These documents were part of a small archive belonging to the temple of Bastet in the village of Tholthis. They do not state the full name of the king in whose reign they were written, but Ptolemy VI seems the most likely choice. They were published by W. Clarysse & U. Luft, Demotic contracts between sculptors and the Bastet temple at Tholthis ( PDF ).
[A] Year 33, Mecheir 22 of pharaoh [ Ptolemy son of Ptolemy and his wife ], has said the scribe (?) and (?) sculptor of the temple of Oxyrhynchus Papretis (?) [son of . . . his mother is . . . to Horos son of Oteyris] the lesonis and representative of the priests of Bastet of Tholthis. I have an obligation towards you [to make a shrine (?) in (?) the temple] of Bastet in Tholthis as work of sculptor like the shrine of [ Harpocrates . . . ] 5 from year 33 Phamenoth day 4 until Pachons 30. If [I do not ?] complete the work before 30 Pachons as the shrine described above [I will do it] within 5 days in the month after the specified month, necessarily [and without delay. The person] who will dispute with me 'in the name of the writing above, I will act accordingly (?)' necessarily without delay as written [above (?) - - - for (?) ] the said [work] 38 (?) artabas of wheat and 5 hin (?) of oil . . . 10 . . . give witness (?) to me . . .
[B] [Year .., month . . . day .. of pharaoh Ptolemy son of] Ptolemy and his wife, has said the sculptor of the temple of Oxyrhynchus [. . . son of . . ., his] mother is Tamounis . . . to Horos son of Oteyris the lesonis and representative of the priests of Bastet of Tholthis. [I have an obligation towards you to make a shrine (?)] in the temple [of Bastet in] Tholthis as work of sculptor like the shrine [of Harpocrates (?) . . . ] 5 from year 3[.] Phamenoth 5 until Pachons [last day. If I do not] complete [it like] the shrine described above until the day . . . the lesonis - - within 5 days of the month following . . . they speak with me in the name of everything which is above . . . the] lesonis the representative of the priests of Bastet of T[holthis] . . . 10 . . . and I give . . . . . . 15 . . . 3 debens, that is 15 staters . . .
[C] Year 33 Mecheir of king Pto[lemy son of Ptolemy], has said the . . . Harsiesis son of Psenpdjou [his mother being Tamounis to] Horos son of Oteyris the lesonis and representative of the priests of [Bastet of Tholthis. I have an obligation towards you to make a shrine (?) in (?) the temple of Bastet in Tholthis as] a work of sculpture of the shrine . . . 5 . . . in the matter of sculptor (?) . . . If I have not completed it . . . complete the named shrine . . . the named shrine . . . son of (?) Oteyris (?) 10 necessarily without delay. Written in year 33 Mecheir day 22 . . . the above document, I will act accordingly . . .
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