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1 | ROM {Jan -R} The consuls enter office, and P.Lentulus is sent to organise Cyrene into a Roman province.
* Read Appian's account @ +Sall:Hist_2'40-41; ~Appian:BCiv_1'111;* Eutrop_6.11'3; { CAH_9'319=75/4; DPRR=75/4.} |
2 | SPA << Pompeius spends the winter amongst hostile Spanish tribes.
@ Sall:Hist_2.82'5; { CAH_9'218.} |
3 | Sertorius collects fresh recruits for his army.
@ Sall:Hist_2'34;L { McGushin_1'202.} |
4 | The weapons of Sertorius' army appear to be covered with blood: Sertorius interprets this as a favourable omen.
* Read Frontinus' account @ Frontin:Str_1.12'4;* +Obseq_60. |
5 | ?? Hirtuleius uses a stratagem to escape from a large enemy force.
@ Frontin:Str_1.5'8. |
6 | ?? Consabra refuses to surrender to Hirtuleius.
@ Frontin:Str_4.5'19. |
7 | Metellus defeats and kills Hirtuleius at Segovia.
* Read Frontinus' account @ Sall:Hist_2'49-50;L ~[Liv]:Per_91; Frontin:Str_2.3'5;* Flor_2.10'6-7; [Vict]:VirIll_63'2; ~Oros_5.23'12; { CAH_9'218.} |
8 | Sertorius stabs the messenger bringing news of Hirtuleius' death.
@ Frontin:Str_2.7'5. |
9 | SPA Pompeius defeats Perperna and Herennius by the river Turia, near Valentia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Balb_5; Sall:Hist_2'46-47,L _2.82'6; ~Plut:Pomp_18'5;* ~Oros_5.23'11-12; { CAH_9'218.} |
10 | Sertorius' forces besiege Carthago Nova.
@ ~Cic:Balb_5; { McGushin_1'219.} |
11 | An indecisive battle at Sucro between Sertorius and Pompeius.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Balb_5; Sall:Hist_2'51-54,L _2.82'6; ~[Liv]:Per_92; ~Plut:Sert_19'1-11,* ~:Pomp_19'1-9; Flor_2.10'7; ~Appian:BCiv_1'110; ~Oros_5.23'11; { CAH_9'218.} |
12 | CIL Servilius crosses the Taurus mountains and attacks the Isauri.
* Read Sallust's account @ Sherk_67b;B Sall:Hist_2'65-69,* 3'1;L ~[Liv]:Per_93; Strab_12'568,(6.2) 14'665;(3.3) Frontin:Str_3.7'1; Flor_1.41'5; Festus:Brev_12'3; Eutrop_6.3'1; Oros_5.23'22; { McGushin_1'228.} |
13 | SPA Sertorius fawn is lost, and then found again.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Sert_20'1-5;* ~Appian:BCiv_1'110; Gell_15.22'1-10. |
14 | << L.Lucullus governs Africa as propraetor.
@ [Vict]:VirIll_74'3. |
15 | ROM C.Sulpicius Olympus dies, leaving M.Octavius Ligus as his heir.
* Read Cicero's account @ ~Cic:Verr_2.1'125,* 2'21; { When C.Sacerdos was praetor.} |
16 | SPA Sertorius defeats Pompeius, but is then defeated by Metellus at Segontia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_2'55-57;L ~[Liv]:Per_92; Frontin:Str_2.13'3; Plut:Sert_19'2, ~21'1-4;* ~Appian:BCiv_1'110;(↓) ~Oros_5.23'12; { CAH_9'218.} |
17 | ROM Cotta makes a speech at an assembly of the people, following a corn riot.
@ +Sall:Hist_2'42-44; { CAH_9'211.} |
18 | SPA Sertorius stands a siege and then withdraws from Cluvia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_92; Frontin:Str_2.1'3; ~Plut:Sert_21'4-7,* ~:Pomp_19'10-11; { CAH_9'218.} |
19 | ROM Elections for praetors, aediles and quaestors: Verres is elected to be praetor urbanus, but M.Piso fails to be elected aedile.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_2.1'104,* '125, 5'38, :Mur_18, :Planc_12, 51; { DPRR.} |
20 | SIC Cicero sends corn from Sicily to Rome.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:Verr_2.3'18,* '215-216, :Planc_64; ~Plut:Cic_6'1-2. |
21 | SPA Further skirmishes between Pompeius and Sertorius in Celtiberia.
@ Sall:Hist_2'75-76. |
22 | << Metellus offers a reward for the assassination of Sertorius.
@ ~Plut:Sert_22'1. |
23 | Metellus celebrates his victory over Sertorius and withdraws to Gaul.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_2'59;L ~Plut:Sert_22'2-4;* { CAH_9'218.} |
23a | EGY {17 Phaophi -E = October} Death of the sacred Apis bull at Memphis.
@ AET_9.1'M. |
24 | ROM P.Annius Asellus dies, leaving his only daughter as his heir.
@ ~Cic:Verr_2.1'104-105; { When C.Sacerdos was praetor.} |
25 | SPA Pompeius spends the winter in the territory of the Vaccaei, and writes to the senate complaining of his lack of money and supplies.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_2'77-78,L '80-82;L ~Plut:Sert_21'7-9;* { CAH_9'212.} |
26 | >> Negotiations between Sertorius and Mithridates, leading to agreement on a joint attack on the Roman government.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:LegMan_9, 46, :Mur_32; Sall:Hist_2'91;L ~[Liv]:Per_93; ~Plut:Sert_23'1-24'4;* Flor_2.10'4; ~Appian:Mith_68, 72, 76;(↓) Oros_6.2'12; { CAH_9'213, '219=75/4; OCD³=76/5.} |
27 | AEG Caesar is captured by pirates near the island of Pharmacusa.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Vell_2.41'3; ~Plut:Caes_1'8-2'4,* :Crass_7'5, :Mor_205'E-206'A; ~Suet:Caes_4'1-2; Polyaen_8.23'1; [Vict]:VirIll_78'3; { DPRR; early in the winter.} |
28 | CIL ++ General comments on Servilius' campaigns against the Cilician pirates.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_2.3'211, 5'66, :Flac_5-6;* Vell_2.39'2; Festus:Brev_11'1, 12'3; AmmMarc_14.8'4. |
29 | SIC The son of Dion of Halaesa receives a large bequest from Apollodorus Laphiro.
@ ~Cic:Verr_2.2'21-22. |
30 | == Cicero uncovers and restores Archimedes' tomb at Syracuse.
@ Cic:Tusc_5'64-66; { Green_465.} |
31 | == Cicero serves as quaestor in Sicily.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:DivCaec_2, ~:Verr_2.3'47, :Sull_18, :RedSen_21, :Planc_64-65,* ~:Brut_318; Plut:Cic_1'4, 52'3, '6; DioCass_38.17'5; [Vict]:VirIll_81'3; { DPRR.} |
32 | ++ Sex.Peducaeus is a just and popular governor of Sicily.
@ Cic:Verr_2.4'142-143; { DPRR.} |
33 | ITA << Oppianicus allegedly murders his aunt Cluentia, his brother Gaius, and his sister-in-law Auria.
@ Cic:Clu_30-35. |
34 | NUM == Cotta formally confirms Hiempsal's right to some disputed territory.
@ +Cic:LegAgr_2'58. |
35 | ROM == Cotta passes a law to lift some of the restrictions on the political career of tribunes.
* Read Sallust's account @ Sall:Hist_2'45,L 3.34'8;* +Ascon_66-67,L 78;L (↓) { CAH_9'211; OCD³.} |
36 | == Cotta passes another law, concerning private lawsuits.
@ Ascon_67.L |
37 | == The consuls introduce new regulations about the taxation of Asia.
@ THI_235'72-83. |
38 | == The consuls and two praetors let out contracts to repair temple rooves, but the work is not completed.
@ +Cic:Verr_2.1'130. |
40 | == Hortensius is acknowledged to be the leading orator in Rome.
@ ~Cic:Brut_318. |
41 | == Antiochus and his brother arrive in Rome; he is recognised as king of Syria, and also lays claim to the throne of Egypt.
@ Cic:Verr_2.4'61, ~'67; { CAH_9'318; Green_723.} |
42 | Servilius celebrates a triumph for his conquest of Cilicia.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Verr_2.1'57;* Festus:Brev_12'3; Eutrop_6.5'2; { CAH_9'212.} |
43 | ?? Metellus Celer earns his surname by his promptness in staging funeral games for his father.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Rom_10'3,* :Cor_11'4; { Metellus' father was probably Metellus Nepos, consul in 98 B.C.} |
44 | ?? L.Philippus claims that the Romans have a legal right to rule Egypt.
@ Cic:LegAgr_2'42. |
45 | ?? Philippus persuades the senate to reimpose taxes on states which had been exempted by Sulla.
@ Cic:Off_3'87. |
46 | ?? Philippus tries to improve the lifestyle of Vulteius Mena.
@ Hor:Epist_1.7'46-98. |
47 | ++ Philippus achieves political success at Rome without trying to buy popular support.
@ Cic:Off_2'59; { ~ OCD³.} |
48 | ++ The dissolute youth of Gellius, the stepson of Philippus.
@ Cic:Sest_110. |
49 | ++ The eccentricity of Tuditanus, grandfather of Fulvia.
@ Cic:Acad_2'89, :Phil_3'16; { Fulvia was probably born soon after 80 B.C.} |
50 | ?? Ti.Longus fails in a legal challenge to the terms of Tuditanus' will.
@ ValMax_7.8'1. |
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