privileges [that the other] proxenoi and benefactors of the city have. When Polemarchos [was archon], and the members of the council were Seleukos son of Babylos [and Antiphilos son of Gorgilos].
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