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1 | GRE {? Feb./March} Document: Syll_345, an Athenian decree in honour of the taxiarchs. |
2 | {March/April} The first production of "The Imbrians", a comedy by Menander.
@ +POxy_1235; { The play was performed at the Dionysia.} |
3 | {28 Munychion -G = April/May} Document: IG_2.502, an Athenian decree in response to a supplication from a public slave. |
4 | ?? Document: Syll_343, an Athenian decree in honour of Oxythemis, a supporter of Demetrius. { Errington_p67=303/2.} |
4a | ?? Document: IG_12.9.198, an Eretrian decree in honour of Adeimantus, a friend of Demetrius. |
4b | ?? Document: IG_12.9.212, an Eretrian decree in honour of Arrhidaeus, a Macedonian. |
5 | THR ?? Document: Syll_349 & 350-351, a decree of Byzantium in honour of Antigonus and Demetrius. |
6 | ASI ?? Document: Syll_352 & 353, decrees of Ephesus in honour of Apollonides and Euphronius. |
6a | << Document: OGIS_9, a decree of Ephesus in honour of Archestratus, a friend of Demetrius. |
7 | AEG ?? Document: Syll_333, a decree of Samos in honour of Demarchus of Lycia. |
7a | ?? Document: IG_12.6.1.150 & IG_12.4.1.132, decrees of Samos and Telos in honour of judges from Cos. |
7b | CAP ?? Ariarathes II expels the Macedonians and regains control of Cappadocia.
* Read Diodorus' account @ Diod_31.19'5;* (?) Frontin:Str_3.2'9; { Some modern historians put the date of this event later, in 280 B.C.} |
8 | SYR ?? Antigonus uses papyrus from Syria to manufacture ropes for his fleet.
@ Plin:HN_13'73.L |
9 | ASI ++ General comments on the life and writings of Theocritus of Chios, an orator and sophist.
@ Suda_Th'166. |
10 | ASI ?? Antigonus puts the sophist Theocritus to death.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Mor_11'B-C, 633'C;* (2.1) Macrob:Sat_7.3'12.L |
11 | ?? Antigonus founds cities at Alexandria Troas, Nicaea, and Smyrna.
* Read Memnon's account @ Strab_12'565,(4.7) 13'593,(1.26) '597,(1.33) '607,(1.52) 14'646;(1.37) Memn_28'9-11.* |
12 | ?? Demetrius and Antigonus quarrel about Demetrius' mistress Demo.
@ Athen_13.578'a-b. |
13 | ?? Demetrius and Lysimachus exchange insults.
@ Athen_14.614'e-615'a. |
14 | ?? Apelles paints a portrait of Antigonus, which hides his bad eye.
@ Plin:HN_35'90. |
15 | ?? Sayings of Antigonus, addressed to Aristodemus, Bion, Hermodotus, Marsyas, Thrasyllus, and others.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Liv_40.21'5; Plut:Pel_1'2-4, :Rom_17'3, :Mor_182'A-E,* 330'E, 360'C, 457'E, 458'F, 531'E, 633'D;(Q2.1) Aelian:VH_9'36. |
16 | ++ The close relationship between Demetrius and his father Antigonus.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Plut:Demetr_3'1-5,* 19'4-9. |
17 | ++ General remarks on the ambitious character of Antigonus.
* Read Diodorus' account @ ~Diod_21.1'1;* Polyaen_4.6'5; Aelian:VH_12'43. |
18 | Antigonus is defeated and killed by Seleucus and Lysimachus at Ipsus.
* Read Plutarch's account @ Syll_374'17-30<t= IG_2³.877>; Lucian:Macr_11<q" HierCard_8>; Diod_19.55'7, ~21.1'2, '4b; Plut:Pyrrh_4'4, :Demetr_29'1-8;* Appian:Syr_55; Paus_1.6'7; Arrian:Anab_7.18'5; Just_15.4'22; +[Euseb]:Chron_247;(↓) Liban:Or_11'83-84;B !Hieron:Chron_1717; Oros_3.23'47-48; { CAH_7.1'60; Errington_p50.} |
19 | Demetrius escapes to Ephesus.
* Read Diodorus' account @ ~Diod_21.1'4b;* Plut:Demetr_30'2; ~[Euseb]:Chron_247;(↓) { ~CAH_7.1'101; Green_34.} |
20 | ETR The dictator Valerius defeats the Marsi.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_10.3'2-5;* +FastCap_p48. |
21 | GRE << After being a follower of Crates the cynic, Zenon starts to attend the lectures of Stilpon and Polemon.
* Read Strabo's account @ Cic:Fin_4'3, '61; Strab_13'614;* (1.67) ~DiogLaert_7'2, '4, '24; Suda_Z'79; { Ten years after Zeno's arrival in Athens.} |
22 | {21 Scirophorion = June/July} Document: Syll_346, an Athenian decree in honour of Nicander and Polyzelus. |
23 | EPI << Cleonymus loses control of Corcyra.
@ Trog:Prol_15; { ~CAH_7.1'406; this took place between 302(4) and 300(6)..} |
24 | ASI The other kings divide up the remains of Antigonus' empire.
* Read Appian's account @ Polyb_5.67'6-8, '10, 28.20'7; FGrH_155.1'7; Appian:Syr_55;* Just_15.4'23; Oros_3.23'48; Malal_198; { CAH_7.1'60.} |
25 | Demetrius thwarts a plot by Diodorus to betray Ephesus.
@ Polyaen_4.7'4; { Demetrius was at Ephesus, and under threat from Lysimachus, immediately after the battle of Ipsus.} |
26 | AEG The Athenians refuse to support Demetrius.
* Read Plutarch's account @ ~Plut:Demetr_30'3-8;* (?) Polyaen_4.7'2; { Green_121.} |
27 | PAL Ptolemy seizes control of Palestine and Coele Syria, and Seleucus decides not to oppose him.
* Read Diodorus' account @ ~Diod_21.1'5;* Paus_1.6'8; { CAH_7.1'60; Hölbl_p22.} |
28 | Ptolemy captures Jerusalem.
* Read Josephus' account @ Joseph:Ap_1'210<q" Agatharch>, ~:AJ_12'4-10;* Appian:Syr_50; Julian:Ep_47.433'C; ChronSynt_65, 67;(↓) { Hölbl_p189?311; Green_499.} |
29 | ETR The Etruscans defeat the Roman master of the horse (? Aemilius).
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_10.3'6-4'2;* +FastCap_p48. |
30 | Valerius defeats the Etruscans near Rusellae, after which they agree to a two years' truce.
@ +Liv_10.4'3-5'12. |
31 | ROM {21 November -R} Valerius celebrates a triumph over the Etruscans and Marsi.
* Read Livy's account @ +Liv_10.5'13;* !+FastTr_p95. |
32 | EGY {Phaophi -E = December} Document: AET_7.8'C, the sale of a house near Thebes. |
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