Cardia - in ancient sources @ attalus.org
This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts.
On each line there is a link to the page where the name can be found.
- a town on the Thracian Chersonese, near Lysimacheia
→ Wikipedia entry ☆ DARE (map)
+ Cardians
The death of the historian Hieronymus of Cardia, at the age of 104.
  Within translations:
of Antiochus, and Eumenes of Cardia. Meleager was in com
opatra. Eumenes of Cardia favoured Cleopatra, but his brot
when the bathing-man in Cardia brought him some vile eart
similar story about the Cardians, in the second book of
[1] Eumenes of Cardia. ** If this man's merit
writes, that Eumenes of Cardia was the son of a poor wagg
Hecataeus, the tyrant of Cardia, applied to Leonnatus, and
red some triremes of the Cardians, he placed his own rower
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