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1 | ARM << Pompeius spends the winter at Aspis.
@ +DioCass_37.7'5; { CAH_9'258.} |
2 | PON << Stratonice surrenders the fortress of Sinoria to Pompeius, who finds Mithridates' correspondence there.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plin:HN_23'149;L Plut:Pomp_36'3-37'4;* ~Appian:Mith_107; +DioCass_37.7'5. |
3 | NAR Murena goes out to govern Gaul, accompanied by Clodius.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Mur_42,* 89, :HarResp_42; { CAH_9'347; OCD³.} |
4 | SYR << Lollius and Metellus capture Damascus.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'127,* ~:AJ_14'29; { OCD³; DPRR.} |
5 | PAL << Aretas invades Judaea and defeats Aristobulus.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'126, ~:AJ_14'17-19.* |
6 | {? April} Aristobulus is besieged in the temple at Jerusalem, and Onias is stoned to death for refusing to curse him.
@ ~Joseph:AJ_14'20-28; { At the time of Passover.} |
7 | ARM Phraates, the king of Parthia, invades Armenia but later on agrees a truce with Tigranes.
* Read Appian's account @ ~Appian:Mith_104,* 106; +DioCass_37.6'4-7'4; { CAH_9'264.} |
8 | Pompeius organises Pontus as a Roman province.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_102;* Vell_2.38'6; Plinius:Ep_10.79'1, 112'1; Justin:Dig_50.1.1'2<q" Ulpian>; DioCass_37'arg; Festus:Brev_3'3, 11'4; Sulpit_2'26; { CAH_9'258; OCD³?63.} |
9 | Pompeius creates a city called Pompeiopolis in place of Amisus and Eupatoria.
@ Plin:HN_6'7. |
10 | CHE Mithridates captures Panticapaeum and kills his son Xiphares.
@ ~Appian:Mith_107' |
11 | ROM L.Luscius and L.Bellienus are prosecuted, possibly by C.Caesar, and convicted of murders committed during the dictatorship of Sulla.
* Read Dio's account @ ~Ascon_90-91;L (↓) Suet:Caes_11'1; +DioCass_37.10'1-3;* { CAH_9'348; OCD³.} |
12 | {1 June -R} Catilina begins to collect associates for a new conspiracy; he allegedly makes them swear a secret oath.
* Read Sallust's account @ #Sall:Cat_16'4-17'7,* 20'1-23'4; ~[Liv]:Per_102; Plut:Cic_10'2-4; Flor_2.12'1-4; Tert:Apol_9'9; MinFel:Oct_30'5; DioCass_37.30'1-5. |
13 | ROM Document: QCic:Pet, the "Commentariolum Petitionis", probably written by Q.Cicero. { CAH_9'673; OCD³.} |
14 | The senate restricts the activities of guilds, which leads to the temporary cessation of the Ludi Compitalicii.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:Pis_8;* +Ascon_7;L { CAH_9'346.} |
15 | The senate restricts the activities of political candidates' followers.
@ +Cic:Mur_71. |
16 | PON Pompeius grants territories to neighbouring kings: Deiotarus in Armenia Minor, Ariobarzanes in Cappadocia, Aristarchus in Colchis, and Attalus in Paphlagonia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Pomp_38'1-3;* ~Appian:Mith_105;(↓) DioCass_37.7a'1; Festus:Brev_11'2-4, 16'3; Eutrop_6.14'1. |
17 | SYR Pompeius forces Antiochus of Commagene into submission, and makes an alliance with Abgarus of Osroene.
* Read Appian's account @ ~Appian:Mith_106;* DioCass_40.20'1; { CAH_9'249; OCD³.} |
18 | PEL {July ?} Straton wins the wrestling contest at the Olympic games, for a second time.
@ ~Aelian:VH_4'15; |
19 | ROM ++ General comments on the character of Cicero's father, who died shortly before his son's election as consul.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Leg_2'3;L Plut:Cic_1'1.* |
20 | LUS Sittius, an associate of P.Sulla and Catilina, goes out to Spain.
@ +Cic:Sull_56. |
22 | ROM Cicero delivers a speech, "In toga candida", against his rival candidates Catilina and Antonius.
@ +Ascon_82-83,L 85-86,L 93-94.L (↓) |
23 | PAL Scaurus offers support to Aristobulus, who defeats Hyrcanus.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'127-130,* ~:AJ_14'30-33; Movses_2'15; { CAH_9'261; OCD³=65; DPRR.} |
24 | SYR Pompeius is received with enthusiasm at Antioch and Seleuceia.
* Read Eutropius' account @ Strab_16'751;(2.8) Liban:Or_11'129;B Festus:Brev_16'4; Eutrop_6.14'2;* !Hieron:Chron_1949, 'q; Malal_211-212; { CAH_9'261.} |
25 | Pompeius refuses to re-instate Antiochus Asiaticus as king of Syria: the end of Seleucid rule in Syria.
* Read Justin's account @ ~Appian:Syr_70; ~DioCass_37.7a'1; Just_40.2'3-4;* [Euseb]:Chron_261,(↓) 263; !Hieron:Chron_1924, 1925; Malal_212-213; ExcBarb_46B; ChronSynt_92; { CAH_9'259; Green_658.} |
26 | CHE Mithridates enters into new negotiations with Pompeius, but continues to make ambitious preparations for war.
@ Appian:Mith_107; { This happened while Pompeius was in Syria.} |
27 | A large earthquake devastates the territory controlled by Mithridates.
@ DioCass_37.11'4. |
28 | ROM Cicero and Antonius are elected to be consuls for the following year.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:LegAgr_2'3-4, :Mur_17, 34, :Vat_6, :Cael_10, :Pis_3; +Sall:Cat_23'5-24'1; [Liv]:Per_102; Ascon_94;L Plut:Cic_10'1, 11'1-2,* 27'2; Appian:BCiv_2'2; { CAH_9'349; DPRR.} |
29 | Vatinius and Sestius are elected as quaestors for the following year.
@ Cic:Vat_11; Schol:Bob_145.L |
30 | ?? The priests enjoy a splendid dinner, to celebrate the appointment of Lentulus as flamen Martialis.
@ Macrob:Sat_3.13'10-13;L { While Metellus was pontifex maximus.} |
31 | Pompeius organises Coele Syria and Phoenicia as Roman provinces; Aradus becomes subject to the Romans, but Tyre and Byblus are allowed to remain free.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Strab_16'754,(2.14) '755,(2.18) '757;(2.23) Vell_2.37'5, 38'6; ~Plut:Pomp_38'4-39'3;* DioCass_37'arg, ~37.7a'1; Just_40.2'5; Festus:Brev_14'2; AmmMarc_14.8'10; Malal_222; { CAH_9'260.} |
32 | CHE Phanagoreia revolts from Mithridates, along with Chersonesus, Theudosia, Nymphaeum and other places.
* Read Appian's account @ ~Appian:Mith_108;* DioCass_37.11'4; Oros_6.5'2-3. |
33 | ROM Catilina is accused (? of murder) by L.Lucceius, but he is acquitted.
* Read Dio's account @ ~Ascon_91;L +DioCass_37.10'4.* |
34 | SYR Pompeius receives envoys from the Syrians, Egyptians and Aristobulus of Judaea.
@ ~Joseph:AJ_14'34-37; { ~CAH_9'319; according to Josephus, Pompeius was at Damascus, but it is clear that he did not arrive there until the following year.} |
34a | EGY {2 Choiak -E = December} Document: AET_7.30, the contract for the sale of a house in Memphis. |
35 | ROM Catilina carries on with his plans for a conspiracy, despite his failure at the elections.
* Read Sallust's account @ Cic:Cat_1'11, '15; +Sall:Cat_24'2-25'5.* |
36 | == Cato, as quaestor, forces Sulla's henchmen to give back the rewards which they received during the proscriptions.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:CatMin_17'5-7;* DioCass_47.6'4; { DPRR.} |
37 | == Cato reforms the administration of the treasury, while serving as quaestor.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:CatMin_16'1-17'4,* 18'1-4, :Mor_534'C-D, 808'E. |
38 | {? December -R} Cato prevents Marcellus from agreeing to an illegal payment from the treasury.
@ ~Plut:CatMin_18'5-9. |
39 | == New censors are elected, but they are prevented from achieving anything by the opposition of the tribunes.
@ ~DioCass_37.9'4; { CAH_9'346.} |
40 | == Apollodorus of Pergamon, the future teacher of Octavianus, is in his prime.
@ +Hieron:Chron_1953. |
41 | == The birth of Messalla Corvinus.
* Read St.Jerome's account @ !Hieron:Chron_1958,* ~2027; { OCD³.} |
42 | ?? The Lex Plautia de vi contains measures to combat violence.
@ Schol:Bob_84;L Justin:Dig_41.3.33'2<q" Ulpian>; { DPRR.} |
43 | PAL == The birth of Nicolaus of Damascus.
@ NicDam_136'8. |
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