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1 | SIC Metellus overturns many of Verres' decisions, soon after arriving in Sicily.
* Read Cicero's account @ ~Cic:Verr_2.2'62-63,* '138-140, 3'43-44, '152-160, 5'55; { DPRR.} |
2 | ROM The Sicilians appeal to Cicero to take on the accusation of Verres at Rome.
@ Cic:Verr_2.2'10. |
3 | {January -R} Cicero overcomes a challenge from Q.Caecilius, to be appointed the official prosecutor of Verres.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:DivCaec_1-73;* Quint_7.2'2; Plut:Cic_7'5. |
4 | Verres arranges for a rival prosecutor (? Dasianus) to collect evidence against a former governor of Achaea.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_1'6;* Sall:Hist_4'55.L |
4a | EGY {1 Mecheir -E = February} The final dedication of the temple of Horus at Edfu.
@ AET_8.13.I; { Hölbl_p275.} |
5 | SIC Cicero goes to Sicily to collect evidence against Verres.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_2.2'64-65,* '138, '140, '186-190, 3'47, :Scaur_24-26, 29. |
6 | PON << Mithridates send Bacchides to kill his wives and concubines, including Monima of Miletus.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Memn_30'1; ~Plut:Luc_18'2-9;* ~Appian:Mith_82; Aelian:Fr_12. |
7 | ARM << Lucullus gains control of Armenia Minor.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Luc_19'1;* Eutrop_6.8'3. |
8 | PON << Lucullus sends Ap.Claudius as an envoy to Tigranes to demand the surrender of Mithridates.
* Read Memnon's account @ Memn_31'2;* ~Plut:Luc_19'1; { CAH_9'238-239; McGushin_2'167.} |
9 | << Lucullus captures Amisus after prolonged resistance led by Callimachus, but fails to stop his soldiers from looting the town.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:LegMan_21; Sall:Hist_4'46-48;L Memn_30'4; ~Plut:Luc_19'1-9,* 32'5-6, 33'3; ~Appian:Mith_83; Eutrop_6.8'2; { CAH_9'238; OCD³.} |
10 | ROM Popular pressure forces Pompeius and Crassus to stage a public reconciliation.
@ +Appian:BCiv_1'121; { OCD³.} |
11 | The consuls sponsor a law to restore the full rights and powers of the tribunes of the plebs.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_1'44,* :Leg_3'22,L '26;L Sall:Cat_38'111; Caes:BCiv_1.7'2, '4; +[Liv]:Per_97; +Vell_2.30'4; Ascon_76;L Tac:Ann_3'27; +Plut:Pomp_22'4; Appian:BCiv_2'29; { CAH_9'224; OCD³.} |
12 | PON << Triarius arrives unexpectedly off the coast of Pontus, and defeats the navy of Heracleia.
@ Memn_34'1-7. |
13 | << Cotta and Triarius capture Heracleia, after it is abandoned by Connacorex.
* Read Memnon's account @ Sall:Hist_4'50-51; Memn_34'8-36'2;* ~Appian:Mith_82; { The siege lasted for two years.} |
14 | << Lucullus secures an alliance with Machares, the son of Mithridates, who is king of Bosporus.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_98;* Memn_37'6; ~Appian:Mith_83;(↓) { CAH_9'238.} |
15 | ROM {5 August -R} Cicero presents his evidence at the trial of Verres, who immediately gives up hope of acquittal and goes into exile.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_1'1-56, _2.1'1-5'189,* ~:Brut_319, :Orat_129,L :Off_2'50; Plin:HN_34'6, '48; Quint_5.13'35, 6.3'98, 5'4; Plut:Cic_7'1-8'1, :Mor_205'B; DioCass_46.7'4; [Vict]:VirIll_81'3; Schol:Bob_344-348.L |
16 | SIC L.Metellus attacks Pyrganion and other pirates, and forces them to retreat from the coast of Sicily.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_98;* ~Oros_6.3'5; { DPRR.} |
17 | AS1 Lucullus reorganises the province of Asia, and takes vigorous measures to reduce debt and restore prosperity.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Acad_2'3; ~Plut:Luc_20'1-6,* 23'1; ~Appian:Mith_83;(↓) { CAH_9'239, '247.} |
18 | The cities of Asia establish festivals in honour of Lucullus.
@ ~Plut:Luc_23'1-2. |
19 | The poet Archias accompanies Lucullus in Asia.
@ ~Cic:Arch_11. |
20 | SYR Ap.Claudius is deliberately delayed by his guides, but leaves them behind and makes his own way to Antioch.
@ Plut:Luc_21'1. |
21 | Claudius secretly wins over Zarbienus and other disaffected subjects of Tigranes.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_4'57;L ~Plut:Luc_21'2-5,* 29'8. |
22 | PAL ?? The Pharisees gain great influence during the reign of Alexandra, despite the opposition of her son Aristobulus.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'110-115,* ~:AJ_13'408-418. |
23 | PHO Tigranes captures Ptolemais, but is soon afterwards recalled home by news of the Roman advance towards his kingdom.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'116, :AJ_13'419-421;* ~Plut:Luc_21'2; Movses_2'14. |
24 | SYR Ap.Claudius meets Tigranes, and bluntly warns him of the consequences if Mithridates is not handed over.
* Read Memnon's account @ Sall:Hist_4'58;L Memn_31'2-3;* Plut:Luc_21'6-8; { CAH_9'791.} |
25 | ROM The praetor L.Aurelius Cotta passes the Lex Aurelia, a law which reforms the composition of juries.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_2.2'174,* 3'223, :Clu_130, :Phil_1'20; ~[Liv]:Per_97; Vell_2.32'3; ~Ascon_17,L 67,L 78;L Tac:Ann_3'28; +Plut:Pomp_22'4; Schol:Bob_91, 94, 97;L { CAH_9'225; DPRR.} |
26 | CIS {15 October -R} The birth of the poet P.Vergilius Maro, in a village near Mantua.
* Read Suetonius' account @ #Mart_12.67'3-5; #[Suet]:Verg_1-6;* #Phot:Bibl_97<q" Phlegon:Fr_12'9>; ChronPasc_452'C; Hieron:Chron_1948; { OCD³.} |
27 | ROM Lentulus and Gellius are elected as the first censors since Sulla's reforms, and Pompeius, though consul, comes with his horse to be examined by them.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Verr_1'54; ValMax_5.9'1; +Plut:Pomp_22'4-9,* :Mor_203'F-204'A; { CAH_9'225; DPRR.} |
28 | PON Lucullus captures Sinope.
* Read Memnon's account @ Cic:LegMan_21; Diod_14.31'2; Strab_12'546;(3.11) Memn_37'1-8;* ~Plut:Luc_23'2-6, 46'1; ~Appian:Mith_83; Eutrop_6.8'2; ~Oros_6.3'2-3; { The events in Pontus are shown here in approximately the same order as they appear in Memnon's account; see McGushin_2'167-168.} |
29 | Lucullus captures Amaseia; the death of Diodorus the general of Mithridates.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_13'614;* (1.66) ~Memn_37'9. |
30 | ARM ++ Comments on Metrodorus' skill as an orator.
* Read Quintilian's account @ Quint_10.6'4,* 11.2'6. |
31 | Mithridates has Metrodorus and Amphicrates killed, after hearing that they had been disloyal.
* Read Strabo's account @ Strab_13'609-610;* (1.55) ~Plut:Luc_22'2-7. |
32 | ROM Pompeius and Crassus are again reconciled, after constant disagreements throughout their consulship, and Pompeius retires to private life for a while.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_4'56;L Plut:Pomp_22'3, +23'1-6, :Crass_12'2-4;* Suet:Caes_19'2; { CAH_9'228.} |
33 | The Lex Plotia authorises the return from exile of L.Cinna and other supporters of Lepidus.
* Read Suetonius' account @ Sall:Hist_4'52;L ~Suet:Caes_5'1;* { CAH_9'227; OCD³.} |
34 | ?? Another Lex Plotia is an agrarian law.
@ Cic:Att_1.18'6; { CAH_9'227.} |
35 | The Lex Pompeia defines the crime of parricide.
@ Justin:Dig_48.1'1<q" Macer>; Justin:Dig_48.2.12'4<q" Venuleius>; Justin:Dig_48.9'1-10; { OCD³=or_55.} |
36 | The censors carry out a severe review of the senate, removing C.Antonius, Q.Curius, P.Lentulus and others.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Clu_117-134;* QCic:Pet_8;(2) Cic:Dom_124; Sall:Cat_23'1, :Hist_4'53;L ~[Liv]:Per_98; ~Ascon_84;L (↓) +Phlegon:Fr_12'6;(97) DioCass_37.30'4; { CAH_9'225; OCD³.} |
37 | (?) Maecilia begins a long career of adultery.
@ +Catull_113'1-2. |
38 | ++ The grammarian Cornelius Epicadius is a freedman of Sulla, and a favourite of his son Faustus.
@ Suet:Gram_12; |
39 | PER << The death of Sinatroces, king of Parthia.
* Read Appian's account @ +Phlegon:Fr_12'7;(97) ~Appian:Mith_104;* Lucian:Macr_15; { OCD³; OHIH_p391.} |
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