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1 | SIC << Octavianus founds colonies at Tauromenium and Rhegium.
* Read Strabo's account @ Diod_16.7'1; Strab_6'258,* (1.6) '259;(1.6) { CAH_10'437; DioCass_54.7'1 states that the colony at Syracuse was founded later, in 21 B.C.} |
2 | PAL << Q.Dellius visits Judaea, and meets Alexandra, the mother-in-law of Herodes.
* Read Josephus' account @ ~Joseph:BJ_1'439, :AJ_15'25-30.* |
2a | EGY {Phamenoth -E = March} Document: SelPap_2.256A, the sale by auction of a debtor's property. |
3 | ASI Sex.Pompeius attacks the officers of Antonius, and captures Lampsacus.
@ ~Appian:BCiv_5'137-139. |
4 | SYR Antonius plans another campaign against Media, but then postpones it.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Ant_52'1-3,* 53'5-12, :Mor_61'A; +DioCass_49.33'3; { Hölbl_p243.} |
5 | ILL Octavianus leads a military campaign against the Iapydes.
* Read Dio's account @ [Tib]:PanMes_107-112; [Liv]:Per_131; Strab_4'207,(6.10) 7'314;(5.3) Appian:Ill_18-21; +DioCass_49.34'1-45'4,* 50.28'4; { CAH_10'173.} |
6 | Octavianus is wounded when a bridge collapes.
* Read Appian's account @ Plin:HN_7'148; Suet:Aug_20'1; Flor_2.23'6-7; Appian:Ill_20'* |
7 | ASI Sextus Pompeius is captured by Amyntas, after being abandoned by his friends.
* Read Dio's account @ Appian:BCiv_5'139-142; DioCass_49.18'3-4;* { CAH_10'38.} |
8 | Sextus Pompeius is put to death by M.Titius.
* Read Velleius' account @ [Liv]:Per_131; Strab_3'141;(2.2) Vell_2.79'5-6,* 87'2; Flor_2.18'8-9; Appian:BCiv_5'144; DioCass_48.30'6, 49.18'4-6, 50.1'4; Eutrop_7.6'1; Oros_6.19'2; { DPRR.} |
9 | GRE Antonius accepts some soldiers who have been brought over to Greece from Italy by Octavia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Ant_53'1-4,* 54'1-5; Appian:BCiv_5'138; +DioCass_49.33'1-4; { CAH_10'39; Syme_p265.} |
10 | PAN Octavianus attacks the Pannonians and captures Siscia.
* Read Dio's account @ [Liv]:Per_131; Flor_2.24'8-9; Appian:Ill_22-24; Ampel_47'7; +DioCass_49.36'1-37'6,* 50.24'4, 28'4, 51.21'5, 53.7'1; Oros_6.19'3; { CAH_10'173.} |
11 | PAL Alexandra complains to Cleopatra about the behaviour of Herodes.
@ ~Joseph:AJ_15'42-49. |
12 | GRE {1 October} Document: CIL_add.6, graffiti of Epaphroditus in Ithaca. |
13 | PAL {? October} The high priest Aristobulus, the son of Alexandra, is killed by Herodes.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'437, :AJ_14'388, 15'50-62,* '222, 20'248-249; Hieron:Chron_1983, 2009; ChronPasc_468'B; { Smallwood_p65=36; after he had been high priest for just one year.} |
14 | ROM Octavianus returns to Rome, where he grants additional honours to Octavia and Livia.
@ +DioCass_49.38'1; { Hölbl_p243.} |
15 | ?? Octavianus insults Vatinius.
@ Macrob:Sat_2.4'16;L { Vatinius was probably born c.95 B.C.; the last recorded event in his life is his triumph, 42 B.C.} |
16 | << Document: Hor:Sat_1.1-10, the first book of the Satires of Horatius. |
17 | ?? The grammarian Lenaeus writes a satire attacking Sallustius.
@ Suet:Gram_15. |
18 | == The death of the historian Sallustius.
@ ~Hieron:Chron_1981; { CAH_10'883; OCD_s.} |
19 | ?? The death of the Greek scholar Alexander Polyhistor.
@ Suda_A'1129; { born c. 105 B.C.} |
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| 12.09.24
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