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1 | ROM The consuls are given Samnium as their province, but Postumius is kept at Rome by ill health.
@ +Liv_10.32'1-3. |
2 | GRE ++ General comments on the tyranny of Lachares.
@ Plut:Mor_1090'E. |
3 | << Demetrius captures Athens, after it is abandoned by Lachares.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Diod_21.9'1; ~Plut:Demetr_33'8-34'7,* :Mor_183'B; Paus_1.25'7-8, 29'10; Polyaen_3.7'1; { CAH_7.1'105; Errington_p53.} |
4 | GRE {9 Elaphebolion -G = April} Document: IG_2³.853, an Athenian decree in honour of Herodorus, a friend of Demetrius. |
5 | ITA Samnite attack on the camp of the consul Atilius.
@ +Liv_10.32'3-33'6. |
6 | MAC << Antipater kills his mother Thessalonice.
* Read Justin's account @ ~Diod_21.7'1; Plut:Pyrrh_6'3, :Demetr_36'1; Paus_9.7'3; Just_16.1'1-4;* [Euseb]:Chron_231;(↓) Oros_3.23'50; { Shortly before the intervention of Pyrrhus and Demetrius in Macedonia.} |
7 | EPI << Birth of Pyrrhus' son, Ptolemaeus.
@ ~Plut:Pyrrh_6'1. |
8 | ASI ?? Document: BD_9 (Syll_364), containing measures to mitigate debt at Ephesus as a result of war damage. |
8a | PEL ?? Document: SEG_51.457, a treaty between Lysimachus and the city of Messene. |
9 | ?? Leonidas allegedly swears to his father Cleonymus that he will ruin Sparta.
@ Paus_3.6'7. |
10 | Demetrius defeats the Spartan king Archidamus near Mantineia, and attacks the city of Sparta.
* Read Polyaenus' account @ ~Plut:Demetr_35'1-2, '6, (?) :Mor_219'A-B; Paus_1.13'6, 7.8'5; Polyaen_4.7'9-10;* { ~CAH_7.1'105.} |
11 | ITA Postumius joins Atilius in Samnium, and the Samnites retreat before their united army.
@ +Liv_10.33'7-10. |
12 | Postumius captures Milionia and Feritrum.
@ +Liv_10.34'1-3. |
13 | ROM {1 August -R} Postumius dedicates the temple of Victoria.
* Read Livy's account @ CIL_add.7'Aug1, 8'Aug1; +Liv_10.34'4-14;* { CAH_7.2'10; OCD³.} |
14 | ITA The Romans under Atilius suffer heavy losses in a battle against the Samnites at Luceria.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_10.35'1-36'15;* Frontin:Str_2.8'11, 4.1'29; +Zonar_8'1.(p279) |
15 | ETR Samnite raiders are defeated at Interamna.
* Read Livy's account @ Ennius:Ann_171; +Liv_10.36'16-19.* |
16 | ETR The chief Etruscan cities agree to a forty years' truce with Rome.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_10.37'1-5,* '13-14; { CAH_7.2'380.} |
17 | ASI Coalition of Lysimachus, Seleucus, and Ptolemy against Demetrius.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Demetr_35'3-6,* :Mor_827'C. |
18 | MAC Pyrrhus intervenes in Macedonia, to help Alexander against his brother Antipater.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Pyrrh_6'2-9,* ~:Demetr_36'1-2; { CAH_7.1'107, 72'461.} |
19 | Demetrius murders Alexander, expels Antipater, and becomes king of Macedonia.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Diod_21.7'1; Plut:Pyrrh_7'1-2, ~:Demetr_36'1-37'4,* :Ant_92'4, :Mor_530'C; Paus_1.10'1, 36'6, 9.7'3; Just_16.1'5-18; Trog:Prol_16; [Euseb]:Chron_231,(↓) +-233,(↓) 241, 245;(↓) +Hieron:Chron_1723; Oros_3.23'51-52; ExcBarb_44A; { CAH_7.1'105; Errington_p54.} |
20 | ITA The Bruttii defeat the garrison left behind by Agathocles.
@ ~Diod_21.8'1; { ~CAH_7.1'407.} |
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| 07.10.24
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