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1 | EGY {11 Phamenoth -E = March} Document: Burstein_109B (OGIS_761), a letter of Ptolemy Alexander concerning the temple of Horus at Athribis. |
2 | SYR ?? Erotimus, the king of the Nabataean Arabs, extends his power by attacks on Syrian territory.
* Read Justin's account @ Just_39.5'5-6;* ~Trog:Prol_39; { Apparently, Trogus referred to this before the death of Antiochus Grypus.} |
3 | Heracleon murders Antiochus Grypus.
* Read Athenaeus' account @ Athen_4.153'b<q"* Poseidon_24>; ~Joseph:AJ_13'365; Trog:Prol_39, 40; +[Euseb]:Chron_259; { Green_551.} |
4 | Seleucus the son of Grypus is proclaimed king, and attacks Antiochus Cyzicenus.
* Read Josephus' account @ ~Joseph:AJ_13'366;* ~[Euseb]:Chron_259.(↓) |
5 | SPA << The campaigns of T.Didius in Spain, with Q.Sertorius as military tribune; the Romans capture Termessus and Colenda.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Sall:Hist_1'77; ~[Liv]:Per_70; Frontin:Str_1.8'5, 2.10'1; Plut:Sert_3'5-10;* Appian:Hisp_99-100; Gell_2.27'2, 5; Obseq_47, +48; { OCD³=97-94.} |
6 | << The Roman senate decides that Cappadocia and Paphlagonia should become republics.
@ ~Just_38.2'2-7; { CAH_9'142; OCD³.} |
7 | ROM L.Crassus, standing as candidate for the consulship, is ashamed to canvass for votes in the presence of Q.Scaevola.
@ ValMax_4.5'4. |
8 | ROM {November -R} Document: CIL_1.889, an "inspection ticket" of Capito. |
9 | CYR Ptolemy Apion dies; his will bequeaths Cyrene to Rome.
* Read Justin's account @ Cic:LegAgr_2'51; Sall:Hist_2'41; ~[Liv]:Per_70; Appian:Mith_121; Just_39.5'2-3;* +Obseq_49; Festus:Brev_13'2; Eutrop_6.11'3; Hieron:Chron_1922, 1952; AmmMarc_22.16'24; { CAH_9'316; OCD³.} |
10 | SIC The upright conduct of Asellio as governor of Sicily.
@ ~Diod_37.8'1-4; { DPRR.} |
11 | ROM == P.Sulpicius makes his first public speech.
@ ~Cic:DeOr_2'88-89; { About a year before the trial of C.Norbanus.} |
11a | << C. Flaccus, as praetor, grants citizenship to a woman from Velia who is a priestess of Ceres.
@ Cic:Balb_55; ValMax_1.1'1; { DPRR.} |
12 | ?? Crassus and Scaevola take opposite sides in a famous court case, over an inheritance disputed between M'.Curius and M.Coponius.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Caecin_53, 67, 69, :DeOr_1'180, '238, 2'24, '140-141, '220-222, :Brut_144-145, 194-199,* 256, :Top_44; Quint_7.6'9-10. |
13 | ?? Crassus speaks in defence of C.Aculeo.
@ Cic:DeOr_2'262. |
14 | ?? C.Sergius Orata, a keen proponent of new luxuries, is brought to trial for building on the Lucrine lake, and is defended by Crassus.
@ Cic:DeOr_1'178, :Off_3'67; ValMax_9.1'1; Plin:HN_9'168-170;L Macrob:Sat_3.15'2-3.L |
15 | ?? The birth of Terentia, wife of M.Cicero.
@ Plin:HN_7'158; { Terentia's eldest child, Tullia, was born in 79/78 B.C. Terentia lived to be 103 years old, after Cicero divorced her.} |
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| 23.11.24
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