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1 | ROM A Roman embassy returns from Macedonia and reports on Perseus' policies.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_41.19'4-6;* Appian:Mac_11'1;(17) { CAH_8'303.} |
1a | EGY {Mecheir - E = March} Document: AET_7.10'B, the specification of land transferred by a father to his son. |
2 | CIS The consuls win victories in Liguria and Cisalpine Gaul.
@ +Liv_41.19'1-3. |
3 | MOE The Bastarnae invade the territory of the Dardani, but suffer heavy losses while crossing the river Danube.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_41.19'7-11;* +Oros_4.20'34-35. |
4 | EGY << The death of Cleopatra, mother of Ptolemy.
@ Porph:Fr_49; { CAH_8'343; Hölbl_p142=176; Bennett=178/7.} |
5 | PER << The death of Phriapitius, and accession of Phraates I as king of Parthia.
@ Just_41.5'9; { OCD_arsacids.} |
5a | AEG ?? Document: OGIS_247, a statue of Heliodorus at Delos. |
6 | PAL << Heliodorus, the minister of Seleucus, visits Jerusalem, but is deterred from robbing the temple treasury.
* Read 2Maccabees' account @ Daniel_11'20; 2Macc_3'1-40;* 4Macc_4'4-14; Joseph:BJ_1'31; ChronPasc_436'B-437'A; !Hieron:Chron_1833; { CAH_8'340; Green_508.} |
6a | GRE ?? Philonides of Laodiceia attends lessons in both geometry and Epicurean philosophy.
@ Phld:Phil_35-36, 45-47. |
7 | SYR << The Jewish high priest Onias visits Seleucus to seek his support against his rival Simon.
* Read 2Maccabees' account @ ~2Macc_4'1-6;* 4Macc_4'1-3; Sulpit_2'18, 19' |
8 | SYR ?? Document: Austin_207B (OGIS_245), a list of annual priests at Seleuceia in Pieria. |
9 | ++ Seleucus is a weak and ineffectual king.
* Read Appian's account @ Appian:Syr_66;* Porph:Fr_48. |
10 | {10 month6 -B = 3 September} Seleucus IV is murdered at the instigation of Heliodorus.
* Read Appian's account @ +BabylChron_BM.35603'R8-10; Appian:Syr_45;* { CAH_8'340-341; OCD_s.} |
10a | Philonides persuades (?) Antiochus not to destroy Laodiceia.
@ Phld:Phil_14-16, 44. { D.Gera, Philonides the Epicurean at Court: Early Connections, p.82.} |
11 | ROM L.Scipio the son of Africanus is elected praetor, after his opponent Cicereius withdraws from the election.
@ ValMax_3.5'1, 4.5'3; { OCD_s.} |
12 | SYR {month8 -B = October} Antiochus IV suppresses Heliodorus and establishes himself as king of Syria, with his (?) son Antiochus as co-ruler.
* Read Appian's account @ +BabylChron_BM.35603'R11; Daniel_11'21; Polyb_31.13'3; +1Macc_1'10; ~[Liv]:Per_41; Joseph:AJ_12'234-236; Appian:Syr_45;* GranLic_4; Trog:Prol_32; Porph:Fr_49; [Euseb]:Chron_127,(↓) +253,(↓) 263; +Hieron:Chron_1842; Sulpit_2'19, 22; ExcBarb_46A; Zonar_9'21;(p329) { CAH_8'332; OCD_a.} |
13 | Document: IG_2³.1323 (OGIS_248), a decree of (?) Athens praising Eumenes for his help in establishing Antiochus as king of Syria. |
14 | ROM {23 Febuary -R = ?November} The triumph of Ti.Gracchus, from Sardinia.
* Read Livy's account @ Liv_41.28'8-9;* #FastTr_p103; Plut:TGrac_1'2. |
15 | The triumph of M.Titinius, from nearer Spain.
@ +FastTr_p103. |
16 | {12 March -R = ?December} The triumphs of Lepidus and Scaevola, over the Ligurians.
@ #FastTr_p104. |
17 | EXT == The start of the Yavana {"Greek"} Era in Gandhara.
@ CKI_405; { see S.Baum(2017), p. 62.} |
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| 26.04.24
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