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1 | EGY {30 Hathyr -E = January} Document: SelPap_2.375, a receipt for beer-tax. |
2 | {Phamenoth -E = April/May} Document: SelPap_2.321, a property-return of sheep. |
3 | EGY Ptolemy returns to Egypt, and restores the statues of Egyptian gods.
* Read Daniel's account @ ~OGIS_54; OGIS_56'10-11; THI_257; Daniel_11'8;* PHaun_6'15-17; Catull_66'35-36; ~Just_27.1'9; Porph:Fr_43; { CAH_7.1'421; Green_697.} |
4 | The astronomer Conon discovers the "Lock of Berenice".
* Read Strabo's account @ Callim:Fr_110'1-8; Catull_66'1-9; Strab_1'3;* (1.6) { CAH_7.1'503; Green_697.} |
5 | GRE ?? Sayings of Bion.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Cic:Tusc_3'62; DiogLaert_2'117, 4'47-51;* Suda_A'249. |
6 | ++ General comments on the character and witticisms of Bion.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Strab_1'15;(2.2) DiogLaert_4'51-54.* |
7 | ?? The death of Bion of Borysthenes.
@ DiogLaert_4'54-57; { OCD³.} |
8 | PON ?? Nymphis of Heracleia writes a history down to the reign of the third Ptolemy.
@ Suda_N'598; { ~ OCD³; information from Nymphis' history is contained in the summary of Memnon, down to 246 B.C.} |
9 | PEL << The death of Alexander son of Craterus.
@ ~Plut:Arat_17'2; { CAH_7.1'250; OCD³.} |
10 | {? May} Aratus is elected general of the Achaean League for the first time.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Arat_16'1,* 35'7, 53'1; { CAH_7.1'249; OCD³.} |
11 | ++ The poet Euphorion is a favourite of Nicaea.
* Read Suda's account @ Plut:Mor_472'D; Suda_E'3801.* |
12 | Antigonus tricks Nicaea and recaptures Corinth.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Arat_17'1-18'2;* Polyaen_4.6'1; { CAH_7.1'250; Errington_p94-95.} |
13 | EGY << Document: BD_27 (FGrH_160), an account of Ptolemy's invasion of Syria. |
14 | EGY << Eratosthenes is summoned to Alexandria by Ptolemy, who makes him director of the library.
* Read Suda's account @ POxy_1241; Suda_E'2898;* Tzetz:ProlCom_21; { Green_204.} |
16 | AFR The Romans defeat the Carthaginian fleet near Aegimurus.
@ +Flor_1.18'30; { This Roman victory must be treated as dubious; it is not mentioned by any other writer apart from Florus.} |
17 | GRE Aratus lays waste Locris and the territory of Calydon.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Arat_16'1;* Paus_2.8'4; { CAH_7.1'249; Errington_p93.} |
18 | The Aetolians inflict a severe defeat on the Boeotians at Chaeroneia.
* Read Polybius' account @ Polyb_20.4'2-7,* 5'2; ~Plut:Arat_16'1; { CAH_7.1'249; Errington_p93.} |
18b | ?? The Aetolians and Alexander of Epirus agree to a partition of Acarnania.
@ Polyb_2.45'1, 9.34'6-7; Paus_10.16'6; Polyaen_8.69'1; Just_28.1'1; { CAH_7.1'251?243; Errington_p93?249-245; Scholten_p256=260-241.} |
19 | AFR The Roman fleet is destroyed in a storm off the African coast.
@ +Flor_1.18'31-32. |
20 | EGY << Document: SelPap_2.348, a contract for public works in the Arsinoite nome. |
21 | {26 Gorpiaeus -M = November} Document: SelPap_2.253, a deposition of evidence by Euphronius. |
22 | ETR >> The Romans found a colony at Fregenae.
* Read Livy's account @ ~[Liv]:Per_19;* ~Vell_1.14'8; { CAH_7.2'564.} |
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| 18.01.25
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