Red   - in ancient sources @

This is part of the index of names on the attalus website. The names occur either in lists of events (arranged by year, from the 4th to the 1st century B.C.) or in translations of sources. There are many other sources available in translation online - for a fuller but less precise search, Search Ancient Texts.
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  Red   Sea - the stretch of sea between Egypt and Arabia
Wikipedia entry
269/4 ructs a canal between the delta of the river Nile and the Red Sea.
257/15 founds the city of Berenice on the Red Sea coast, and constructs
    Within translations:
1Macc_4   athers were saved at the Red Sea, when Pharaoh with his
Aelian:NA_3.18   that there occurs in the Red Sea a fish* of exactly the
Aelian:NA_3.28   here occurs in the Red Sea a fish, and, so far as I know,
Aelian:NA_4.28   what is commonly called the Red Sea. [29] & The Cock,
Aelian:NA_10.13   the oysters in the Red Sea are not without the same glamou
Aelian:NA_10.20   shellfish besides in the Red Sea, whose shells are not smo
Aelian:NA_11.9   is an island and lies in the Red Sea.* Now there is
Aelian:NA_11.21-24 *   ail which is born in the Red Sea and of great beauty and
Aelian:NA_12.24-27 *   er. [24] & In the Red Sea, so they say, there is a fish,
Aelian:NA_15.8   ier on of the one in the Red Sea)* is obtained in the
Aelian:NA_16.13   that those that quit the Red Sea for the Indus have smooth
Aelian:NA_17.1   his 'Voyage round the Red Sea' says that he has seen
Aelian:NA_17.6   efore there occur in the Red Sea Scorpion-fish* and gobi
Aelian:NA_17.8   his writings about the Red Sea Pythagoras says that ther
Athen_14.634   agoras, in his treatise on the Red Sea. The sambuca is als
Athen_15.675   Dionysus into Greece from the Red Sea, and when most people
Diod_40.4   between the Pontic Sea and the Red Sea. He extended the
Eupolemus_2   island Urphe which lies in the Red Sea, and contains gold
Euseb]:Chron_9   a fish, appeared out of the Red Sea. Megalarus, from
Euseb]:Chron_13   ible beast appeared out of the Red Sea in the region near
Euseb]:Chron_39   against flooding by the Red Sea, and he built the city
Festus:Brev_20   He established a fleet in the Red Sea. He made provinces
Joseph:AJ_15.317   Gallus led them to the Red Sea, and they were of
Lucian:Macr_16   and the country on the Red Sea, fell ill and died at eig
Nepos_23.2   from far away on the Red ** he made preparations to
OGIS_186   (62)   egos of the Indian and Red Sea, have come to the la
OGIS_190   (51) charge of the Indian and Red Sea.   Year 30, Mecheir
OGIS_199   ((?)  259/8) the other side of the Red Sea, and having reduced the
Oros_1.2   on the south by the Red Sea and the Persian while
Oros_1.2.30   On the north is the Arabian on the south the Ocean.
Oros_1.4   the south and from the Red Sea, he laid waste and
Oros_1.10   divided the waters of the Red Sea. On each side of
Oros_6.19   marriage on ahead to the Red After stationing garrisons around the
Oros_7.27   freedom, until we cross the Red that is, the fire of
Plin:HN_4.120   to have come from the Red Sea This island is believed
Plin:HN_5.65   town of Arsinoe on the Red is 125 miles: so small
Plin:HN_6.84   collect the taxes from the Red Sea; a freedman of his
Plin:HN_6.103   is a harbour on the Red Sea, 257 miles from Coptus.
Plin:HN_6.106   wind, and after entering the Red Sea, continue the voyage with
Plin:HN_6.107   by our countrymen is the Red Sea, while the Greeks call
Plin:HN_6.112   as we have stated, the Red Sea on the south and
Plin:HN_6.126   between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The extent of the
Plin:HN_6.137   on the south by the Red Sea, and cover an area
Plin:HN_6.143   projecting between two seas, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf
Plin:HN_6.154   on the coast of the Red Sea are Merme, Marina, Corolla,
Plin:HN_6.165   between the river and the Red Sea; this project was originally
Plin:HN_6.166   that the level of the Red Sea is 44 ft. above
Plin:HN_6.189   to the coast of the Red Sea being three days' journey;
Plin:HN_6.196   of the Ethiopians including the Red Sea was estimated by Agrippa
Plin:HN_6.199   vessels approaching it from the Red Sea are unable became of
Plin:HN_6.212   inhabiting the coast of the Red Sea. This segment includes the
Plin:HN_6.220   and Ptolemais, built on the Red Sea for the sake of
Plin:HN_7.97   from the Maeotians to the Red Sea, duly dedicates his offering
Plin:HN_7.206   between the islands in the Red Sea. Persons are found who
Plin:HN_35.39   island of Topazus in the Red Sea, but they are not
Plin:HN_37.108   an island situated in the Red Sea at a distance of
Plin:HN_37.136   on an island in the Red Sea 60 miles distant from
Poseidon_101   quot; between Pelusium and the Red Sea. & & see also: [207
POxy_1380   in the district by the Red Sea Sarkounis ; you who also
PsCallisth_1.39   work send back to dwell by the Red Sea. The horses and the
PsCallisth_3.17   for those who sail the Red Sea." Then I gave orders to
PsCallisth_3.28   from them and went on to the Red Sea to the strait. On
THI_85   (late 3rd century)   nt off course [on] the Red Sea, and you sent a bree
THI_258   (c. 264)   ards the coast of the Red Sea; he arrived at Khem*
[Vict]:VirIll_77   first to reach the Hyrcanian, Red, and Arabian Seas. Later, dominion

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