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1 | SIC << Lucullus disbands his army.
@ ~Diod_36.9'2. |
1a | GRE {11 Gamelion -G = Jan./Feb.} Document: Syll_718, an Athenian decree for the for girls who worked the wool for Athena's peplos. |
2 | EGY << Ptolemy Lathyrus attempts to invade Egypt, but is repulsed.
@ ~Joseph:AJ_13'351-352; { Hölbl_p209.} |
3 | ++ The Jewish generals Chelcias and Ananias remain loyal to Cleopatra in the war against Ptolemy Lathyrus.
@ Joseph:AJ_13'284-287. |
4 | NAR Marius fortifies his camp and digs a new channel at the mouth of the Rhone.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Strab_4'183;(1.8) Plin:HN_3'34; +Plut:Mar_15'1-4.* |
5 | CIS Sulla joins Catulus and manages his supplies.
@ +Plut:Sull_4'3-5. |
6 | ETR Omens preceding the attack by the Teutones.
* Read Plutarch's account @ +Obseq_44; +Plut:Mar_17'6-8.* |
7 | ROM << Scaurus accuses Memmius and Fimbria of extortion.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Font_24,* :DeOr_2'240, '267, :Brut_168; ValMax_8.5'2; { Memmius was probably praetor at the same time as Fimbria was consul, in 104 B.C. - DPRR.} |
7a | EGY {6 Pauni -E = June} Document: AET_9.15, an inscription written in Memphis, while Ptolemy X was in Pelusium. |
8 | GRE M.Antonius talks to eminent scholars at Athens, before travelling on to Cilicia.
@ Cic:DeOr_1'82-93, 2'3. |
8a | {28 Scirophorion -G = June/July} Document: SEG_67.67, an Athenian decree concerning funds for inscriptions. |
9 | NAR The Cimbri and Teutones decide to approach Italy by different routes.
* Read Plutarch's account @ +Plut:Mar_15'5,* :Mor_324'C. |
10 | ROM The visit of Battaces, priest of the Magna Mater.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Diod_36.13'1-3; +Plut:Mar_17'9-11.* |
11 | SIC The death of Tryphon; Athenion takes over as leader of the slaves, and defeats the praetor Servilius.
* Read Florus' account @ ~Diod_36.9'1; Flor_2.7'11;* { OCD³.} |
12 | CIL M.Antonius suppresses the pirates; M.Gratidius is killed during the campaign.
* Read Livy's account @ CIL_1.2662; Sherk_55'AB7-8<n.8>;B Cic:DeOr_2'2, :Brut_168; ~[Liv]:Per_68;* +Obseq_44; { CAH_9'97; OCD³.} |
13 | PAL An alliance between Alexander Jannaeus and Cleopatra, queen of Egypt.
@ ~Joseph:AJ_13'353-355; { Hölbl_p209.} |
14 | NAR Marius keeps his army in camp and avoids combat.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_68; Frontin:Str_1.11'12, 4.7'5; +Plut:Mar_16'1-17'7;* Flor_1.38'5; Polyaen_8.10'1; +Obseq_44; +Oros_5.16'9. |
15 | Q.Sertorius goes as a spy into the camp of the Teutones.
@ Plut:Sert_3'2-4. |
16 | The Teutones march towards the Alps.
* Read Plutarch's account @ +Plut:Mar_18'1-5;* Flor_1.38'6; +Oros_5.16'9. |
17 | NAR The first battle at Aquae Sextiae.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_68; Frontin:Str_2.7'12; +Plut:Mar_18'6-20'3,* :Mor_202'C; Flor_1.38'7-9; +Oros_5.16'10. |
18 | The second battle at Aquae Sextiae: Marius destroys the Teutones.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_68; +Vell_2.12'4; Frontin:Str_2.4'6; +Plut:Mar_20'4-21'8;* Flor_1.38'10; Polyaen_8.10'2; +Obseq_44; [Vict]:VirIll_67'2; +Eutrop_5.1'4; +Hieron:Chron_1915; +Oros_5.16'11-13; { CAH_9'785; OCD³.} |
9a | PHO {6 Thoth -E = September} Document: AET_6.13'B, a letter from a soldier in the army of Ptolemy X. |
19 | ROM Marius is elected consul again.
* Read Dio's account @ ~Diod_36.10'1; ~[Liv]:Per_68; +Plut:Mar_22'1-5; DioCass_fr.94'1.* |
20 | CIS Catulus retreats from the Alps as the Cimbri advance.
* Read Plutarch's account @ [Liv]:Per_68; Frontin:Str_1.5'3; ~Plut:Mar_23'1-7,* :Mor_202'D-E; Flor_1.38'11-12; Ampel_22'4, 45'2; +Oros_5.16'14; { OCD³.} |
21 | NAR Marius sells off plunder from the Teutones.
@ DioCass_fr.94'1. |
22 | ROM The son of M.Scaurus commits suicide, after being disowned by his father because he had retreated from the Tridentine pass.
* Read Frontinus' account @ ValMax_5.8'4; Frontin:Str_4.1'13;* Ampel_19'10; [Vict]:VirIll_72'10. |
23 | Cn.Petreius of Atina is awarded a crown of grass, for rescuing his legion from the Cimbri.
@ +Plin:HN_22'11.L |
24 | << P.Crassus Dives presents magnificent games while holding the office of aedile.
@ Cic:Off_2'57; { DPRR.} |
25 | == The censor Metellus Numidicus is attacked by armed supporters of Saturninus and Glaucia, when he attempts to remove them from the senate.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Sest_101;* Appian:BCiv_1'28; Oros_5.17'3; { CAH_9'96; OCD³.} |
26 | == Metellus refuses to accept L.Equitius as the "son" of Ti.Gracchus.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Sest_101;* CIL_6.40942; ValMax_3.8'6, 9.7'2, 15'1; [Vict]:VirIll_62'1; { CAH_9'96.} |
27 | == Metellus punishes P.Furius.
@ DioCass_fr.95'2. |
28 | == L.Lucullus is prosecuted on his return to Rome, and his brother-in-law Metellus refuses to speak in his defence.
@ Cic:Verr_2.4'147; Plut:Luc_1'1. |
29 | == The poet Archias comes to Rome, and composes a poem on the war against the Cimbri.
* Read Cicero's account @ +Cic:Arch_4-6,* 19; { OCD³.} |
30 | ASI << M.Drusus serves as quaestor in Asia.
@ [Vict]:VirIll_66'3; { DPRR.} |
30a | GRE Document: OGIS_345, a decree of Delphi in honour of king Nicomedes and queen Laodice. |
30b | Document: Syll_734, a decree of Delphi in honour of Ammonius of Athens. |
31 | PEL Document: CIL_1.2662, the Roman fleet crosses the isthmus of Corinth. |
32 | ROM Document: CIL_1.699 & 1.700, inscriptions on wine jars. |
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