
Links to translation of Varro: De Lingua Latina

'De Lingua Latina' ('On the Latin Language'), by M. Terentius Varro, has been translated by R.G.Kent in his Loeb edition, with the Latin text on facing pages. This edition can be found on the 'internet archive', and the following table contains links to every twentieth section in the translation, and also to the translator's introduction. Only 6 out of the original 25 books of this work have survived; of the lost books, 1-4 apparently discussed etymology, 11-13 continued with the theme of analogy, and 14-25 discussed syntax.

Introduction Varro, De Lingua Latina - Our Text  
Book 5 1 - 21 - 41 - 61 - 81 - 101 - 121 - 141 - 161 - 181 Words which are the names of places, and objects which are in the places under discussion
Book 6 1 - 21 - 41 - 61 - 81 Words denoting time-ideas, and those which contain some time-idea, notably verbs
Book 7 1 - 21 - 41 - 61 - 81 - 101 Rare and difficult words which are met in the writings of the poets
Book 8 1 - 21 - 41 - 61 - 81 Arguments against the existence of Analogy
Book 9 1 - 21 - 41 - 61 - 81 - 101 Arguments in favour of the existence of Analogy
Book 10 1 - 21 - 41 - 61 - 81 Varro's own solution of the conflicting views about Analogy, with his decision in favour of its existence
Fragments Books 1-8 - Books 11-24 - Unplaced  

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