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1 | {Hathyr - E = January} Ptolemy Philadelphus attends the inauguration of a temple in Pithom.
@ +THI_258'7-10; { Hölbl_p84.} |
1a | ROM {1 February -R} The triumph of Coruncanius, over the inhabitants of Vulsinii and Vulci.
@ #FastTr_p97. |
1b | GRE {19 Munichion -G = April/May} Document: IG_2³.884, an Athenian decree in honour of a cavalry commander on the island of Lemnos. |
2 | MAC The Gauls invade Macedonia; Ptolemy Ceraunus rejects an offer of help from the Dardani.
* Read Justin's account @ Polyb_4.46'1; Liv_38.16'1-2; Paus_1.4'1, 10.19'6-7; Polyaen_7.35'1; Just_24.4'1, ~'6-5'4;* { ~CAH_7.1'115; Green_693.} |
3 | MAC << Ptolemy Ceraunus promises to marry Arsinoe, but murders her children after entering Cassandreia.
* Read Justin's account @ Memn_8'7; Plut:Mor_112'A; Just_24.2'1-3'9;* Trog:Prol_24; { CAH_7.1'114; Errington_p80.} |
4 | << War between Ptolemy Ceraunus and Ptolemaeus the son of Lysimachus.
@ Trog:Prol_24. |
5 | << Ptolemy Ceraunus has a nightmare that he has been summoned to judgement for the murder of Seleucus.
@ Plut:Mor_555'B.(10) |
6 | Ptolemy Ceraunus is defeated and killed by the Gauls; Meleager is made king of Macedonia.
* Read Justin's account @ Polyb_9.35'4; Diod_22.3'1-2; Memn_8'8; Plut:Pyrrh_22'2; Paus_1.16'2, 10.19'7-12; Just_24.3'10, 5'5-11;* Trog:Prol_24; +[Euseb]:Chron_235, 237, 241, 243; !Hieron:Chron_1736; Malal_196; Vit:Arat_3'p15; { CAH_7.1'115; Errington_p80-81.} |
7 | GRE << At the proposal of Demochares, the Athenians pass a decree in honour of Demosthenes.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Dem_30'5, :Mor_847'D, 850'F-851'C;* { CAH_7.1'499; the Athenian archon was Gorgias.} |
8 | << Cleanthes arrives at Athens and becomes a pupil of Zenon the Stoic.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Plut:Mor_47'E; DiogLaert_7'168,* ~'176; Suda_K'1711, Ph'696; { Cleanthes spent 19 years as a follower of Zenon.} |
9 | PON << Hermogenes, a general of Antiochus, is defeated and killed while attacking Bithynia.
@ ~Memn_9'1-2. |
10 | EGY ?? Philon gives to Berenice a sample of topazus, a precious stone from the island of Cytis.
@ Plin:HN_37'108. |
11 | << The death of Berenice I, queen of Egypt.
@ Theoc_17'45-50; { Hölbl_p94.} |
12 | ?? The Greeks start to make up topics to use as rhetorical exercises.
@ Quint_2.4'41. |
13 | ?? Demetrius Phalereus loses and then regains his eyesight.
@ DiogLaert_5'76. |
14 | ?? Demetrius Phalereus plots against Lycus, the (adoptive) father of the poet Lycophron.
@ Suda_L'814. |
15 | ?? The death of Demetrius Phalereus.
@ Cic:RabPost_23; DiogLaert_5'78; { ~ OCD³; Green_88.} |
16 | ?? Ptolemy punishes Zoilus for his outspoken criticism of Homer's poetry.
@ Vitr_7.pr'8-9; { ~ OCD³.} |
17 | CYR ?? Sayings of Theodorus the Atheist, addressed to Metrocles and others.
* Read Diogenes' account @ Plut:Mor_467'B; MinFel:Oct_8'2; DiogLaert_2'99-100,* '102-103. |
18 | ?? The followers of the philosopher Theodorus form their own sect.
* Read Diogenes' account @ DiogLaert_2'97;* Suda_S'829, Th'150. |
19 | ?? The death of Theodorus.
@ Athen_13.611'b; { Theodorus is last mentioned as an envoy from Ptolemy I to Lysimachus; he was possibly an associate of Demetrius Phalareus.} |
20 | CIL ?? Apollonius the father of Chrysippus moves from Tarsus to Soli.
@ Strab_14'672;(5.8) { Chrysippus was born around this time - OCD³.} |
21 | AEG ?? Document: Austin_155,B a Samian decree in honour of Theocles and Herophantus of Myndus. |
22 | PON Death of Zipoetes of Bithynia, who is succeeded by his son Nicomedes.
@ Memn_12'5-6; { CAH_7.1'425; Errington_p115.} |
23 | MAC Antipater "Etesias" replaces Meleager as king of Macedonia.
@ +[Euseb]:Chron_235, 237, 241; !~Hieron:Chron_1736; ExcBarb_44A; { Errington_p81; Meleager reigned for just 2 months.} |
24 | ITA Pyrrhus invades Apulia, and is confronted by the Roman army.
* Read Zonaras' account @ DioCass_fr.40'43; +Zonar_8'5;* (p351) { CAH_7.2'472.} |
25 | Pyrrhus defeats the Romans at Asculum, but suffers heavy losses.
* Read Dionysius' account @ Cic:Fin_2'61, :Tusc_1'89; DionHal_20.1'1-3'7;* ~[Liv]:Per_13; Frontin:Str_2.3'21; ~Plut:Pyrrh_21'7-15, :Mor_184'C; Flor_1.13'9-10; Just_18.1'11; Eutrop_2.13'4; Oros_4.1'19-22; +Zonar_8'5;(p353-5) { CAH_7.2'472-473; OCD³.} |
26 | THR The Gauls occupy Thrace.
* Read Livy's account @ Liv_38.16'3,* 17'16; Zonar_9'20;(p323) { CAH_7.1'115, '499; Errington_p82.} |
27 | PON Nicomedes of Bithynia forms an alliance with Heracleia to resist attacks by Antiochus.
@ Memn_9'3-4. |
28 | ASI War breaks out between Antiochus and Antigonus.
@ Memn_10'1; { This war started before the Gauls crossed over to Asia, probably soon after the death of Ptolemy Ceraunus.} |
29 | Warfare (? between Antiochus and Nicomedes) near Cyzicus.
@ ~OGIS_748'9-13<t=B Austin_225>. |
30 | << Philocles captures Caunus for Ptolemy.
@ Polyaen_3.16'1; { Hölbl_p38.} |
30a | GRE << Demochares recovers Eleusis, and Olympiodorus defends it against a Macedonian attack.
* Read Plutarch's account @ THI_118'11-14; Plut:Mor_851'E;* Paus_1.26'3; { perhaps during the reign of Antipater Etesias.} |
31 | MAC Sosthenes expels Antipater, and proclaims himself general of the Macedonians, but avoids the title of king.
* Read Justin's account @ ~Just_24.5'12-14;* [Euseb]:Chron_235, 237, 241; !Hieron:Chron_1736; ExcBarb_44A; ChronSynt_90;(↓) Vit:Arat_3'p15; { Errington_p81; according to Eusebius, Antipater reigned in Macedonia for 45 days.} |
32 | The city of Cassandreia is granted its "freedom" by Eurydice.
@ Polyaen_6.7'2; { Before Apollodorus became tyrant of Cassandreia ((Tarn p159)).} |
33 | ROM Cn.Domitius, a plebeian censor, completes the census of Roman citizens.
* Read Fasti's account @ ~FastCap_p52;* ~[Liv]:Per_13. |
34 | Mago the Carthaginian admiral offers support to the Romans, and a further treaty is signed between Rome and Carthage.
* Read Polybius' account @ ~Polyb_3.25'1-6;* ~[Liv]:Per_13, 14; ValMax_3.7'10; ~Just_18.2'1-3, '5; { CAH_7.2'475, '536.} |
35 | ITA Mago visits the camp of Pyrrhus on his way back from Rome.
@ ~Just_18.2'4. |
36 | MAC Brennus defeats Sosthenes.
@ ~Just_24.6'1-3. |
37 | The Greeks attempt to hold back the Gauls at Thermopylae, but are forced to withdraw.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Paus_1.4'1-3,* 4.28'3, 7.6'7, 15'3, 8.6'3, ~10.20'1-22'1, '8-12; { OCD³.} |
38 | GRE A band of Gauls sacks Callion, a town in Aetolia.
@ ~Paus_10.22'2-7; { Errington_p81.} |
39 | The Gauls advance into Greece and reach Delphi.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Callim:Hymn_4'171-184; Polyb_9.35'4; Cic:Font_30; ~Diod_22.9'5; Liv_38.48'2; Strab_4'187-188;(1.13) ValMax_1.1'18; Lucan_5'134-136; Paus_1.4'4, 10.22'12-13;* Polyaen_7.35'2; DioCass_fr.90'1. |
40 | A combined Greek army defeats the Gauls near Delphi in a snowstorm, allegedly with divine assistance.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Syll_398'4-11; FGrH_482'1; Callim:Hymn_4'184-185; Polyb_1.6'5, 2.20'6, 4.46'1; Limenius_31-33; Cic:Div_1'81; ~Diod_22.9'1; Prop_3.13'51-54; Liv_40.58'3; Paus_1.4'4, 10.3'4, 8'3, 23'1-10;* Ampel_32'2; ~Just_24.7'8-8'10, 32.3'6; { CAH_7.1'499; Errington_p82.} |
41 | The Aetolians complete the rout of the Gauls, and Brennus the king of the Gauls is killed.
* Read Pausanias' account @ Syll_398'12-14; Polyb_9.30'3, 35'1; ~Diod_22.9'2-3; ValMax_1.1'18; Paus_6.16'1, 7.18'6, 20'6, 10.16'4, 23'11-14;* ~Just_24.8'11-16, 28.2'5; { ~CAH_7.1'115; Errington_p82.} |
42 | EGY {Thoth -E = November} Document: AET_7.8'H, the cession of a house, by the father of the woman selling it. |
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