Several Italian calendars have survived in inscriptions from the early years of the Roman empire. These calendars have been conflated by into two collections by Ehrenberg & Jones in their source book "Documents illustrating the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius". The first is the Fasti Consulares, containing a list of the magistrates for each year and notable events that took place in those years - similar to the Fasti Capitolini at Rome. The second is the Fasti Anni Iuliani, containing a list of the days of the year and significant anniversaries that occur on them - similar to a modern calendar.
These two collections are translated here, but the names of the consuls have been omitted from the Fasti Consulares, and also the entries from the Fasti Triumphales are available in a separate translation on this website. The source of each entry is shown in green - for an explanation, see the list of abbreviations.
Fasti Consulares
[43BC] Col. [M.]Aemilius, M.Antonius and imp. Caesar were appointed triumvirs in order to organise the state from 27th November until 31st December of the sixth year.
Amit. The war on the plains of Philippi [with] M.Brutus and [C.]Cassius.
[42BC] Col. The censors [C.]Antonius and P.Sulpicius did not complete the lustrum.
Amit. The war at Perusia [with] L.Antonius.
[34BC] Ven. The Illyrian War.
[33BC] Barb. L.Marcius Philippus celebrated a triumph from Spain on 27th April, and donated a palm. Ap.Claudius Pulcher celebrated a triumph from Spain on 1st June, and donated a palm. L.Cornificius celebrated a triumph from Africa on 3rd December, and donated a palm.
[32BC] Amit. The naval war at Actium with M.Antonius.
[31BC] Ven. The war at Actium.
[30BC] Amit. The end of the naval war.
Ven. The war at Alexandria.
[29BC] Barb. imp. Caesar celebrated a triumph over the Dalmatians on 13th August, and donated a palm. imp. Caesar celebrated a triumph from Egypt on 15th August.
[28BC] Ven. [The consuls] were given the power of censors, and completed the lustrum.
Barb. [C.]Calvisius Sabinus celebrated a triumph from Spain on May 26th, and donated a palm. [C.]Carrinas celebrated a triumph over the Gauls on 14th July, and donated a palm.
[27BC] Lat. [imp.Caesar] suffered a serious illness.
[26BC] Lat. [imp.Caesar] was in Spain.
[25BC] Lat. [imp.]Caesar was in Spain.
[24BC] Lat. [imp.]Caesar [suffered] a serious illness.
[23BC] Lat. [imp.]Caesar was on the mount [. . . imp.] Caesar resigned from the consulship.
[22BC] Col. [The censors] L.Munatius and Paulus Aemilius [did not complete the lustrum].
[12BC] Cupr. Caesar was appointed pontifex maximus; [he gave] a congiarium to the people.
[7BC] Mag. imp. Caesar Augustus, [pontifex maximus], consul 11 times and holding the tribunician power for the 17th time, gave the Lares Augusti to the district magistrates.
[2AD] Gab. [L.Caesar] died on September 19th {a mistake - the correct day is August 20th}.
[4AD] Gab. C.Caesar died on Feruary 21st.
Cupr. [C.Caesar] the son of Augustus died [in Lycia on 21st February at the age of 23 years]. A period of mourning [was declared] at Rome, until his bones [were laid] in the mausoleum. He was wounded on 9th September, while he was waging war [against the enemies of the Roman people] in Armenia, and was [besieging] Artagira, an Armenian [town].
[14AD] Ost. Augustus, for the third time, and Tiberius Caesar [conducted] a census, and counted 41,900,[...] Roman citizens.
Augustus [died on 19th] August.
Cupr. [Caesar Augustus] was given a public funeral [and was cremated in the Campus] Martius. Caesar Augustus [. . . ]
[17AD] Ost. Germanicus Caesar [celebrated a triumph] from Germany [on 26th May].
[19AD] Ost. A period of public mourning was declared on 8th December {a mistake - the correct day is October 10th} because of the death of Germanicus.
[20AD] Ost. Drusus [Caesar] celebrated a triumph from Illyricum on 28th May.
On 7th June Nero put on the toga [virilis] and a congiarium [was distributed].
[30AD] Ost. The arch of Drusus was dedicated on 12th March.
[31AD] Ost. Sejanus [was killed by strangling] on 18th October.
Strabo the son [of Sejanus] was strangled on 24th October.
[Apicata (?) the wife] of Sejanus committed suicide on 26th October.
Dec. Capito Aelianus and Junilla the daughter of Sejanus were thrown [down the Gemonian steps].
[33AD] Ost. The conspiracy of Sejanus [against . . .] Augustus [was suppressed and] many [guilty persons were thrown down the Gemonian] steps.
Dec. Lamia, [the prefect of the city, died].
[36AD] Ost. Part of the circus in the basket-makers' district {inter vitores} was burnt down on 1st November. Tiberius Caesar paid 1,000,000 sestertii into the public funds, to pay for the repairs.
[37AD] Ost. Tiberius Caesar died at Misenum on 16th March. His body was brought into the city with a military escort on 29th March. He was given a public funeral on 3rd April.
Antonia departed from life on 1st May.
A congiarium of 75 denarii was distributed on 1st June. Another congiarium of 75 denarii was distributed on 19th July.
[Jan7] Col. [43 B.C.] On this [day Caesar] first took up the fasces. A thanksgiving to eternal Jupiter.
Prae. imp. Caesar Augustus [first took up the fasces], when [the consuls] Hirtius and Pansa [. . .]
#100 . . . and also on 7th January, on which day he received the first sign that he would become ruler of the world . . .
[Jan8] Prae. [13 A.D.] The statue of Augustan Justice {Justitia Augusta} was [dedicated, when Plancus] and Silvius were consuls.
[Jan11] Prae. [29 B.C.] [imp. Caesar Augustus put an end to all wars, for the third time] since Romulus, and closed [the gate of] Janus, [when he was consul for the fifth time, with Appuleius].
[Jan13] Prae. [27 B.C.] [The senate decreed that] a chaplet of oak should be placed [above the door of the home of imp. Caesar] Augustus, [because] he restored [the republic] to the Roman people.
[Jan14] Ver. [82 B.C.] [By decree of the senate] an unlucky [day]: the birthday of Antonius.
[Jan16] Cum. [27 B.C.] On this day [Caesar] was called [Augustus]. Thanksgiving to Augustus.
Prae. imp. Caesar was called [Augustus], when he was consul for the 7th time and Agrippa [was consul for the 3rd time].
Prae. [9 B.C.] Tiberius Caesar [entered the city and celebrated an ovation] from Pannonia.
Ver. [10 A.D.] A public holiday, by decree of the senate, because the temple of Concordia in the forum was dedicated on this day.
Prae. The temple of Concordia Augusta was dedicated when P.Dolabella and C.Silvanus were consuls.
[Jan17] Ver. [38 B.C.] A public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day Augusta was married to the divine Augustus.
Prae. [5 or 9 A.D.] The pontifices, [the augurs, the quindecimviri sacris faciundis, and the septemviri] epulonum sacrificed victims to the [the godhead of Augustus at the altar] which Tiberius Caesar dedicated. A public holiday [by decree of the senate] because [on this day Tiberius Caesar] dedicated [an altar] to his father, [the divine] Augustus.
Arv. [41? A.D.] [To mark the consecr]ation of the divine Augusta in [a new] temple, a bull [was sacrificed] to the divine Augustus, and a cow [to the divine Augusta].
[Jan22] Phil. [14 A.D.] Ludi Palatini.
[Jan27] Prae. [6 A.D.] The temple [of Castor and] Pollux [was] dedicated.
[Jan29] Prae. [ ? ] A public holiday, by [decree of the senate, because on this day . . .] by imp. Caesar [Augustus the pontifex] maximus [. . .] of the sea . . .
[Jan30] Arv. [58 B.C.] . . . on the birthday of Julia Augusta . . .
Cum. [9 B.C.] [On this day, the Ara Pacis Augustae was dedicated]. A thanksgiving for the reign of Caesar Augustus, the guardian [of the Roman citizens and of the whole world].
Prae. A public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on [this] day the Ara Pacis Augustae was dedicated [in the Campus] Martius, when Drusus and Crispinus were consuls.
[Jan31] Arv. [36 B.C.] . . . on the birthday of Antonia Augusta . . .
[Feb5] Prae. [2 B.C.] A public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day Caesar Augustus the pontifex maximus, when he held the tribunician power for the 21st time and was consul for the 13th time, was given the title pater patriae by the senate and people of Rome.
[Feb21] #69 [4 A.D.] . . . and the day on which C.Caesar died, which is 21st February, will be kept as a day of sad memory, such as the day of Allia.
Fasti Consulares 4 A.D.
Ver. {under 22nd February} [offerings for the death of C.] Caesar
[Mar6] Maf. [12 B.C.] On this day Caesar was appointed pontifex maximus.
Cum. [On this day Caesar] was elected as [pontifex] maximus. Thanksgiving to Vesta, to the public gods the Penates of the Roman people.
Prae. Public holiday [by decree of the senate, because on this day] imp. Caesar Augustus was appointed pontifex maximus, when Quirinius and Valgius were consuls. The duumviri [offer a sacrifice to mark the occasion]; the people wear garlands and [keep it] as a holiday.
[Mar10] #101 [15 A.D.] . . . on the day when Tiberius Caesar was elected with good fortune to be pontifex maximus.
Prae. Public holiday, by decree of the senate, because [on this day] Tiberius Caesar was appointed pontifex maximus, when Drusus and Norbanus [were consuls].
[Mar16] Fasti Consulares {the death and funeral of Tiberius} 37 A.D.
[Apr14] Cum. [43 B.C.] On this day, Caesar won his first victory. Thanksgiving to Augustan Victory {Victoria Augusta}.
[Apr16] Cum. [43 B.C.] [On this day Caesar was first] acclaimed [as imperator]. Thanksgiving to the good fortune {Felicitas} of the empire.
[Apr23] Prae. [22 A.D.] Julia Augusta and Tiberius Augustus dedicated a statue to the divine father Augustus near the theatre of Marcellus.
[Apr24] Prae. [27 B.C.] Tiberius put on the toga virilis, when the consuls were imp. Caesar, for the seventh time, and M.Agrippa, for the third time.
[Apr28] Cae. [12 B.C.] Public holiday, because on this day the statue of Vesta was dedicated in the house on the Palatine.
Prae. Public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day [the shrine and altar] of Vesta were dedicated in the house of imp. Caesar Augustus, the pontifex maximus, when Quirinius and Valgius were consuls.
[May1] Fasti Consulares {the death of Antonia} 37 A.D.
[May12] Cum. [19 B.C.] [On this day the temple of Mars was dedicated]. Thanksgiving to the might of Mars {Moles Martis}.
Maf. Ludi Mart[ialici] in the circus.
Phil. Martialici.
[May24] Cum. [15 B.C.] [The birthday of Germanicus Caesar]. Thanksgiving to Vesta.
Arv. . . . to mark the birthday of Germanicus [Caesar] . . .
[May27] Amit. [17 A.D.] [Public holiday, by decree of the senate], because on this day [Germanicus] Caesar rode [into the city in triumph].
[May28] Amit. [20 A.D.] [Public holiday, by decree of the senate], because on this day [Drusus Caesar rode into the city in triumph].
Fasti Consulares 20 A.D.
[Jun7] Fasti Consulares {Nero put on the toga virilis} 20 A.D.
[Jun26] Amit. [4 A.D.] Public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day [imp.] Augustus [adopted Tiberius Caesar] as his son, when Aelius [and Sentius were consuls].
[Jul4] Amit. [13 B.C.] Public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day the Ara Pacis Augustae was erected on the Campus Martius, when Nero and Varus were consuls.
[Aug1] Prae. [30 B.C.] [Egypt was brought] under the power of the [Roman] people. Dedicated to Victory the Virgin on the Palatine. Dedicated to Spes in the forum holitorium. A public holiday, [by decree of the senate], because on this day imp. Caesar [Augustus freed the republic from awful danger].
Amit. A public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day imp. Caesar the son of the divine [Caesar] freed the republic from awful danger.
Ant. Dedicated to Spes. Augustus captured Alexandria.
Val. [10 B.C.] The birthday of Tiberius Claudius Germanicus.
Ant. The birthday of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus.
[Aug3] Ant. [8 A.D.] Tiberius Caesar was victorious in Illyricum.
[Aug10] Val. [? 7 A.D.] A public holiday. Altars were erected to Ops and Ceres in the Vicus Jugaricus.
Amit. A public holiday, because on this day altars were erected to mother Ceres and Ops Augusta, to fulfil a vow, when Creticus and Longus were consuls.
Ant. A public holiday, dedicated to Ceres and Ops Augusta.
[Aug14] Ant. [29 B.C.] The triumph of Augustus.
Fasti Consulares 29 B.C.
[Aug18] Amit. [29 B.C.] Dedicated to the divine Julius near the forum.
Ant. The temple of the divine Julius was dedicated.
[Aug19] Cum. [43 B.C.] [On this day] Caesar began his first consulship. Thanksgiving [. . . ]
Amit. [14 A.D.] A very sad day.
Ant. The death of Augustus.
[Aug20] Ant. [2 A.D.] Offerings to the deceased L.Caesar.
Fasti Consulares 2 A.D.
[Aug28] Maf. [29 B.C.] On this day the altar of Victory in the senate-house was dedicated.
Vat. A public holiday, because [on this day the altar] of the goddess [Victory] was dedicated.
[Aug31] Val. [12 A.D.] The birthday of C. Caesar Germanicus.
[Sep1] Prae. [22 A.D.] Dedicated to Jupiter the Thunderer on the Capitoline hill. Dedicated to Jupiter Liber and Juno the Queen on the Aventine hill.
Ant. A public holiday, dedicated to Jupiter.
[Sep2] Arv. [31 B.C.] A public holiday, by decree of the senate, in honour of imp. Caesar because on this day he won the victory at Actium.
Amit. A public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day imp. Caesar Augustus the son of the divine {Julius} won the victory at Actium, when he was consul with Titius.
[Sep3] Arv. [36 B.C.] A public holiday, and thanksgiving at all the pulvinaria, because on this Caesar Augustus won the victory in Sicily.
Amit. A public holiday, and thanksgiving at all the pulvinaria, because on this day Caesar the son of the divine {Julius} won the victory in Sicily, when Censorinus and Calvisius were consuls {a mistake - they were the consuls of 39 B.C.}.
[Sep4 - 22] Cum. [36 B.C.] [. . . on this day] the army of Lepidus surrendered to Caesar. Thanksgiving [. . . ]
[Sep9] Fasti Consulares {C.Caesar is wounded in Armenia.} 3 A.D.
[Sep13] Amit. [16 A.D.] A public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day the evil plots formed by M.Libo against the safety of Tiberius Caesar, and his children and the other leaders of the state, and against the Roman republic, were condemned in the senate.
[Sep14] Opp. [23 A.D.] Offerings to the deceased Drusus Caesar.
[Sep17] Amit. [14 A.D.] A public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day the honours of a god were voted to the divine Augustus by the senate, when Sex.Pompeius and Sex.Appuleius were consuls.
[Sep23] Cum. [63 B.C.] Birthday of Caesar; a victim is sacrificed to Caesar; thanksgiving.
Arv. A public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day imp. Caesar Augustus, the pontifex maximus, was born. Dedicated to Mars and Neptune in the Campus {Martius}, and to Apollo by the theatre of Marcellus.
Maf. This day is the birthday of Augustus; circus games.
Pigh. The birthday of Augustus; a feast-day.
#100 (Narbo, 12-13 A.D.) . . . The people of Narbo have set up an altar {of Augustus} in the forum, at which on 23rd September, because on this day the good fortune of the era brought him forth to be the ruler of the whole world, . . .
#101 (Forum Clodii in Etruria, 18 A.D.) . . . two victims for the birthday of Augustus on 24th September . . . are sacrificed on 23rd and 24th September.
[Oct5] Amit. [14 A.D.] Games are held for the divine Augustus and Fortuna Redux.
[Oct7] Amit. [15 - 11 B.C.] Birthday of Drusus Caesar. Thanksgiving to Vesta.
[Oct9] Amit. [28 B.C.] Dedicated to the public genius, propitious good fortune {Felicitas}, Venus Victrix on the Capitoline [hill]. Games for Apollo on the Palatine hill.
Ant. Games. Augustus dedicated a temple of Apollo.
[Oct10] Ant. [19 A.D.] Offerings to the deceased Germanicus.
[Oct12] Amit. [19 B.C.] A public holiday, by decree of the senate, because on this day imp. Caesar Augustus came back from the overseas provinces and entered Rome. An altar was erected to Fortuna Redux.
Phil. Augustales. Circus games with 24 races.
[Oct18] Cum. [48 B.C.] On this day Caesar put on the toga virilis. Thanksgiving to Spes and Youth.
Ant. [Oct19] The divine Augustus put on the toga toga virilis.
Fasti Consulares {the death of Sejanus} 31 A.D.
[Oct23] Prae. [42 B.C.] [Imp. Caesar] Augustus won the second battle at Philippi, and Brutus was killed.
Prae. [12 A.D.] Tiberius rode a chariot in triumph from Illyricum.
[? Oct26] Arv. [17 B.C.] . . . for the birthday [of Agrippina, the wife of Germanicus] Caesar and mother [of C. Caesar Augustus] Germanicus . . .
[early Nov.] Fasti Triumphales {the first ovation of Octavianus} 40 B.C.
[Nov6] Ant. [16 A.D.] Birthday of Agrippina Julia.
Arv. . . . to mark the birthday of Agrippina, the mother of Augustus . . .
[Nov13] Fasti Triumphales {the second ovation of Octavianus} 36 B.C.
[Nov16] Cum. [42 B.C.] The birthday of Tiberius Caesar. Thanksgiving to Vesta.
Arv. . . . [to mark the birthday] of Tiberius Caesar [Augustus, the son] of the divine Augustus, [pontifex maximus], holding the tribunician power for the 37th time . . .
[Dec15] Cum. [19 B.C.] On this day the altar of Fortuna Redux was dedicated. Thanksgiving to Fortuna Redux, which brought Caesar Augustus
back from the overseas provinces.
The Fasti have been compiled from the following inscriptions:
Amit. | fasti Amiternini |
Ant. | fasti Antiates |
Arv. | fasti Arvalium |
Barb. | fasti triumphales Barberini |
Cae. | fasti Caeretani |
Col. | fasti Colotiani |
Cum. | feriale Cumanum |
Cupr. | fasti Cuprenses |
Gab. | fasti Gabini |
Lat. | fasti feriarum Latinarum |
Maf. | fasti Maffeiani |
Mag. | fasti magistrorum vici |
Opp. | fasti Oppiani |
Ost. | fasti Ostienses |
Phil. | Philocalus |
Pigh. | fasti Pighiani |
Prae. | fasti Praenestini |
Val. | fasti Vallenses |
Ven. | fasti Venusini |
Ver. | fasti Verulani |
# | other inscriptions collected by Ehrenberg & Jones |
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