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1 | ROM {1 January} Antonius resigns as consul, and L.Sempronius takes his place.
* Read Dio's account @ #DioCass_49.39'1,* 43'6. |
2 | ILL << Helvius and Geminus suppress revolts by the Iapydes and Pannonians.
* Read Appian's account @ Appian:Ill_21;* (↓) +DioCass_49.38'3. |
3 | GAL Octavianus sets out to invade Britain, but returns on hearing of unrest in Illyria.
@ +DioCass_49.38'2; { CAH_10'189.} |
4 | SYR Herodes meets Antonius at Laodiceia and rebuts the accusations made by Cleopatra.
@ ~Joseph:BJ_1'441, :AJ_15'63-79, '204; { Smallwood_p66?35.} |
5 | PAL Herodes kills Joseph, the husband of Salome.
@ Joseph:BJ_1'442-443, :AJ_15'80-87, '254; { CAH_10'747.} |
6 | ROM {30 June} The triumph of Statilius Taurus, from Africa.
* Read Fasti's account @ #FastTr_p110;* Suet:Ner_35'1. |
7 | PAL Cleopatra visits Herodes on her way back from Syria to Egypt.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'362,* :AJ_15'96-103, '106-107; { CAH_10'30; Smallwood_p62.} |
8 | CIS << Vetus and (?) Messala defeat the Salassi.
* Read Appian's account @ Appian:Ill_17;* +DioCass_49.38'3; { CAH_10'169.} |
9 | ILL Octavianus attacks the Dalmatians.
* Read Appian's account @ [Liv]:Per_131, 132; Strab_7'315;(5.5) Vell_2.78'2; Suet:Aug_20'1; Flor_2.25'11-12; Appian:Ill_24-27;* Ampel_47'7; +DioCass_49.38'2-4; { CAH_10'173.} |
10 | ARM Antonius invades Armenia and captures king Artavasdes.
* Read Dio's account @ [Liv]:Per_131; Strab_11'524;(13.4) Vell_2.82'3; Joseph:BJ_1'363, :AJ_15'104; Tac:Ann_2'3; Plut:Ant_50'6, 92'3; Appian:BCiv_5'145; +DioCass_49.39'2-40,* 41'5, 50.1'4; Oros_6.19'3; Movses_2'22-23; { CAH_10'40; OHIH_p173.} |
11 | ROM {3 September} The triumph of C.Sosius, from Judaea.
@ FastTr_p110; { CAH_10'47.} |
12 | The consuls celebrate the festival of Venus Genetrix.
@ +DioCass_49.42'1. |
13 | {12 October} The triumph of C.Norbanus, from Spain.
@ FastTr_p110. |
14 | EGY Antonius celebrates a triumph in Alexandria for his victory in Armenia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Strab_11'532;(14.15) Vell_2.82'4; Plut:Ant_50'6-7;* +DioCass_49.40'3-4; { Hölbl_p243.} |
15 | The "donations of Alexandria": Antonius grants royal titles to the children of Cleopatra.
* Read Plutarch's account @ [Liv]:Per_131; (?) Joseph:BJ_1'359-362, '396, :AJ_15'92-95; Plut:Ant_54'5-9;* +DioCass_49.41'1-3, 50.1'5; Movses_2'23; { CAH_10'40; Syme_p270.} |
16 | PAL Costobarus marries Salome, and is made governor of Idumaea by Herodes.
@ Joseph:AJ_15'254-259. |
17 | EGY Antonius officially marries Cleopatra.
* Read Suetonius' account @ [Liv]:Per_131; Strab_17'797;(1.11) Seneca:Suas_1'6; Suet:Aug_69'2;* Malal_219; { Hölbl_p;244; some form of marriage may have taken place previously in 36 B.C.} |
18 | {29 Choiach -E = December} Document: OGIS_195, a statue of Antonius, "inimitable in love". |
18a | == Document: ARS_127, an edict of Antonius concerning property. |
19 | ROM == Paullus rebuilds the Basilica Aemilia.
@ +DioCass_49.42'2; { CAH_10'47; originally built in 50 B.C.} |
20 | == Document: Nepos_, brief lives of great generals by Cornelius Nepos. { OCD_n.} |
21 | AEG << Document: Sherk_47g,B a dedication at Mytilene in honour of the proconsul M.Titius. { DPRR.} |
22 | SYR ?? The death of Antipater, the father of Nicolaus of Damascus.
@ Suda_A'2705; { Nicolaus was born in about 64 B.C.} |
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| 12.09.24
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