
Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum: 43.212B


Greek text:   SEG_43.212B
Provenance:   Tanagra , Boeotia
Date:   mid 3rd century B.C.
Translated by:   C. Brøns
Tags:   women
Format:   see key to translations

This inscription was carved on the same stone that contains SEG_43.212A, and it can therefore be assumed that dedications were made to the same temple - the temple of Demeter and Korē at Tanagra. For a summary of the contents of the inscription, see C. Brøns, "Textiles and Temple Inventories. Detecting an Invisible Votive Tradition in Greek Sanctuaries", pp.48-50 ( ).   The translation is taken from "Gods and Garments: Textiles in Greek Sanctuaries in the 7th to the 1st Centuries BC", by the same author, appendix 2.1 ( Google Books ).

With Euaëthlos as archon, the high priests were Asōpokritos son of Kliōn, Mourtōn son of Kaphidotos; the recorder was Diodōrōs son of Pedagenes.

With Amountas as archon, the high priests were Thōrakidas son of Matrōnios 20 and Samias son of Dāmaretos.

With Nikon as archon, the high priests were Eugiton son of Tychon and Timinas son of Phrounōnos; the recorder was Phrounōnos son of Timinas.

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