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1 | ROM {Jan 1 -R} The triumph of Marius, after which Jugurtha is put to death.
* Read Plutarch's account @ [Cic]:RhetHer_4'23; #Sall:Jug_114'3; ~[Liv]:Per_67; +CIL_6.41024; #Vell_2.12'1; ValMax_6.9'14; Plin:HN_33'12; #Plut:Mar_12'3-4,* :Sull_3'7; Flor_1.36'17; DioCass_48.4'5-6; Just_38.6'6; [Vict]:VirIll_67'1; Oros_5.15'19; { CAH_9'785; OCD_m.} |
1a | Marius enters a meeting of the senate in his triumphal robes.
@ ~[Liv]:Per_67; +CIL_6.41024; Plut:Mar_12'5. |
2 | ITA Minor slave uprisings at Nuceria and Capua.
@ ~Diod_36.2'1-2a'1; +Obseq_43; { Green_556.} |
3 | SIC The Sicilian slaves rebel against the praetor Licinius Nerva, but are defeated by C.Titinius.
* Read Dio's account @ ~Diod_36.1'1, 3'1-6; DioCass_fr.93'1-3;* !Hieron:Chron_1918; { CAH_9'26; Green_719.} |
4 | The slaves defeat a Roman army, and appoint Salvius as their leader.
@ ~Diod_36.4'1-8. |
5 | PAL ?? A dispute between John Hyrcanus and the Pharisees.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:AJ_13'288-298,* '408. |
6 | ++ General comments on the prosperous reign of John Hyrcanus as king and high priest.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'67-69,* :AJ_18'91-92. |
7 | The death of John Hyrcanus of Judaea, and the accession of Aristobulus, who assumes the title of "king".
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'70-71, :AJ_11'111, ~13'299-301,* 20'240-241; Tac:Hist_5'8; [Euseb]:Chron_129; ChronPasc_452'A, 464'C, 509'B; +Hieron:Chron_1913; Sulpit_2'26; August:DeCiv_18'45;(↓↓) ExcBarb_47A; ChronSynt_95;(↓) { CAH_9'291; OCD_hasmoneans.} |
8 | ROM The senate removes the quaestor Saturninus from control of the corn supply.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:HarResp_43,* :Sest_39; Diod_36.12'1; { OCD_s<105?>; DPRR.} |
9 | SPA The Cimbri invade Spain.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_67;* +Plut:Mar_14'1; +Obseq_43. |
10 | MAC The Romans defeat a band of Thracians in Macedonia.
* Read St.Jerome's account @ +Obseq_43; !Hieron:Chron_1917.* |
11 | NAR Sulla captures Copillus, the leader of the Tectosages.
@ +Plut:Sull_4'1-2. |
12 | SIC Athenion starts another slave uprising, and joins up with Salvius, who assumes the title of Tryphon.
* Read Florus' account @ ~Diod_36.5'1-4, 7'1-4; Flor_2.7'9-10;* { OCD_t.} |
13 | PAL Aristobulus conquers the Ituraeans.
@ ~Joseph:AJ_13'318-319; { CAH_9'293.} |
13a | MAC << Document: SEG_51.786, a decree in honour of a gymnasiarch at Amphipolis. |
13b | EGY {23 Epeiph -E = August} Document: OGIS_175, the dedication of a road at Socnopaei Nesus. |
14 | NAR Trebonius is accused of the murder of C.Lusius, but is acquitted by Marius.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Mil_9; [Cic]:AdOct_10;L ValMax_6.1'12; +Plut:Mar_14'4-8,* :Mor_202'B-C; Schol:Bob_114.L |
15 | PAL Aristobulus kills his mother and his brother Antigonus.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'71-80,* ~:AJ_13'302-313, '317. |
16 | The start of the era of Ascalon.
@ +ChronPasc_448'B. |
17 | ROM Saturninus is elected tribune.
@ Diod_36.12'1. |
18 | Marius is elected consul again.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_67;* CIL_6.41024; Plut:Mar_14'9. |
19 | << The first performance of "Tereus", a play written by Accius.
@ ~Cic:Phil_1'36; { OCD_a..} |
20 | << L.Philippus, as tribune, proposes a controversial agrarian law.
@ Cic:Off_2'73; { OCD_f<105?>; DPRR.} |
21 | == Silanus is prosecuted by Cn.Domitius, but is acquitted.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:DivCaec_67,* :Verr_2.2'118; +Ascon_80-81;L { CAH_9'93.} |
22 | == Scaurus is prosecuted by Cn.Domitius, and is also acquitted.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Scaur_fr'c, :Deiot_31;* ValMax_6.5'5; Ascon_21;L Plut:Mor_91'D; DioCass_fr.92'1; { OCD_d.} |
23 | == Cn.Domitius passes a law for new priests to be elected by the people.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:LegAgr_2'18-19;* Vell_2.12'3; Suet:Ner_2'1; DioCass_37.37'1; { CAH_9'94; OCD_d.} |
24 | == C.Marius reforms the Roman army.
* Read Plutarch's account @ +Plin:HN_10'16;L Frontin:Str_4.1'7; +Plut:Mar_13'1-14'3;* Gell_16.10'14. |
25 | == L.Cassius passes a law to remove Caepio from the senate.
@ +Ascon_78;L { CAH_9'93.} |
26 | == Marius seeks aid from Bithynia.
@ ~Diod_36.3'1; { CAH_9'35; Green_556.} |
27 | ETR == Omens, including the appearance of armies fighting in the sky near Ameria and Tuder, and the miraculous restoration of an elm tree at Nuceria.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plin:HN_2'148, 16'132;L Plut:Mar_17'8;* +Obseq_43. |
28 | CIS == The birth of T.Fullonius of Bononia, who is shown by census returns to have lived for 150 years.
@ ~Plin:HN_7'159; { Dating back 150 years from the censorship of Claudius in 47 A.D .} |
29 | LUS == Document: CIL_add.3, recording the surrender of a Spanish community to L.Caesius. |
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