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1 | ROM Q.Hortensius is found guilty of an offence, and is forced to resign as consul.
@ +FastCap_p72. |
2 | NUM << Jugurtha enters into negotiations about surrender, but then decides to continue the conflict.
@ ~Sall:Jug_61'4-62'10; DioCass_fr.89'1; ~Oros_5.15'7. |
2a | EGY {29 Tybi -E = February} Document: AET_7.13, contracts for sale of wheat with deferred delivery. |
3 | NUM /marius*1 Marius plans to stand for the consulship, but does not get the support of Metellus.
@ +Sall:Jug_63'1-65'5; Vell_2.11'1-2; Plin:HN_11'189;L Plut:Mar_7'6, 8'6, '8; DioCass_fr.89'3-4; [Vict]:VirIll_67'1; Exsuper_3. |
4 | Vaga revolts from the Romans, but is recaptured by Metellus.
@ +Sall:Jug_66'1-69'4; Plut:Mar_8'2-3; Appian:Num_3. |
5 | Metellus is forced to condemn Turpilius for his conduct during the revolt of Vaga.
@ Plut:Mar_8'1-5. |
6 | Jugurtha discovers that Bomilcar is plotting against him.
@ Sall:Jug_70'1-72'2; Frontin:Str_1.8'8. |
7 | Metellus defeats Jugurtha in another battle.
@ +Sall:Jug_74'1-3; [Liv]:Per_65; Vell_2.11'2; +Obseq_40. |
8 | SYR << Antiochus Grypus grants independence to Seleuceia.
@ +ChronPasc_448'A; { OCD³.} |
8b | EXT << After the death of Mirvan, Parnajom becomes king of the Iberians.
@ ChronGeorg_4; { Traditional date, according to C.Toumanoff.} |
9 | ROM Marius returns to Rome and is elected consul for the following year.
@ +Sall:Jug_73'1-7; Cic:Off_3'79, '81; Vell_2.11'2; Plut:Mar_8'7-9; Exsuper_4-7; { CAH_9'44; DPRR.} |
10 | NUM Metellus captures Thala.
@ +Sall:Jug_75'1-77'4, 89'6; Flor_1.36'11. |
11 | MAU Bocchus enters into alliance with Jugurtha.
@ +Sall:Jug_80'1-83'3; Flor_1.36'12. |
12 | PAL << Hyrcanus begins to besiege Samaria.
* Read Josephus' account @ ~Joseph:BJ_1'64, :AJ_13'273-277;* { The siege lasted for about a year.} |
13 | SYR << Ptolemy Lathyrus sends six thousand soldiers as aid to Antiochus Cyzicenus.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:BJ_1'65, ~:AJ_13'277-279,* '282-283; { Hölbl_p208.} |
13a | EGY {24 Thoth = October} Document: SelPap_2.277, a petition to the strategus Asclepiades from Dionysius. |
14 | ITA == Document: CIL_1.675, a wall dedicated to Venus at Capua. |
15 | ROM == C.Geta is elected censor after having been downgraded by a previous pair of censors.
* Read Cicero's account @ Cic:Clu_119;* +FastCap_p72<x>; { CAH_9'784.} |
16 | == The birth of Q.Pompeius Bithynicus, P.Autronius, C.Staienus and other mediocre orators.
@ ~Cic:Brut_240-241; { About two years before the birth of Cicero.} |
17 | EXT ?? The second voyage of Eudoxus, during which he visits Ethiopia.
@ Strab_2'99,(3.4) '101;(3.5) { While Cleopatra the queen mother was in control of Egypt.} |
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| 05.11.24
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