Aristaeus   - in ancient sources @

This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts.
On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.

  Aristaeus   (or Aristeas) - a courtier of Ptolemy II of Egypt
Wikipedia entry
  + Aristeas
Aristeas_18 d,' said the king, 'that Aristeas asks of us!' [19] Then
Aristeas_40 ief of my bodyguard, and Aristeas - men whom I hold in hig
Aristeas_43 onoured servants, and by Aristeas, both good men and true,
Joseph:AJ_12.17 Now there was one Aristaeus, who was among the king's mos
Joseph:AJ_12.19 [19] Accordingly Aristaeus embraced the same opinion wit
Joseph:AJ_12.24 good to them." [24] When Aristaeus was saying thus, the
Joseph:AJ_12.26 hich should confirm what Aristaeus had proposed, and espec
Joseph:AJ_12.50 captain of my guard, and Aristaeus, men whom I have in ver
Joseph:AJ_12.53 which things Andreas and Aristaeus, those most honoured
Joseph:AJ_12.86 tly sent for Andreas and Aristaeus, his ambassadors, who
Joseph:AJ_12.100 uestions in that book of Aristaeus, which he wrote on this

  Aristaeus 2   - son of Apollo; an ancient king of Arcadia
Wikipedia entry
Cic:Verr_2.4.128   Was not an image of Aristaeus, moreover, openly removed by your
Just_13.7   forth four sons, Nomius, Aristaeus, Autuchus, and Agraeus;
Phylarch_16   She had two sons, Autuchus and Aristaeus. Phylarchus says
Plin:HN_7.199   Silenus, oil and oil-mills by Aristaeus of Athens, honey by the

  Aristaeus 3   of Crete - father of Theris, 3rd century B.C.
Callim:Epigr_13 its tale : " Theris, son of Aristaeus, Cretan," is long

  Aristaeus 4   - Athenian archon, 62 B.C.
62/_ Athenian archon: Aristaeus

Aristaeussee Battus

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