Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum: 43.212B
Greek text: SEG_43.212B
Provenance: Tanagra , Boeotia
Date: mid 3rd century B.C.
Translated by: C. Brøns
Tags: women
Format: see key to translations
This inscription was carved on the same stone that contains SEG_43.212A, and it can therefore be assumed that dedications were made to the same temple - the temple of Demeter and Korē at Tanagra. For a summary of the contents of the inscription, see C. Brøns, "Textiles and Temple Inventories. Detecting an Invisible Votive Tradition in Greek Sanctuaries", pp.48-50 ( ). The translation is taken from "Gods and Garments: Textiles in Greek Sanctuaries in the 7th to the 1st Centuries BC", by the same author, appendix 2.1 ( Google Books ).
With Euaëthlos as archon, the high priests were Asōpokritos son of Kliōn, Mourtōn son of Kaphidotos; the recorder was Diodōrōs son of Pedagenes.
These [women] dedicated:
- Philotimā, a boy's purple chitōn
- Dāmonikā, a girl's Amorgine chitōn
- Phillō, a saffron-coloured garment {krokōtos}
- Homolōis, a purple linen chitōn
- 10 Nikasiā, a woman's robe {soummetria}
- Philonikā, a woman's ampechonon, white
- Philoklia, a woman's chlanis
- Wanaxis, a woman's chlanis
- Gorgis, a woman's chitōn, having a border . . .
- Hermaïs . . .
- Xennō, a yellow chitōn with seven buttons
- Diokkō, a child's silver garment
With Amountas as archon, the high priests were Thōrakidas son of Matrōnios 20 and Samias son of Dāmaretos.
Dedicated clothing:
- Pouthis, a girl's chitōn, finely worked
- Eutychā, an Amorgine
- Kallichā, a man's
- Philotimā, a yellow
- Dāmotimā, a white
- Earrings, Hiaron on behalf of Damōs
- Little erotes, Archelaā
With Nikon as archon, the high priests were Eugiton son of Tychon and Timinas son of Phrounōnos; the recorder was Phrounōnos son of Timinas.
Dedicated clothing:
- Empedia, a girl's chitōn geumatikos, having six sandal straps (?)
- 30 Ptōiodōra, a yellow open garment with six buttons
- Philoxenā, a man's worn tribōn
- Androkkō, a woman's white mantle {chlanidiska}
- Euphania, a yellow chitōn with six Sardian buttons
- Liousis, a small chlamys
- Philokko, a ragged tarantinon
- Xenokkō, two chlanides, a white veil {tegidion}, and a linen garment with purple borders. These the priestess has.
- 40 Phousis, a girl's chitōn with a dark border
- Dāmotimā, a girl's short chitōn with a dark border
- Aristoklia, a girl's cloth chitōn with a dark border, uninscribed, and a boy's chitōn, with a border
- Dāmokritā, a linen chitōn with a purple border, a girl's chitōn with a dark border, a girl's Amorgine chitōn, a girl's tarantinon with a dark border, uninscribed
- Thiodōra, a girl's chitōn with a dark border
- Chērippa, a girl's chitōn with a dark border
- Hiāroklia, a girl's Tarantine chitōn with a dark border, 50 a boy's chitōn with a purple border, uninscribed
Golden objects:
- A ring weighing one stater, a chain Pasiklia weighing one stater and four obols.
- Homolois, Timēneta earrings weighing one-half stater, round earrings weighing four obols, erotes weighing one-half stater
- The weight of all the golden objects: 3½ staters 2 obols.
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| 01.05.24
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