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1 | ROM {March -R} The new consuls are given joint command of the war against Hannibal in Italy.
@ +Liv_27.22'1-13. |
2 | The triumph of Fabius, for his recovery of Tarentum.
@ +CIL_11.1828; ~Plut:Fab_23'2; { This is not recorded by other writers, and seems improbable - compare for instance the refusal of a triumph for the recovery of Capua.} |
3 | PEL Philopoemen is elected general of the Achaean League for the first time, and prepares their army for war.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_11.8'1-10'9;* Plut:Phil_8'5-9'14, 11'1; Polyaen_6.4'3; { OCD³; Green_704.} |
3a | GRE ?? Document: Syll_555 & 556, decrees of Delphi in honour of the Messenians and their officers. |
4 | ROM {5 July -R} The Ludi Apollinares are established as a regular annual festival.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_27.23'1-7;* Macrob:Sat_1.17'27;L { CAH_8'427; OCD³.} |
5 | ETR Varro is sent to suppress an incipient revolt at Arretium.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_27.24'1-25'5;* Plut:Fab_23'3; Zonar_9'6.(p205) |
6 | SPA Hasdrubal retreats towards the Pyrenees after being defeated by Scipio at Baecula; Scipio rebukes his Spanish allies for calling him king.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_10.38'7-40'12;* Diod_26.24'1; +Liv_27.18'1-20'2, 28.42'14-15; ValMax_5.1'7; Memn_18'3; Silius_15'410-492; Appian:Hisp_24; DioCass_fr.57'48; ~Eutrop_3.15'3; +Oros_4.18'7; Zonar_9'8;(p201) { CAH_8'59-60; OCD³.} |
7 | Philippus marches on Heracleia.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_10.41'1-42'8;* Liv_28.5'1-17; { See Lazenby, p.165.} |
8 | EXT Antiochus defeats the Bactrians.
@ ~Polyb_10.49'1-15; { CAH_8'397; Green_704.} |
9 | ROM The college of priests prevents Marcellus from dedicating a joint temple to Honour and Virtue.
* Read Livy's account @ Cic:Verr_2.4'121, '123, :ND_2'61; +Liv_27.25'7-10;* ValMax_1.1'8. |
10 | ITA ?? Hannibal adopts new methods of fortifying camps, to guard against attack by Marcellus.
@ Frontin:Str_2.3'9. |
11 | ROM ?? Marcellus habitually ignores the auspices.
@ Cic:Div_2'77. |
12 | ++ General remarks on the pugnacious character and achievements of Marcellus.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Cic:Rep_5'10; Plin:HN_7'92; Plut:Pel_2'9-10, :Marc_1'1-2'1, 9'7, 31'1-32'3,* :Fab_19'1-5; Ampel_18'10; [Vict]:VirIll_45'3; AmmMarc_25.3'13. |
13 | ITA The consuls are caught in an ambush by Hannibal near Venusia; Marcellus is killed and Crispinus is injured.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_10.32'1-12; Nepos_23.5'3; +Liv_27.25'6-28'2;* ValMax_1.6'9, 5.1e'6; Plin:HN_11'189;L Silius_15'334-398; Plut:Marc_28'2-30'9, 33'6-10; +Appian:Hann_50; [Vict]:VirIll_45'7-8; ~Eutrop_3.16'2; +Oros_4.18'6, '8; Suda_Ai'87; +Zonar_9'9;(p207) { CAH_8'55; OCD³.} |
14 | Hannibal relieves Locri, after failing to trick his way into Salapia.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_10.33'8; +Liv_27.28'3-29'8;* Frontin:Str_4.7'26, '38; +Appian:Hann_51; +Zonar_9'9;(p207) { CAH_8'55.} |
15 | GRE The Roman proconsul Sulpicius captures Oreus.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_11.5'8; ~Liv_28.5'18-6'12,* 31.46'6, '11; DioCass_fr.57'57; ~Zonar_9'11;(p229) { See Lazenby, p.165.} |
15a | {Hyperberetaeus -M} Document: Syll_552, a letter from king Philippus to Abae in Phocis. |
15b | ?? Document: THI_67, a decree of Lilaea in Phocis, in honour of the garrison sent by Attalus. |
16 | Attalus returns to Asia to face an attack from Bithynia.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Polyb_11.7'1; ~Liv_28.7'1-13;* ValMax_1.8e'8; Frontin:Str_1.4'6; DioCass_fr.57'57-58; { Green_704.} |
17 | SPA The three Carthaginian generals in Spain hold a conference, and decide that Hasdrubal should attempt to march to Italy.
* Read Livy's account @ ~Liv_27.20'3-8;* Appian:Hisp_28, ~:Hann_52. |
18 | ROM Crispinus dies of wounds sustained earlier in the year.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_27.33'6-7;* +FastCap_p62. |
19 | T.Manlius Torquatus is appointed dictator to hold elections; M.Livius is persuaded to come out of retirement, and is elected consul.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_27.33'8-35'1,* 28.28'12, 29.37'13-14, 30.2'8; +FastCap_p62; ValMax_2.9'6, 4.2'2; Plut:Marc_29'18. |
19a | ASI Magnesia asks the Greek states to recognise its territory as inviolable because of the cult of Artemis Leucophryene.
@ ~Syll_557; { Errington_180; thirteen years after the original apparition of the goddess in 221/0 B.C.} |
19b | GRE {6 Pyanepsion -G = Oct./Nov.} Document: IG_2³.1170, an Athenian decree acknowledging that the territory of Magnesia is inviolable. |
20 | ROM >> The new consuls prepare to meet Hannibal and his brother Hasdrubal at opposite ends of Italy.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_27.35'2-36'4;* ValMax_4.2'2, 7.2'6; [Vict]:VirIll_50'2; ~Zonar_9'9.(p209) |
21 | >> The censors complete the census of Roman citizens, revealing a drop in numbers since the start of the war.
@ +Liv_27.36'6-7. |
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| 15.10.24
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