
Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum: 414


Greek text:   FD_3.2.210
Date:     274/3 B.C.
Format:   see key to translations

As Dittenberger observed, the prominent mention of Timokrates' trade in this decree suggests that he was being honoured for providing wine to Delphi. No doubt a good supply of wine was necessary for celebrating the religious and other aspects of ancient Greek festivals.

Gods. The Delphians have granted to Timokrates, a wine-maker of Athens, the son of Asklepiodoros, proxeny, priority in consulting the oracle, privileged seating at games, priority in receiving justice, inviolability, freedom from all taxes and the other rights that have been awarded to other proxenoi. When Herakleidas was archon, and members of the council were Larisios, Sakedallos and Damon.

inscription 415

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