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Click on the links in the lists of references to go to the sources for each event
1 | ROM {23 March -R} The triumph of Cornelius Asina, over the Carthaginians.
@ #FastTr_p100. |
2 | {1 April -R} The triumph of Sempronius Blaesus, over the Carthaginians.
@ #FastTr_p100. |
3 | EGY {6 int. Peritius -M = 6 Phamenoth -E = April} Document: SelPap_1.93 (PCairZen_59251), a letter from Artemidorus to Zenon. |
4 | PEL ++ The education and physical training of Aratus of Sicyon.
@ Plut:Arat_3'1-3. |
5 | << Abantidas the tyrant of Sicyon is assassinated; his place is taken by Paseas.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Arat_3'4;* Paus_2.8'2; { CAH_7.1'243.} |
6 | SIC Cotta captures Himera.
* Read Zonaras' account @ Frontin:Str_4.1'30; +Oros_4.9'13; +Zonar_8'14;* (p437) { CAH_7.2'670.} |
7 | Cotta captures Lipara, despite a defeat suffered by P.Aurelius (? or Q.Cassius) in his absence.
* Read Zonaras' account @ ~Polyb_1.39'13; Diod_14.93'5, ~23.20'1; ValMax_2.7'4; Frontin:Str_4.1'31; +Zonar_8'14;* (p437) { CAH_7.2'559.} |
8 | The Romans besiege Hercte, but fail to capture it.
@ ~Diod_23.20'1. |
9 | EGY Document: SelPap_2.365, a boat-captain's receipt for a cargo of grain. |
10 | SYR == Antiochus marries Berenice, the daughter of Ptolemy Philadelphus.
* Read Daniel's account @ Daniel_11'6;* Athen_2.45'c; Porph:Fr_43; Liban:Or_11'108-109;B { CAH_7.1'502; OCD³.} |
11 | ROM >> The censors punish some of the knights, after Cotta complains that they disobeyed his orders.
@ ValMax_2.9'7; Frontin:Str_4.1'22. |
12 | >> The censors M'.Valerius and P.Sempronius complete the census; 16 senators are stripped of their rank.
* Read Fasti's account @ +FastCap_p56;* ~[Liv]:Per_18; { OCD³.} |
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| 13.10.24
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