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1 | ROM {1 January} Octavianus resigns as consul on the first day of the year.
@ Appian:Ill_28; #DioCass_49.43'6-7. |
2 | EGY {26 Mecheir -E = February} Document: BD_52B, exemptions granted to P.Canidius by Cleopatra. |
3 | ROM {27 April} The triumph of L.Marcius Philippus, from Spain.
@ #EhrJon:Fast_33BC. |
4 | ROM {1 June} The triumph of Ap. Claudius Pulcher, from Spain.
@ #EhrJon:Fast_33BC. |
5 | ILL The Dalmatians surrender to Octavianus.
@ Appian:Ill_28; { CAH_10'173.} |
6 | ARM Antonius makes a pact with the king of Media Atropatene.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Strab_11'523;(13.2) Plut:Ant_53'11-12;* +DioCass_49.44'1-2. |
6a | EGY {30 Epeiph -E = 26 July} Document: AET_5.5, the epitaph of Berenice, daughter of Psherenptah. |
7 | ROM Octavianus restores the Porticus Octavia, and displays the trophies from Illyria there.
* Read Appian's account @ Appian:Ill_16,* 28; +DioCass_49.43'8; { CAH_10'46-47, '174; Dio's account of this is confused.} |
8 | ARM Antonius assigns Armenia Minor to Polemon.
@ DioCass_49.33'2, +44'3; { CAH_10'48; OCD³.} |
9 | ROM Octavianus and Antonius exchange mutual insults and accusations.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plin:HN_14'148;L Plut:Ant_55'1-4;* Suet:Aug_69'1-2; DioCass_49.41'6, +50.1'2-2'1; { CAH_10'43; Syme_p276.} |
10 | ASI Antonius and Cleopatra gather their forces at Ephesus.
@ Plut:Ant_56'1-10; { Hölbl_p245; Syme_p266.} |
11 | {3 December} The triumph of L.Cornificius, from Africa.
@ #EhrJon:Fast_33BC. |
12 | {31 December} The legal powers of the triumvirs formally lapse.
@ Aug:ResGest_7; [Liv]:Per_132; { CAH_10'67-68; Syme_p277.} |
13 | == Agrippa as aedile supervises building work in Rome, including improvements to the aqueducts and sewers.
* Read Dio's account @ Plin:HN_36'104, '121; Frontin:Aqu_1'9, '10, 2'98; DioCass_49.42'2, +43'1-5;* { CAH_10'788.} |
14 | ILL == Octavianus founds more Roman colonies, including Pola in Istria.
* Read St.Jerome's account @ Mela_2'57; Plin:HN_3'129 +Hieron:Chron_1984;* { CAH_10'574.} |
15 | == Document: CIL_5.525, recording the construction of a wall at Tergeste by Octavianus. |
16 | ROM == The future emperor Tiberius makes a speech at the funeral of his father.
@ Suet:Tib_6'4; { OCD³; when Tiberius was 9 years old.} |
17 | == M.Varro recommends a remedy for asp bites.
@ Plin:HN_29'65;L { in a book written when he was 83 years old.} |
18 | ?? L.Lamia recovers consciousness on his funeral pyre, but cannot be rescued.
@ ValMax_1.8'12b; { probably the same Lamia who was praetor in 43 B.C.} |
19 | ?? Document: Campbell_340,B an edict of Octavianus granting privileges to veterans. { issued when Octavianus was triumvir for the second time.} |
20 | MAU ?? Bocchus tries to punish thirty of his elephants.
@ Plin:HN_8'15. |
21 | == Octavianus seizes control of Mauretania after the death of Bocchus.
@ Strab_17'828;(3.7) DioCass_49.43'7; { CAH_10'168; OCD³.} |
22 | == Four Greek rhetoricians (Nicetes, Hybreas, Theodorus and Plution) are in their prime.
@ +Hieron:Chron_1984. |
23 | ASI << Antonius and Cleopatra allegedly indulge in degenerate behaviour, including the swallowing of a pearl.
@ Aug:Fr_12'16; Plin:HN_9'119-121,L 14'148,L 33'50; Flor_2.21'1-3; Macrob:Sat_3.17'14-18;L { CAH_10'42.} |
23a | GRE << Document: Syll_767, a statue of the proquaestor Silanus, dedicated by a league of Greeks. |
24 | AEG ?? Document: SEG_46.1088, a Lex Fonteia, granting privileges in the name of Antonius. |
25 | SYR ?? Document: SEG_54.1625.A-B, a letter of Octavianus concerning Seleucus of Rhosus. |
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