
Translations of Hellenistic Inscriptions: 178


Greek text:   IG_4.2 ,    IG_4.1.66
Provenance:   (A) Aegina ,   (B) Asklepieion , Epidauros 
Date:   (A) c. 83 B.C. ,   (B) c. 73 B.C.
Tags:     corn_supply ,   pirates 
Format:   see key to translations

In the 80s and 70s B.C., the cities on the coast of the Greek mainland suffered both from devastation by pirates and from the financial demands of Roman armies. For a discussion of the impact on Greek cities of Antonius' failed attempt to stop piracy, see P. de Souza, "Piracy in the Graeco-Roman World", pp.146-7 ( Google Books ).  

The translation of A is partly taken from K.Rigsby, "Aegina and Megara :  IG iv.2² 750" ( PDF ) - who demonstrates that, although the inscription was found in Aigina, it almost certainly originated from Megara.  The translation of B is partly adapted from P.Garnsey, "Famine and Food Supply in the Graeco-Roman World", p. 248 ( Google Books ).

[A]   The city crowns Diodoros son of Herakleidas.

From the councillors {synedroi} and the people: since Diodoros son of Herakleidas, appointed agoranomos for year 64, has overseen the office in a manner [worthy] of the trust of the [people] who elected him; and when the grain fund had been [consumed] by the generals' expenditure [in] war, 10 and [moreover] pirates entered and overran the territory, and famine . . . he supplied sufficient grain throughout the [whole] time for those who needed it; he has always toiled on behalf of the (?) people and [refused no] danger or harm, but [considering] the interests of the citizens to be most important, he has lacked nothing in zeal [and goodwill] throughout his [whole] life and treated [everyone] 20 kindly; [therefore so that it may be] clear [to everyone] in our [? city] that the people [knows how to honour] good men, [and to render thanks to them always as their virtue] deserves, it is resolved by [the councillors] and the people to praise Diodoros son of Herakleidas for [his virtue and the goodwill] that he continually has [towards the people, and] to crown him with a golden [crown of] a hundred gold pieces; and the treasurer shall give money for the [expense] of this. 30 The award of the crown shall be [announced at] the Dionysia [and the] Herakleia and the Romaia that [the city] holds for Apollo [and] Roma. The overseers shall have a marble stele [made, on which] this decree shall be inscribed; and they shall [set it up] in the most prominent [place in the] city, next to the temple of Apollo. The treasurer shall give money for the expense [of this]. 

[B]   God. With good fortune. Since E[uanthes son of Euno]mos . . . soldiers . . . to all the citizens . . . and the city . . .  10

. . . 20 Euanthes undertook to be agoranomos in the seventy-fourth year and conducted himself nobly, [maintaining in everything] a zeal for justice and a generous spirit. When Marcus Antonius, the general in charge of the Cretans, sent a sufficient force to our city, Euanthes still went on selling to all in like manner, and was most prudently benevolent to the mass of the soldiers. Thus when there was a general grain shortage in the city [because the crowds of residents] were buying up 30 more than sixty [medimnoi of] grain [everywhere], and a medimnos of wheat was selling at ten drachmas, [he sold it at the lower prices] of five drachmas and four drachmas throughout the year, bearing the cost himself, the soldiers having stayed [for that amount of time] . . .

. . . dinner, and he handed out half a medimnos of wheat to each of them; and although he did not hold the position of agonothete of the Dionysia and was not appointed to be agonothete, 40 acting as agoranomos with honourable conduct he still performed the Dionysia and took on a very great expense for this,  because he was piously inclined towards the gods; and when the time for the sacrifice of the Soteria arrived, he was seen to be lavish in this also; and when our city was asked for soldiers, Euanthes in this matter also through his zeal in regard to the {Roman} leaders, taking thought of the city in all matters, quickly ensured that they were (?) provided;   therefore for all these reasons it was resolved by the magistrates and the councillors {synedroi} to praise Euanthes of Epidauros, son of Eunomos, for his good conduct towards the city and to grant him honours 50 and to crown him with a golden crown; and to place a bronze statue of him in the temple of Apollo Maleatas and the temple of Asklepios; and to announce the award of the crown in the Apollonieia games and the Asklapieia games at each festival, as follows: "The city of Epidauros crowns Euanthes son of Eunomos with a golden crown on account of his virtue and the goodwill that he continually has towards the city." The damiourgoi who are in office at any time and the agonothete and the hellanodikai shall take care of the announcement about the crown. Euanthes son of Eunomos and his descendants shall also be invited to privileged seating 60 at the festival of the Apollonieia and the festival of the Asklapieia, and the damiourgoi shall give their names to the agonothete in the list together with the others, whom it is resolved to invite to privileged seating, after the benefactors of the Romans have been summoned; he and his descendants shall have a leading position in the processions at the Apollonieia and the Asklapieia, and the ox of Euanthes shall go in the processions. He shall also be crowned in the theoric Dionysia at the city, and after the libations have been made and the benefactors have been crowned; and the herald shall proclaim as follows: "The city of Epidauros 70 crowns Euanthes of Epidauros, son of Eunomos, with a golden crown on account of his virtue and the noble conduct that he continually shows towards the city." Euanthes of Epidauros, son of Eunomos, and his descendants shall be exempt from contributions and taxes and liturgies. A copy of the [decree] shall be inscribed on a stele next to his statue.

inscription 179

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