While the Roman world was preparing for civil war, a group of soldiers visited Philai in the far south of Egypt. Their names suggest a mixture of nationalities; see L.Capponi, "Augustan Egypt: The Creation of a Roman Province", page 17 ( Google Books ).
I Gaius Julius Papius, praefectus, have come and made obeisance to the lady Isis, with Julius my son, and on behalf of Gaion my younger son - also with my friends and fellow expatriates Symmachos, Eumenes, Apollonios son of Chares and his son Apellas, and Apion . . . and . . ., and the centurions Rufus, Demetrius, Niger, Valerius, Labyon, Terentius, Nicanor, and Baronas - and on behalf of all my lads. Year 20, which is also 5, Phamenoth 30.
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