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1 | ROM Bad weather disrupts the Latin Festival.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_40.45'1-6;* +Obseq_7. |
2 | M.Lepidus and M.Fulvius are elected censors, and agree to co-operate despite their previous disagreements.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:ProvCon_20; +Liv_40.45'6-46'16;* +FastCap_p64; ValMax_4.2'1; Gell_12.8'5-6; { DPRR.} |
2a | AEG ?? Document: SEG_33.675, a decree of Cos in honour of Ariarathes IV of Cappadocia. |
3 | ASI << Pharnaces and Eumenes agree to peace terms.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_25.2'1-15;* Just_38.6'2; { CAH_8'329-330; OCD³.} |
5 | ROM {September -R = ?June} The Ludi Romani are re-held because of some adverse omens.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_40.59'6-8;* +Obseq_7. |
6 | GRE ?? Philippus procures the murder of two Athenians, Eurycleides and Micon.
@ Paus_2.9'4. |
7 | MAC ?? Document: THI_180 & Austin_90, containing various regulations for the Macedonian army. |
8 | MAC ?? Philippus dedicates to Heracles a bull which he killed while hunting.
@ AnthPal_6.114-116. |
9 | ?? Philippus produces a much shorter version of Theopompus' history, by removing all the digressions.
@ Theopomp_T31.B |
10 | ++ General remarks on the character of Philippus V, his aggressive behaviour and his later attempts to rebuild the power of his kingdom.
* Read Diodorus' account @ ~Polyb_25.3'9-10; Diod_28.2'1-3'1;* Liv_42.11'7, 49'7; Plut:Aem_8'6-8. |
11 | The death of Philippus, and accession of Perseus.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_29.25'1; +Liv_40.54'1-57'1,* 45.9'3; Plut:Aem_8'6-9; Paus_2.9'4-5; Just_32.3'1-5; +[Euseb]:Chron_239, 241,(↓) 245; !Hieron:Chron_1841; Zonar_9'22;(p333) { CAH_8'301; OCD³.} |
12 | ILL << Genthius murders his brother Plator.
* Read Livy's account @ Polyb_29.13'2; Liv_44.30'2-5;* Aelian:VH_2'41; { This probably happened soon after Genthius' accession in 181/0 B.C. - see Walbank_p377.} |
13 | ASI ++ The geographer Polemon of Ilium is a contemporary of Aristophanes of Byzantium.
@ Suda_P'1888; { ~ OCD³.} |
14 | EGY ?? Aristophanes falls in love with a woman of Alexandria, who is befriended by an elephant.
@ Plin:HN_8'13; Plut:Mor_972'D; Aelian:NA_1'38. |
15 | << The death of Aristophanes of Byzantium, after being accused of planning to flee to Eumenes.
@ Suda_A'3936; { OCD³.} |
16 | << Apollonius the eidograph ("compiler") is the successor of Aristophanes as head of the library at Alexandria.
@ POxy_1241; (?) Suda_A'3419. |
16a | ARM << Document: THI_27.H, a boundary-marker set up in the name of Artaxias, king of Armenia. |
17 | AEG Document: THI_233.F (BD_130), the accounts and inventory of the temples at Delos, for the year when Demares was archon. |
18 | SPA Gracchus subdues the Celtiberi.
* Read Livy's account @ Diod_29.26'1; +Liv_40.47'1-50'7;* Strab_3'163;(4.13) ValMax_3.1'1; Frontin:Str_2.5'3, '14, 3.5'2, 4.7'33; Flor_1.33'9; Appian:Hisp_42; GranLic_8; ~Oros_4.20'32-33. |
19 | ROM The censors review the senate, and carry out building works, including the first stone bridge in Rome.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:DeOr_2'287; +Liv_40.51'1-9;* [Liv]:Per_47<x>, 48; Plut:Num_9'7; { CAH_8'505.} |
20 | CIS Both consuls conduct campaigns in Liguria.
@ +Liv_40.53'1-6. |
21 | LUS L.Postumius defeats the Vaccaei and Lusitani.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_40.50'6-7;* ~[Liv]:Per_41; ~Oros_4.20'33; { CAH_8'531.} |
22 | MAC The Thracian king Abrupolis invades Macedonia.
* Read Polybius' account @ SEG_31.614; Polyb_22.18'2-3;* Diod_29.33'1; Liv_42.13'5, 40'5, 41'11-12; ~Appian:Mac_11'2,(18) '6;(22) Paus_7.10'6-7; { Before the renewal of the alliance between Macedonia and Rome (App:Mac_11'6).} |
23 | THR The Thracians prevent the Bastarnae from migrating.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_40.57'2-58'9,* 41.23'12, 42.11'4; Just_32.4'1; Trog:Prol_32. |
24 | ROM {21 December -R = ?September} The censor Lepidus dedicates a temple of Lares Permarini.
* Read Livy's account @ #CIL_add.7'Dec22, 8'Dec22; +Liv_40.52'4-7.* |
25 | {23 December -R = ?September} The dedication of temples of Juno and Diana.
* Read Livy's account @ #CIL_add.7'Dec23; +Liv_40.52'1-3.* |
25a | EGY << Document: AET_7.9, a proposal to become priest of Harsaphes for the following year. |
26 | ROM {11 March -R = ?December} The triumph of Q.Fulvius, over the Ligurians.
@ +Liv_40.59'1-5. |
27 | {12 March -R = ?December} Elections for praetors, spread over two days.
@ +Liv_40.59'5. |
28 | == The poet Caecilius is in his prime.
@ +Hieron:Chron_1838. |
29 | == M.Aufidius gives a report to the senate on the ceremonial shields displayed on the Capitol.
@ +Plin:HN_35'14. |
30 | MAC Perseus renews the alliance between Macedonia and Rome, and is officially recognized as king by the Romans.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_25.3'1-8;* Syll_643'14-17; ~Diod_29.30'1; ~Liv_42.25'4, '10, 40'4, 45.9'3; Appian:Mac_11'5-6;(21) Zonar_9'22;(p333) { CAH_8'301; OCD³.} |
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| 15.01.25
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