
278 B.C. Olympiad 125.3

Consuls: C. Fabricius C.f. Luscinus (II), Q. Aemilius Cn.f. Papus (II)
Athenian archon: Democles

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1 PAN The Gauls return home from Greece via Pannonia.
* Read Justin's account
~Diod_22.9'3; Athen_6.234'b; ~Just_32.3'7-12.
2 ITA Fabricius warns Pyrrhus that Nicias, his doctor, is plotting to kill him.
* Read Gellius' account
Cic:Off_1'40, 3'86-87; ~[Liv]:Per_13; ValMax_6.5'1; Sen:Ep_120'6; Frontin:Str_4.4'2; ~Plut:Pyrrh_21'1-6, :Mor_195'B; Gell_3.8'1-8; Aelian:VH_12'33; Eutrop_2.14'1-3; AmmMarc_30.1'22; Suda_A'3566; +Zonar_8'5;(p355)  { CAH_7.2'477-478.}
3 The Roman garrison at Rhegium mutinies and seizes the town.
* Read Dionysius' account
Polyb_1.7'7-9; ~Diod_22.1'2-3; Liv_28.28'2, 31.31'6; ~DionHal_20.4'3-8; ~[Liv]:Per_12; Strab_6'258;(1.6)  ValMax_2.7'15; Appian:Sam_9'1-2;(19)  DioCass_fr.40'7-12; Oros_4.3'4; { According to Dionysius, this happened when Fabricius was consul.}
4 AEG Document: BD_17 (Syll_398), recording thanksgivings at Cos for the defeat of the Gauls at Delphi. { Errington_p84-85.}
5 ROM {20 June -R} A temple is dedicated to Jupiter Summanus.
#Ovid:Fast_6'731-732; { CAH_7.2'408.}
6 SIC ?? Enna calls in a Carthaginian garrison to protect it against Phintias.
7 MAC << The death of Sosthenes, which is followed by two years of anarchy in Macedonia.
~[Euseb]:Chron_235,(↓)  237, 241, 243; +Hieron:Chron_1738; ExcBarb_44A; { Green_134?277.}
8 << Apollodorus sets himself up as tyrant of Cassandreia.
* Read Diodorus' account
Diod_22.5'1-2; Polyaen_6.7'1-2; { Green_392.}
9 SIC << The death of the tyrant Phintias.
10 << Thoenon replaces Hicetas as leader of Syracuse; but the Syracusans call on Sosistratus of Acragas to oppose him.
* Read Diodorus' account
~Diod_22.7'2; Polyaen_5.37'1; { CAH_7.2'474.}
11 << The Sicilians send an embassy to Pyrrhus, asking him to help them against the Carthaginians.
* Read Plutarch's account
~Diod_22.7'3, '6, 8'2; ~Plut:Pyrrh_22'1-3; Paus_1.12'5; Just_18.2'11, 23.3'1; Trog:Prol_23; Oros_4.6'33; +Zonar_8'5;(p355)  { CAH_7.2'473-474.}
12 AEG << Document: IG_11.2.161 (Austin_122), the temple accounts and inventory of the Delian hieropoei.
13 << Document: Austin_256B  (Syll_390), a decree of the League of Islanders about the institution of the Ptolemaeeia.
14 EGY << The deification of Ptolemy I and Berenice, and the first celebration of the Ptolemaeeia.
SEG_28.60'57-71; Athen_10.415'a-b; { CAH_7.1'138; Green_693.}
15 ASI << Ptolemy II makes a gift of land to Miletus.
Austin_259'3-4;B  +Syll_322'B.
16 {Hecatombaeon -G = July/Aug.} The Athenians celebrate the Panathenaea, with help from Ptolemy II.
17 PON << The navies of Antiochus and Nicomedes, who is aided by Heracleia, confront each other but do not fight.
18 THR A band of Gauls led by Comontorius forces the Byzantines to pay tribute.
* Read Polybius' account
Polyb_4.45'10-46'4; Liv_38.16'3; Memn_11'1-2.
19 SIC The Mamertines make an alliance with the Carthaginians and try to stop Pyrrhus crossing to Sicily.
* Read Diodorus' account
~Diod_22.7'4-5, 8'1.
20 ROM Cineas goes to Rome again, but he is unable to negotiate peace terms.
* Read Zonaras' account
Appian:Sam_11'1-5,(27)  12'1;(29)  +Zonar_8'5.(p357) 
21 ASI Nicomedes helps the Gauls to cross over from Thrace to Asia.
* Read Livy's account
Polyb_1.6'5; Liv_38.16'3-7; Strab_4'187,(1.13)  12'566,(5.1)  13'594;(1.27)  ~Memn_11'1-3, 12'6; Paus_1.41'5, 7.6'8-9, 10.15'2, 23'14; Just_32.3'6; Trog:Prol_25; { CAH_7.1'415; OCD³.}
23 A battle between Zipoethes, ruler of Thynia, and the army of Heracleia.
24 Nicomedes uses the Gauls as allies in a civil war against Ziboetas.
* Read Memnon's account
Liv_38.16'8-9; ~Memn_11'4-6; Just_25.2'11; Trog:Prol_25.
24a << Document: Austin_226,B  a letter of Philetaerus to the city of Cyme.
25 PEL << Cleonymus captures Troezen from Craterus.
* Read Polyaenus' account
Frontin:Str_3.6'7; Polyaen_2.29'1; { This probably happened while Antigonus was distracted by the war against Antiochus; the Spartans held Troezen until about 272 B.C. (CAH_7.1'231).}
26 THR Peace between Antigonus Gonatas and Antiochus.
Just_25.1'1; { CAH_7.1'116; Errington_p82-83.}
27 ITA ++ Pyrrhus' successes against the Romans during his first stay in Italy.
* Read Livy's account
Liv_23.42'6; Just_23.3'12.
28 Pyrrhus leaves Italy and crosses over to Sicily.
* Read Diodorus' account
~Diod_22.8'2-3; ~[Liv]:Per_14; ~Plut:Pyrrh_22'4-5, 25'1; Appian:Sam_11'6,(28)  12'1;(29)  Paus_1.12'5; Just_18.2'12; Trog:Prol_18; Oros_4.1'23; +Zonar_8'5;(p357)  { CAH_7.2'478; Green_230.}
29 SIC Pyrrhus arranges peace between Thoenon and his opponents at Syracuse.
* Read Diodorus' account
~Diod_22.8'3-5; DionHal_20.8'1; { CAH_7.2'479.}
30 Embassies from many Sicilian cities come to Pyrrhus offering their support.
~Diod_22.8'5; { CAH_7.2'479.}
31 Pyrrhus is proclaimed king of Sicily.
32 ROM ?? Fabricius refuses bribes offered by the Samnites.
* Read Gellius' account
ValMax_4.3'6; Gell_1.14'1-2; { A similar story is told of Curius Dentatus; Fabricius fought against the Samnites in 281 and 278 B.C.}
32a MES {Arasamnu -B = Oct./Nov.} Robbers steal the property of some temples in the Juniper garden at Babylon.
33 {13 December -R} Fabricius celebrates a triumph over the Lucanians, Bruttii, Tarentines and Samnites.
* Read Fasti's account
#FastTr_p98; ~[Liv]:Per_13; +CIL_6.37048; Eutrop_2.14'3; { CAH_7.2'278.}
34 P.Cornelius is elected consul, despite being a personal enemy of Fabricius.
35 >> A Vestal Virgin is found to have been seduced, and is put to death.
36 ITA >> A treaty is signed between Rome and Heracleia.
Cic:Balb_50; { CAH_7.2'667.}

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