This inscription was dated by Sylloge³ to the early 1st century B.C., but more recent writers have placed it about a century earlier, when the city of Olbia was regularly under pressure from internal disputes and wars with the surrounding tribes; see S.D.Kryžickij & N.A.Lejpunskaja, "The main stages of development of building activity in the Lower City", page 23 ( PDF ), and V.V.Krapivina, "Problems of the Chronology of the Late Hellenistic Strata of Olbia", page 251 ( PDF ).
. . . they set right . . . he returned to his fatherland . . . Chersonesos . . . [when he saw] that the city had been brought down by continual wars, he resolved the [dispute] between them and restored the city to peace, for which they [honoured] him by erecting a statue and setting up a picture; and in everything he achieved what was most advantageous for his fatherland, and gained [glory and honour] for himself. 10 He [warded off the enemies] who were regularly aroused against the [city], and being a source [of safety] for the citizens, he largely [restored] the affairs of his fatherland to security, by offering wise advice on each matter and carrying out the decisions in an excellent way. [At length], when the citizens [crossed] to Hylaia, [he] still then did not [cease] to take care of the [city]; for [he thought] that the populace would be more easily protected if he was present . . . he went there [without] . . . and a proper retinue, and protected the populace; [seeing that the enemy] were about to attack, he sent the citizens away to the city, and himself waited to withstand [the attack]; for he thought it was shameful . . . he publicly took thought for the city, [and privately] considered . . . Therefore the enemy, fearing the irresistible force of his virtue, did not dare to attack [openly], but they laid a trap for him by night and treacherously killed him; 20 [so that the people], observing this sudden misfortune, since the city had lost a fine [citizen], bore this sadness [with difficulty] because of his excellence, and with bitterness because of the [cruel nature of his death]. Therefore it is resolved by the council and the people, so that he may receive [honour] exceeding all others, [that his body] shall be brought to the city for a fitting funeral; the workshops [in the city] shall be closed, and the citizens shall wear black, and [everyone] shall follow the procession [in order], and he shall be [crowned] by the people with a golden crown for the burial. A statue him on horseback [shall be set up] wherever his relatives [wish, and] it shall be given this [inscription]: "The people honours Neikeratos son of Papias, who inherited the role of benefactor from his forebears, and brought about [many] fine successes for the city, on account of his virtue and his benefactions [to the people]." He shall be crowned each year at the assembly for the elections 30 and at the . . . games for Achilles during the horse-race which was established by command of the Pythian oracle; the herald shall announce [the same message which] is contained in the inscription of the statue. This decree shall be inscribed on a stele [of white marble], and set up wherever his relatives wish, so that the other [citizens] may be made more [eager] to serve their fatherland well, seeing that benefactors are [furnished] with suitable [honours].
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